We finished up our first full eight week term with 9 students. Jason and I are in the process of grading assignments and final exams and hope to have a report on how well our students have done soon.
Each year during the Easter weekend the churches of Christ in Fiji get together to have an All Fiji Workshop. This year the workshop was hosted by the Church of Christ in Nabouwalu. There were representatives from at least 8 out of the 17 congregations of the churches of Christ in attendance.
Nabouwalu is a village on the northern island of Vanua Levu and required a four and one half hour journey by ferry. The workshop was a three day event that started on Friday evening. Jason and I were both asked to speak for this workshop. Debbie and Devan were also asked to help teach ladies’ and children’s classes. There were a total of 17 speakers with classes for men, women, and children. All classes were combined in the evenings and for Sunday morning and evening worship. The Lord added 3 precious souls to His kingdom on Sunday morning and one came forward requesting prayer. Another woman was baptized into Christ on Monday morning.
Since the All Fiji Workshop fell at the end of our first term we decided that this would be a valuable experience for our students’ first evangelistic campaign. Eight of our students were able to attend the workshop and six of our students spoke at this event. On Monday, we had a door knocking campaign in the Nabouwalu community. We passed out tracts, conducted Bible studies, and invited people to attend worship services at the Church of Christ.
Lord willing, this morning will begin our short courses. Semi Matalau will be teaching a class in the mornings on the History of the Church of Christ in Fiji. Jason and I will co-teach a second class on wisdom literature. I will be teaching on Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Jason will take Song of Solomon.
Vinaka vaka levu (a big thank you!)
Rocco & Debbie Pierce