A new building in Nepal!


After many months of planning, raising funds, and doing the 1,001 things necessary, we have happily and excitedly moved into our new school building.  It is built on our own property.  Not only are the facilities better and the location closer to an established congregation, we can also enjoy the other advantage of not paying rent, fully realizing there are responsibilities and expenses associated with being the owner.  We are 100% moved in while we will complete about 10% of some finishing touches.

The old building was vacated just before the six students went on their three-week holiday over the Nepali New Year [Mid-April].  This group of students will graduate in late September.  Some of their more difficult and challenging topics for class work greeted them upon their return.   The first class was Christian Evidences and the present challenge is The Revelation of John.  Considering the low literacy rate in Nepal, magnified by a school system that teaches reading to memorize without considering content or asking questions, the students are doing quite well.  Their exposure to critical reading to understand, asking questions, and searching for truth began in November 2015. 

In addition to the normal classes, a Saturday Ladies Bible Class was hosted and enjoyed by abut 12 Christian ladies.  Sunita did most of the teaching, assisted by Jerry giving a summary of each section and helping to answer questions.  They had some lively discussions and, as happens in most ladies classes, their enjoyment was obvious by the frequent laughter.  The students cooked and served lunch, and then did all the clean up. 

June 13-16 will be our first Lectureship with past graduates and other preachers invited.  Some of our graduates, selected Nepali preachers, and also some of our present students will present the morning classes.  Each afternoon Jerry will teach a class on fellowship, cooperation, and unity within the church.  In addition four denominational doctrines that are gaining popularity within Nepal will be addressed.  We will begin with questions to have the audience define the doctrines, identify what is based upon scriptural foundation and what is man-made tradition, and then we will teach what the Bible has to say on the topic.  

Please remember us in your prayers.

In Christian service ………..

Gajendra Deshar, Director               gajendra_deshar@yahoo.com

Jerry Golphenee                                jrgx21958@gmail.com 




Posted on May 30, 2017 .

Another good month in Togo!

APRIL 2017


One of the highlights of the month under consideration was the first Kloto Church of Christ ladies lectureship. The event took place on the April 15.One hundred and twenty four (124) ladies from thirteen (13) congregations participated in this first annual lectures, using the theme “The Role of a Christian woman in the home”

The Christian ladies of Grande Kloto are seeking other ladies groups in the US to partner with them in their development. They are seeking support to provide skills such as beads making, soap making, powder making etc. With such skills, the ladies would be able assist their husbands provide for their families.


Our April campaign took place in Kpime- Tomegbe about twenty minutes from Kpalime. The campaigners included church members, preachers and students of BVBI. Activities included: house to house, open air preaching, tract distribution and it climaxed with worship service on Sunday. Though there was no baptism recorded during the campaign, there are several prospects. In view of this, students have been assigned to conduct bible studies weekly and lead the worship service.

DAILY ACTIVITIES OF THE CHARIOTIn order to keep the chariot busy, activities such as the dawn preaching is organized in some selected villages. These pictures were taken during one of such visits to Gbalave –Avenon near kpalime. Such activities are often used to prepare the town folks for a possible campaign and church planting. The dawn preaching starts at about 5:00 am and ends about 6:00 am. It commences with singing, followed with reading of scripture and then a short message of exhortation. All these take place over the chariots P.A system.


As part of the practical training at BVBI, a day is set aside for student’s activity.  Students are taken to a community to share the gospel message using tracts and personal one on one bible study. They visit homes, give out tracts on the streets and visit traders in the market place.



Our weekly radio program Planet FM 98.5 is on-going despite a few challenges. For the month of April the presenters responded to several questions received from listeners. The program is making impact in the communities we have been visiting. Students are invited sometimes to assist the speaker by reading scriptures. The airtime for 2017 has been paid but we shall need funds to pay for next year 2018. Most of the callers are directed to the resource centre where teachers are available to teach. Airtime per month costs $52.00, and that adds up to $624.00 per year. 


In order to better serve the public, we have relocated the Resource Centre and the Chariot office. Preacher Azuka and Agnala are the two workers in the office. Apart from tracts, we have other religious materials and have made provision for visitors to sit and read. The picture above shows Azuka stapling French tracts that have been printed in Ghana on Risso machine provided by Gospel Chariot Mission in South Africa.

