Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing okay and we thank God for all His love and protection over us and we hope He is doing same with you and the church there. All glory goes to God for He deserved all from us.
We continue to thank God for touching our authorities to restore the internet services in our area and we continue daily in our family devotions and the devotions of the church for peace in all aspect return to English speaking Cameroon and for the putting in place of equality and others.
Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. One of our instructors hospitalized for a procedure, but I taught his course the life of Christ so that they will be no deficiency to our students. Keep brother Norbert in your prayers and one of our student John Abeya who had an accident during the last campaign.
Weekend evangelism is gaining grounds to our students as they go out and return with lots of testimonies and challenges. Brother Umoh returned today and told me, "I CAN FEEL A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT APOSTLE PAUL AND OTHERS FACED WHILE DOING MISSION!" He appreciated the reality of the Bible and the good story that can perfectly transform a soul. He was almost being brutalized because of a denominational pastor who met him teaching his son, from the Bible during his house to house evangelism. The pastor was angry because he felt that our student was corrupting his son with wrong doctrines, please always pray for us as you are doing , the challenges are much.
Brother Felix baptized a soul in Kumba prison a total of 15 solid souls obeyed the truth and were baptized. Now is our responsibilities to keep them in Christ and help them grow stronger. More Bibles are needed and other congregations keep calling me for Bible for their own new converts. Please if you can help.
An invitation to come over to Ayom village is still pending. We plan to make it in June ending. Keep me in your prayers as I travel out of Cameroon within the week.
Thank you for your time and prayers , we thank you for your support to keep the wheel of this work moving God bless you and replenish your efforts and source because without you we doubt how this work would have been possible.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu