Reaching Liberia for Christ

Dear Brethren,

We bring you greetings from west Africa Liberia , hoping this report finds you very well in Jesus Name.


On the 16th of April the students came back from our normal break at the end of each quarter to begin the 4th quarter in the first year of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Liberia. To God be the glory that all of our students returned and each one of them is doing very well in health and in their lessons. They all returned with wonderful news from their vacations. They all reported being involved in Evangelism with 9 baptisms through this effort.


With great anticipation to have books for the students to study and research from, we have in advance gotten ready two shelves for the safe keeping and proper arrangements for our future books to come. With this in place, we are kindly appealing to brethren to help the new school in Liberia with teaching and study materials to enhance the learning abilities of our students.


Our students are also doing very well with the agriculture training in the school as you can see . The are continually involved in the practical demonstration of the theory learned in the class room


No doubt we cannot do what we are doing out here with out your great love and support for the Lord's kingdom. Thank you so very much for your sacrifices that are making it possible for the work here to go on. May God richly bless you, your families, your jobs and whatever you are doing to raise support for this worthy cost. May God richly bless you.

In Him

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.


Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia.

Posted on May 5, 2017 .