Tract rack in front of resource centre


The computer training class is a blessing to the students at BVBI. I had the opportunity last month to interview them about the class so far, and I was amazed at the progress they have made and the benefits.


1 Christian evidences

2 1st , 2nd Timothy and Titus

3 Ethics of the preacher

4 The books of Ezekiel and Daniel

5 The book of Romans

6 The Minor Prophets

7 Maintenance of computer

In Christ,

Willie Gley

Posted on May 30, 2017 .

Campaign success in Ghana

Dear Brethren,

          We are happy to report to you our operating for the month of April, 2017. We are thankful for God for His immense blessing during the period, and very grateful to our sponsors for keeping faith with us.


          Classroom work for both our regular and part time work went on successfully. All thirteen (13) regular students and thirteen (13) part time students were in attendance during the period. There was a terminal examination which all the students participated. This was for both regular and part time students.


          As indicated in our last report, follow-ups continue on our last campaign for Christ at Essipon by both instructors and students with much assistance from the church at Essipon. This and other evangelism efforts resulted in the baptism of eight (8) souls for the period. Attached are pictures showing some baptisms.

We thank you all for your prayer and great concerned for the work here. We pray the good Lord richly bless you and all of yours.

Your brother,


Posted on May 30, 2017 .

A new quarter in Sierra Leone

Hello Brethren in Christ.

We salute you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ as we start the second quarter of the first year program in 2017. The break is now over and we have resumed classes  with seventeen students three more are yet to come. Their colleagues are skeptical about their coming due to their family commitment at home. However, we are still trying to reach them and see if we can give them some words of courage to continue their course.


We thank God and our sponsors for their support in providing food to help our student to study the word of God here in the vineyard of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

We want to extend our profound gratitude to those who contributed in diverse ways in funding our school in Sierra Leone. Not forgetting our West Africa Coordinator for his relentless services renders in the sub-region.  We give cheers to the Academic Dean who is purchasing our food items with good bargaining price in the market to make ends meet for the institution.


As the break is over, our students have started reporting for classes for the second quarter of the program which commences on the 24th April, 2017. Normal classes have resumed with two lecturers and students already responding to teachings with their new supplies of school materials for the course.

We pray for a successful class session for this quarter. As we plan ahead for our campaign trip to Segbema before the rains intensify. Hope to update you on this later.

Compillied by Bro. Ishmael

Director, BVBI-SL

Posted on May 30, 2017 .

A short report from Mbanga

The students of the bear valley preaching school in Mbanga just finished a month of intensive studies and will be preparing for for their first exams by the end of this month. They will immediately begin with their short courses and we shall soon finish the first quarter.

One of the students from Chad has been sick, but attending classes and just recently his child also fell sick. Please  keep on pray for him. We started with the prison ministry this week and Bro Evaristus went yesterday with Nicolas for the prison ministry. Some were out for week end evangelism as usual like those of them who are or were good orators before coming to school.

We will be traveling to Bamenda this weekend with some students for the preachers forum. We are also planning for a mass evangelism in Ntiem where Abraham is working and establish a new congregation in his village at Sanke.

With many thanks and remain blessed from,


Posted on May 8, 2017 .

A first in New Zealand!

For the first time since BVBINZ’s inception, all eight of the instructors were at the same place, at the same time. Every year, the New Plymouth church hosts a camp/lectureship during Easter weekend. I believe it is the most widely attended annual lectureship in New Zealand. Pictured above, from left to right are, Todd O’Donnell; Rod Kyle; Kent O’Donnell; Chris Herd; John Jones; Daniel Boyd; Trevor Major; and Lance Mosher. By the way, Daniel, Todd, Trevor, John and I were the speakers at camp.

The label on the photo above, “All of the instructors of BVBINZ,” will become outdated in a few months. In September, we will introduce a new instructor, Nathan Franson, of Sacramento, CA. Nathan will be teaching through Skype. It will be a new endeavour for us, but we are confident it will be a blessing for all involved. This time next month, our annual Queen’s Birthday Weekend Camp should be behind us. This year, it will be organised and led completely by BVBINZ staff and students. Thank you to all who make this school a possibility.

We love you. Keep serving Him,

Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on May 8, 2017 .

