A record enrollment in Liberia


We bring you greetings from the Bear Valley Bible Institute-LIBERIA , hoping all is well you all by the special grace of God our loving and faithful Father in heaven.


We are very grateful to God for His special grace that took us through the past two of studies that saw fourteen (14) strong) men prepared and graduated. Most of these men are doing great work out there. We give glory and praise to God.

We are also very please to inform you that another two years journey has just begun with 27 new students at the Bear Valley Bible Institute-LIBERIA, West Africa. It is very challenging to have 27 students go through this program when we have a budget for only 20 students. We are trusting God to go through with these students with your support and the help of some local brethren. Classes are going on and are progressing very well.

Our instructors are all doing their very best to carry out their instructing responsibilities as appointed. Thanks be to God for everything.


  • How We Got The Bible- -------Fester G. Lee

  • Christian Evidence-------------- Robert P. Dahn, jr

  • Cost Of Discipleship- ----------O.D.K.Zakamah

  • Old Testament- 1- --------------Robert P. Dahn, Jr

  • Personal Evangelism------------ Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

  • (SC) Scheme Of Redemption- --Jonathan Cooper- Guest Teacher

  • General Agriculture---------------- Meantor Bembo

  • Computer Studies------------------- Amos S. Dolo


The new class since they started have taken upon themselves to visit the homes around the school after their daily classes and also get themselves involved into weekend house to house evangelism. Their efforts have already resulted into one baptism. They said they are ready and have decided not to rest on evangelizing the area.


Many thanks to all of you for your continued support and love for the work we are doing here in Liberia. May our good Lord continue to bless and keep you in Jesus name- AMEN!!

Your Brother For Christ Sake,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Director- BVBI-Liberia

Posted on December 18, 2018 .