15 more baptisms in Liberia

Greetings from us here at the Bear valley Bible Institute- Liberia, hoping that all is very well with you and your families by the special grace of God. We want you know that we sincerely appreciate you so much for the level of partnership in this great work of His.


The month of November was a very very busy month for everyone. Both the students and the instructors had lots of work to be done since we are just beginning with the new batch of students. The new students are introduced to taking their studies very seriously. Right from the beginning, they are made to be part of group works, research works, individual assignments, daily quizzes and memory work among others. Frankly, I am very proud of the new batch of students because they are very active in everything.


It will surprise you to know that the new batch of students have already converted through water baptism 15 persons from their weekend evangelism efforts. The campus ministry is now well attended weekly with around 60 person due to their zealous evangelistic efforts. Its truly a blessing to have these men as students.


We are also very happy to inform you that Mr. Amos Dolo who has been teaching our students computer in the school finally accepted the gospel and was baptized in to Christ. It took over two years talking to him and finally the Lord has converted him. The last person is the Agriculture Instructor ( Mr. Meantor Bembo) yet to be converted.


Winston M. S. Carrick is one of our new student who from the look of things is doing very well as far as the school instructions are concerned. Winston is a young man, born Sept. 11, 1994 in Gbeh, River Gee county, located in the southeastern part of the republic of Liberia. Since he became a christian in February 2017, he has been very active in the church and working with the evangelist that baptized him. That's one of the major reason who he was recommended to the school to have him train for the future of the church in that part of the country. Winston is a high school graduate and has some extra training in community mobilization. He is not married and does not have any children

Meanwhile, When I questioned him on what plans he has after school? He said he want to be a worker of the Lord in helping to spread the gospel, especially in River Gee county


Our library shelves are now with books by the special grace of God and by the help of brother Steven Ashcraft and brethren from the mission printing organization. Many thanks and appreciations to brother Steven Ashcraft for all the contacts that made this possible for the school to have a library..


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on January 14, 2019 .