A solid foundation in Ukraine

Dear brethren, families and churches,

The Lord's church grows thanks to strong families and good leaders.

The time passed by so fast that it seemed like we had just started the new school year and yet in a month we should have our  graduation ceremony.

This year we graduated 4 students and one more diploma will be given to a student who didn’t have the opportunity in 2014 because the warfare in the Eastern Ukraine had just commenced. Every year our Bible Institute graduates leave us and most of them start serving the local congregations. Since the foundation of the Institute about 200 students have been graduated. They were faithful men and women, well trained to labor in the Vineyard of the Lord. About 20of them became full time Ministers. At the first glance it may look like it’s not an impressive number but taking into account that the Church of Christ in Ukraine had been established only about 30 years ago, I think that we are on the right way to success. In additions to the preachers we have trained 9 Ukrainian Instructors. They are fully trained to teach our new students. And we are expecting our faculty to grow because currently we have 5 students in Masters’ Program.

The church in Ukraine, in my opinion, needs sound and wise leaders more than anything. It’s time for us to mature. And the congregations that are not taught right and not prepared to be independent are not able to function properly. Last week on April 29th we had a one day seminar in the city of Dnipro on the subject of “Godly Worship”. We studied all aspects of Sunday worship. It was a great time of fellowship for the church leaders and preachers who represented a lot of Ukrainian congregations. Some people have difficulties accepting the truth even in simple matters that are taught in the BIble. A lot of time they are motivated by their own understanding or influenced by denominational traditions. This is just one more reason to have sound schools of the Bible. The more well trained leaders the Church gets the better are our chances that the church will grow and get prepared to meet Christ. 

For the next year we have 5 potential students. They are ready to join our program. These people are willing to sacrifice their time and their jobs to study the Bible extensively and get trained to be good servants. So we are starting our fundraising efforts for these people. Our Bible program lasts 2 years and we need to do our best to make sure we are faithful in keeping our promises to these people until they graduate. 

We also have plans to establish a new congregation in the small town of Krevosheitsy, Lord willing. The town is located in about 1 hour drive from Bela Tservka. Our student Valery Nikora and his family are willing to relocate and buy a house. He knows many people there and we pray God will provide for this opportunity. We need to establish new congregations and we understand how much work we have ahead of us. Currently a lot of denominations are present in Ukraine. Most people have already made their choices about their religious preferences. It’s very difficult to find new people who are looking for truth. Please pray with us for this ministry.

We have a lot of exciting events scheduled for May. Brother Jim Sherman comes to teach, we are to host Youth Group meeting and also our graduation is on May 27th. 

We are grateful to all of you who support our Bible Institute and encourage us to faithful service. We need your prayers and appreciate your help. 

Your brother and co-worker in the Kingdom of the Lord,

Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on May 8, 2017 .

Reaching Liberia for Christ

Dear Brethren,

We bring you greetings from west Africa Liberia , hoping this report finds you very well in Jesus Name.


On the 16th of April the students came back from our normal break at the end of each quarter to begin the 4th quarter in the first year of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Liberia. To God be the glory that all of our students returned and each one of them is doing very well in health and in their lessons. They all returned with wonderful news from their vacations. They all reported being involved in Evangelism with 9 baptisms through this effort.


With great anticipation to have books for the students to study and research from, we have in advance gotten ready two shelves for the safe keeping and proper arrangements for our future books to come. With this in place, we are kindly appealing to brethren to help the new school in Liberia with teaching and study materials to enhance the learning abilities of our students.


Our students are also doing very well with the agriculture training in the school as you can see . The are continually involved in the practical demonstration of the theory learned in the class room


No doubt we cannot do what we are doing out here with out your great love and support for the Lord's kingdom. Thank you so very much for your sacrifices that are making it possible for the work here to go on. May God richly bless you, your families, your jobs and whatever you are doing to raise support for this worthy cost. May God richly bless you.

In Him

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.


Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia.

Posted on May 5, 2017 .

Another great month in Zimbabwe!

The month of April was without much activity at BVBIZ. Students were on a month-long break. However, we remain grateful for what God was able to do for school in April. The following is a brief report.


Students came back to school on the 26th of April, after a month long break.  This marks the beginning of their second year of learning. The term did not start with classes as is the norm but with a lectureship as shall be reported hereunder.


