Students doing well in Kenya

My beloved, 

Greeting to you, we at Kenya School of Preaching in Kisumu are grateful to be fellow workers with you. We thank God for the love and zeal that you have showed us in training of preachers and growing the local congregations here.

This is the fourth class since 2012, we selected 20 students from from a total of 62 applicants. Out of the 20, one student has requested to leave and not come back because the requirements for the training are high. So from next quarter we will have 19 students God willing and we will not lower our training standards.  Out of the 19 that we have, two are really struggling to cope and we will give them next quarter to settle down. The rest are good, capable and zealous to learn. 

During this first quarter, the students were taught seven courses, Homiletics 1, Acts, English 1, New Testament Church, Synoptic gospel, Genesis and Personal Evangelism 1.

Besides working hard in class, some have been very useful in personal evangelism around the new campus and in the congregations that they have visited.

Ten of them under the leadership of Elias went and helped in gospel campaign organized by Ebutera church and the seed planted led to several restorations.

The students are expected back to school by latest Jan 18, 2019. We can't wait to hear of the reports of the work they will do.

The former graduates have been in communication with us and they are contending for the faith. We are humbled by the work they are doing through the reports of souls saved and congregations established that they share. 

Do not miss Elias' final yearly report on what the former students, current ones and the faculty has been doing throughout the year.

The container from Mission Printing that has been in Arusha Tanzania for over one year now is 120KM away from Kisumu. The truck developed some mechanical problems and has been rectified. We expect the container and the contents to be delivered anytime and the materials distributed to the congregations for evangelism and KSOP. It's unfortunate that something do not go fast as they ought to be but God's time is the best.

Thanks to all for your support and prayers in this great soul saving mission. We welcome you to Kenya School of Preaching. 

God bless you and Happy Holidays all.

His servant and yours, 

Charles Ogutu - Director KSOP. 

Posted on December 18, 2018 .