Classes resume in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We wish you all happy holidays and a very prosperous 2019!!! We give honor and glory to God who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

We have received confirmation from all our students that they are ready and cannot wait to report back to school. Two more new students have also affirmed their readiness to be part of the school body. 

The school resumes on 7th January, 2019. And this will be the third quarter in their first year. The courses that will be offered are as follows:

Old Testament 2 is a course that covers the history of the Jews from Joshua to Esther. Brother Cephas Mwamba will teach this course. And he will also be teaching Old Testament 3a.  This is a study of Wisdom literature with special highlights on the book of Job. Brother Cephas is also teaching Greek language (1) for one year, we have noticed good progression in students understanding of common Greek of the New Testament. We believe this helps to our students who would want to further their education in the Bible.

Life of Christ 2 is a course that deals with the life and teachings of Christ. This covers the Sermon on the Mount, Parables of Jesus Christ and Judgment. This course will be taught by Brother Fred Kanangu. And he will also teach the World Religions.

Brother Donnie Estep will also teach 1 Corinthians as a short course during the quarter.

We have added five more class chairs and tables, we have also added two more bed bankers during the school break, in addition, good fruits have come up with the work of Teachers, brother Cephas and Kennedy went on the evangelistic trip to a nearby Township of Mufurila on the copper belt, as a result a 37 years old man George Chileya was baptized. And Cephas has continued teaching and restored three more men back to the sheepfold. Brother Fred and Cephas had time to travel to Chingola on the copper belt were brother Fred had time to speak to the audience at the funeral.

On the other development Joseph Ilunga one of our students from DRC. Has reported that fighting in many places of Congo has continued and it has become extremely dangerous for anyone to travel there. This is due to the fact that the country just had general elections, let’s continue to pray for his safety returns as class resumes.

We have three students who come from villages bordering DRC. These are Gilbert Mulubwa, Daniel Kasonkomona and Fred Mwansa. They all confirmed what Joseph says. And they added that even the Pedicle road which is the short-cut route from their villages passing through DRC coming here is temporally closed. Brethren, we solicit for your prayers that peace and stability returns to this area.

As our third quarter resumes we anticipate more evangelistic efforts in 2019 and truly thankful for your financial support and all the encouragement in this noble work. We will likewise pray that God will bless the works that you all are involved in as well.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 14, 2019 .