Two provincial lectureships were held in April and BVBIZ students and teachers had an opportunity to participate in one way or another. These are some of the provinces in the country with less membership as compared to others. Lectureships present an opportunity to highlight school programs. They are also used as a stepping stone towards recruitment of new students for the school’s 2017 intake. The following is a capsule;


At Mashonaland West Province, Howard Suwari, one of our lecturers presented BVBIZ to the province. The lectureship took place at Chirau church of Christ. The mission of the school, 2017 intake, doctrinal positions, partnerships in training, programs and many other issues were articulated. Two hundred and thirty (230) people from several congregations were in attendance.       


BVBIZ is located in Gweru, Midlands Province. The school was heavily involved in some ways in the organisation of this lectureship. The director of the school, Mathew Muchingami , the full time instructor, Ishmael Mutichu,  BVBIZ students  were on the schedule teaching, preaching and leading songs. The faculty was pleased with the presentation of students. The theme was “Rebuilding the Fallen Walls-Lessons from Nehemiah.” The theme was geared towards church development.   


Church History, Marriage and Family Life, Church Leadership, Homiletics II (Advanced Homiletics), Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, Christian Spiritual Formation, Introduction Greek, Major Prophets                                                     

Besides the above, seminars on “The preachers life and work” shall be conducted as we continue to prepare students for their upcoming eight week practicum in July to mid-September. Preachers in the field shall be given a slot to share their experiences. These will come on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, the following workshops (for both students and leaders) geared towards leadership development shall be conducted on campus.

·         Financial Management and Accountability for churches

·         Marriage and Family Development

·         Conflict Management



The maize crop is drying up and harvesting will be done probably towards the ending of May and during the month of June. One hectare of beans was planted. The crop is doing well. The following picture, showing a cross section of the crop, was taken at the beginning of April.


The second batch of chickens was a success. Most were sold in April except for a few that were reserved for the school. The school is currently receiving payments from customers who bought on credit. A brief trading account shall be made in the May report. We hope to start another batch in May.


This year BVBIZ shall have her field practicum for students. Congregations are being encouraged to apply. Each congregation will be expected to provide accommodation and meet the food requirements of students.  About $1000, outside the school’s budget shall be needed on the part of the school for the program to run smoothly. The money will be used for the following;

·         Surveying of areas and preparing congregations

·         Travelling of students to centres and back

·         Travelling of teachers and their subsistence when away

·         Back up in terms of food and toiletries

·         Medical expenses

·         Other unforeseen issues that may arise

The director shall make independent follow up to monitor progress and do own evaluation. We shall also be privileged to have the Gospel Chariot in one or two of the centres where students shall be. 


We are always grateful to God for what He has been able to do for BVBIZ. We also remain grateful for the support, one way or another; we keep receiving from all of you. To God be the glory.

In Him,

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBIZ

Posted on May 5, 2017 .

Outstanding field reports from Nigeria

Dear fellow soldiers of Christ. Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE IBADAN and fellow WBSFUW team in southwest Nigeria. 

In the campus church at Butubutu village :Bro. Abraham Idu Yeje and five of the students that are doing modern agriculture vocational training around Badeku and Butubutu village are now speaking on What Christianity will cost you from April 23 throughout the one month vacation training. And the Lord crowned their efforts with a convert on April 30,2017 after yesterday'sservice. 

In Jago congregation, Bro. Shotola Segun, one of our graduates and Bro. Samuel Peter, one of our students and a minister of Jago congregation reported the conversion of a soul and restoration of another one a family of four. 

Bro. Emmanuel Godwin and Bro. John Serimam also reported the conversion of three souls in Igbara -Odo in Ekiti state in this month of April. Bro. Emmanuel Godwin is the minister of Igbara -Odo in Ekiti state while Bro. John Serimam was sent by the school to assist him for the period of a month. 

Bro. Festus Ayoo, one of our year two students also reported the conversion of two in Idah congregation, Kogi state and restoration of five souls in this month of April. 

Bro. Abiodun Lawrence reported the conversion of six souls as a result of their joint efforts with our Lagos campus students during the three days end of the month program at Owode -Yewa congregation in Ogun state. 

Bro. Matthew Adeyemi of Igbesa congregation in Ogun state also reported the conversion of a soul during the one day WBS seminar in his area while Bro. Matthew Rowland one of my fellow WBSFUW team in Western states of Nigeria also reported the conversion of two souls in this month of April in his station in Akure, Ondo state. 

Bro. Okoro Chinyere, one of the instructors in our Lagos campus reported the planting of a Lord's Church in Ikorodu water side by our students and instructors in the month of April 2017 .TO GOD BE THE GLORY AND HONOR. 

In conclusion, we deeply appreciate your great partnership and love towards the growth of the Lord 's Church in Africa, most especially in Nigeria and we are praying for you, your family, and associates for God to continue showering His abundant of blessings and mercies on you all in Jesus Christ name, amen. 

I remain yours in His Grace as a servant...

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies and Chairman of Administrative Council, BVBIN & SWSE IBADAN)

Posted on May 2, 2017 .

More baptisms in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing okay and we thank God for all His love and protection over us and we hope He is doing same with you and the church there. All glory goes to God for He deserved all from us.

We continue to thank God for touching our authorities to restore the internet services in our area and we continue daily in our family devotions and the devotions of the church for peace in all aspect return to English speaking Cameroon and for the putting in place of equality and others.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. One of our instructors hospitalized for a procedure, but I taught his course the life of Christ so that they will be no deficiency to our students. Keep brother Norbert in your prayers and one of our student John Abeya who had an accident during the last campaign.

Weekend evangelism is gaining grounds to our students as they go out and return with lots of testimonies and challenges. Brother Umoh returned today and told me, "I CAN FEEL A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT APOSTLE PAUL AND OTHERS FACED WHILE DOING MISSION!" He appreciated the reality of the Bible and the good story that can perfectly transform a soul. He was almost being brutalized because of a denominational pastor who met him teaching his son, from the Bible during his house to house evangelism. The pastor was angry because he felt that our student was corrupting his son with wrong doctrines, please always pray for us as you are doing , the challenges are much.

Brother Felix baptized a soul in Kumba prison a total of 15 solid souls obeyed the truth and were baptized. Now is our responsibilities to keep them in Christ and help them grow stronger. More Bibles are needed and other congregations keep calling me for Bible for their own new converts. Please if you can help.

An invitation  to come over to Ayom village is still pending. We plan to make it in June ending. Keep me in your prayers as I travel out of Cameroon within the week.

Thank you for your time and prayers , we thank you for your support to keep the wheel of this work moving God bless you and replenish your efforts and source because without you we doubt how this work would have been possible.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu

Posted on May 2, 2017 .

Big plans in Togo!

The Bear Valley extension in Kpalime, Togo has had another outstanding month. In addition to the current activities, they are already making plans through the year 2020. To see the full report, click HERE

Posted on May 1, 2017 .

Exciting results in Tamale, Ghana!

Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale, Ghana

April Report.

Students End Course of Studies

Our students finally came to the end of their two years studies in the Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies on the 24th of April 2017. Also, they went on a campaign  at Gunguni in the Nanumba South District, where they departed to their various communities to preach the word.


By His grace a one week gospel campaign at Gunguni in the Nanumba South District with the staff and the students has been very fruitful.  A week-long campaign started from Monday 17th and ended on the Sunday 23rd April2017. The gospel was preached every evening in the street and house to house evangelism during the day time throughout the week. On Sunday 23rd, 21 souls were baptized in addition to one soul that was baptized on the 19th making the total of 22. With this number, the new Church was planted at Gunguni to His glory.

Some past students from the Nanumba North and the Northern Volta played a very significant role to this achievement as they came and participated. They were fully involved in the program from the beginning to the end.

Broken Wall Is Fixed:

Fixing the part of the wall that was seriously damaged by the strong wind which has been a much worry to the management team of the school is now completed this month April 2017.

Other Repair Works Done:

The other areas of the school that needed attention and have been repaired are the following:

1 The leakage and the ceiling of the roof of the office

2 Fixing the weak students beds

3 Fixing students drawer locks

4 Fixing one of the students’ toilets which was out of use

5 Tiling the guest room

New Enrollment:

Additional two students have been interviewed making the total of 14. While we are still waiting for two more students whose forms are he submitted. The management team is till campaigning for more students from now to July 2017 when the new class will begin.

Your brother,

Alex Jabado

Tamale, Ghana


Posted on May 1, 2017 .

Prison ministry in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We are doing great after a short trip to Nigeria. Please join us to thank God as the government has restored our internet as we can now bounce back to give our weekly reports and do other things .

Last week was a busy one as our students are still busy getting things done with assignments and studying to grow and evangelize communities with the gospels; nurturing and empowering congregations in the country of Cameroon.

We shall have evangelism in the Kumba prison. This prison ministry is being run by one of our graduates , Agbor James , as he preaches for a congregation near to that prison. He is a very devoted and committed brother. Within the week we shall be there with the entire student body for the evangelistic exercise to help spread the good news. TWO ARE BETTER THAN ONE - please keep us in your prayers.

Ayom village evangelism is still in planning - keep praying as we plan to go there to answer the Macedonian call. Bibles are needed to many congregations and individuals please if you can help, it will be appreciated.

God bless you , thanks for the help and your prayers.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 25, 2017 .

An encouraging update from Fiji

We finished up our first full eight week term with 9 students.  Jason and I are in the process of grading assignments and final exams and hope to have a report on how well our students have done soon.  

Each year during the Easter weekend the churches of Christ in Fiji get together to have an All Fiji Workshop.  This year the workshop was hosted by the Church of Christ in Nabouwalu.  There were representatives from at least 8 out of the 17 congregations of the churches of Christ in attendance. 

Nabouwalu is a village on the northern island of Vanua Levu and required a four and one half hour journey by ferry.  The workshop was a three day event that started on Friday evening.  Jason and I were both asked to speak for this workshop. Debbie and Devan were also asked to help teach ladies’ and children’s classes.  There were a total of 17 speakers with classes for men, women, and children.  All classes were combined in the evenings and for Sunday morning and evening worship. The Lord added 3 precious souls to His kingdom on Sunday morning and one came forward requesting prayer.  Another woman was baptized into Christ on Monday morning.

Since the All Fiji Workshop fell at the end of our first term we decided that this would be a valuable experience for our students’ first evangelistic campaign. Eight of our students were able to attend the workshop and six of our students spoke at this event.  On Monday, we had a door knocking campaign in the Nabouwalu community.  We passed out tracts, conducted Bible studies, and invited people to attend worship services at the Church of Christ.

Lord willing, this morning will begin our short courses.  Semi Matalau will be teaching a class in the mornings on the History of the Church of Christ in Fiji.  Jason and I will co-teach a second class on wisdom literature.  I will be teaching on Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.  Jason will take Song of Solomon. 

Vinaka vaka levu (a big thank you!)

Rocco & Debbie Pierce

Posted on April 25, 2017 .

Student success at ACSOP

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20). As our Lord Jesus Christ was preparing to leave this earth, He left us with this last will, that we should go and make others to be His disciples also. The charge was left to the apostles and to us all.

God through His servants, who lived in those times, granted His disciples many opportunities to be able to fulfill the command. He has blessed us with tools with which we can teach faithful men, who will in turn teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching has been a great tool to fulfill the commission. It has served the church here in East Africa since 2003. Thousands of souls have been reached through the effort done by this school. Many congregations have been established throughout East Africa. Students from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Zambia and one time from Nigeria have gone through this institution and went out thoroughly furnished to every good work.

This year, we started our classes back in February. We normally send out our students every Saturday and Sunday to work with the local congregations around the Arusha area. The school started this program so as to be able to show the students how to apply what has been learned in class. We let our second year students be mentors of the fist year. Whenever they go to a congregation the second year is the one who will be asked to lead in prayer, teaching bible class, leading songs and preaching, all these things are being done under the supervision of the local preacher.

Within the past two months, our students have been able to reach more than 230 souls, 178 active bible class, all have gone through lesson 1-3 of our correspondence courses, 35 baptisms and 12 restorations. It is a great blessing to be able to work with such great group of men who seek to please our Savior everyday.

Countless, selfless donors, who have been supporting both the school, have made all this possible and it’s plans. These are men and women who know their Bible which says, “And how shall they preach, except they be sent?”(Romans 10:15). Through their donations, we are able to send men out to reach as many souls as we can. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH. We also continue to ask them to support this work now more than ever.

May the Lord bless you all every day as you are striving to please Him.

Till all have heard!

Your servant in Him,

Charles Mwanga


Posted on April 25, 2017 .

Graduation in Mbanga, Cameroon

Greetings from my wife, the church in Mbanga, and also from the the second batch of students in the BVBIC-MBANGA.

I will begin by appreciating all those who supported our first batch of from April 2nd 2015 to March 30th 2017. Our first experience was accompanied with a lot of success, both from the Mbanga and also in our out station campaigns.

Our last quarter was characterized with a lot of activities such as the course on marriage and family which ended with the celebration on I choose my spouse "again" and Elder Todd Crayton from the Frisco congregation was the speaker of the day and the mentor of the course. We are glad that all went well and the married couples could enjoyed it very well.

After the course, we proceeded on our graduation and matriculation where 6  students who started last April 2015 were awarded with an advanced diplomat in Biblical studies by our Coordinator, David Ballard.

The second batch of students started classes immediately and it was on the 2nd of April 2017 with 12 students, including 3 brethren from neighboring Chad. We pray for these brothers to pick up the zeal of serving the Lord and preaching the gospel to the lost ones, as some of them are already presenting the their willingness to serve. 

Our work in the permanent side is advancing as we just finish putting our ceiling this week end and the main doors are already set up. Monday we shall begin with plastering and plumbing so that come may ending we shall get into our new side.

Your brother,


Posted on April 25, 2017 .

The 2nd quarter begin in Arusha

It is my prayer and hope that this report will find you well and active in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we all struggle to be Christ-like in this world which was never promised that all things would be easy and smooth, we all need to trust God in all things that we plan and do. For with Him all things are possible. Certainly we have seen Him doing greater things in His kingdom here and throughout this world we live. 

On the other hand, things here in ACSOP are going well as usual. Our second quarter of studies has started this week. Here are studies and teachers for this quarter for first year class; Christian Evidences – Ralph Williams, Acts – Charles Herbeth, Public Speaking 1, Old Testament 3 (Joshua – Ruth) – Desdery Massawe , Exodus – Deuteronomy – Bernard Kulanga, Personal Evangelism – Losotwa Michael . At the end of this quarter there will be a short course on May 22 – 26 for The New Testament Church (One True Church) - Jimmy Gee.

The second year are learning; Biblical Interpretation 2 [In depth study of Hermeneutics] – A. Kimaro , James – D. Massawe, Public Speaking 2 (Practical Homiletics) – G. Mngoma, Greek 2 – L. Michael, Old Testament 4 [Isaiah -  Daniel] – B. Kulanga. At the end of this quarter there will be two short courses; May 15 – 19 - Christian Ethics – G. Mngoma and May 22 – 26 - Gospel of John, – C. Herbeth. At the end of these short courses the students will home for holiday till August where by the school will be resumed.  

Finally, we really do appreciate God for you in this great work which is being done here in East Africa through your financial support. We will always remember you in our daily prayers that these greater things you are doing for us will not be in vain, but our loving God may pay you back as per His will.   

Your friend and brother in Christ Jesus,

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics, 

Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school

Arusha, TZ

Posted on April 25, 2017 .

Good news from Takoradi, Ghana

Dear Brethren,

Once again we are happy to report to you our operating for the month of March, 2017. We are thankful for God for His immense blessing during the period, and very grateful to our sponsors for keeping faith with us.


Classroom work for both our regular and part time work went on successfully. All thirteen (13) regular students and thirteen (13) part time students were in attendance during the period.

We also reported in our last report that one of our regular students was admitted to the hospital. We are happy to inform you that a week after our report he was discharged from the hospital and has joined us in school. 


By God’s grace our campaign for Christ came on successfully. We spent a total of one week in the campaign. There were no baptisms during the campaign, however, follow-ups by both instructors and students seem positive of producing some baptisms.

However, other evangelism efforts by both instructors and students around the school produced five (5) baptisms during the period. We attached, herewith, pictures of the campaign and other evangelism effort.

We thank you all for your continuous support and prayer and pray the good Lord will richly bless you and all of yours.


Posted on April 25, 2017 .

An update from Fiji

As the students at the school in Fiji busily prepare for their first-ever final exams, we have a report from the Director. Read all about it HERE. 

Posted on April 11, 2017 .