"I NEED TO KNOW KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO RIGHT NOW!", was the response of a man who was studying the bible in Tanzania. Once he was told what the bible says, he was baptized and left the denomination he was an elder of. Read more more good news HERE.
An encouraging update from New Zealand
After a furlough to the U.S., Lance Mosher has returned to the work in New Zealand. In addition to news about the work and his family, you will especially be interested in the campaign report found HERE.
Campaign success in Cameroon
Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from the republic of Cameroon. We are doing fine and we do pray you are doing fine also over there where you are now.
I am writing to report what made news here in BVBIC-Wotutu. Our students were out for their ever first evangelism in 18 different locations. As I type this all of them have returned safe and sound and with great news about the power of God .
Some came to school with challenges from the resistant denominational people, some from the hurdles of bad roads that they used to go into mission fields, and one came back with wounds that he had after a motor bike accident as he was struggling to get to the village where he was suppose to evangelize. Our nurse sister Senge will handle that as he is back here. Some came with reports about many brethren in different villages who are sick of all kind of diseases, like eye problems, malaria, typhoid, epilepsy, and many others. Brother Felix, who met lots of this used up his personal money which was meant for his feeding and transit transport from the village to his home. He came back with tears how many Christians cannot fully serve God because of sicknesses. Please your support of fervent prayers is needed .
1 number of students ========================== 21 but one was not fully involved (weak)
2 number of villages assigned ==================== 18
3 Number of studies ===================== approximately above 800
4 Number of baptism ======================= 38
5 Number of restoration ===================== 22
6 Number of new congregations ============== 1 Owe village
7 Number of revived congregations ============= 1 Lykoko village
The return of these students from the mission field always expands our work: ikle now the lyko and Owe congregations need us every week to make sure the Christians are fed, please pray for us. The sad news is that the lykoko congregations closed the doors on their permanent building because the few men who remain in that congregation don’t know how to preach and teach or pray, so they shy away from attending worship because they want to avoid the embarrassment of standing before others to lead. Please pray for us as we make sure these good brethren are nurture to grow .
God bless you , thank you very much for your priceless efforts towards this work , God will continuously blessed you and keep you strong in His vine yard , so that you will do more .Share this with others around you.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu
Excellent 1st quarter in Kenya!
Beloved of God,
Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching family, we pray and trust you are doing well. We thank God for His love and care as we labor in the Kingdom. Kisumu is still hot despite some slight rains and hope things will change during the April.
The break is over and all the 19 students are back in class for the third quarter, year one. This break was a very fruitful one, the faculty went to the field to work, the students were actively involved in the Lord’s work and the result is amazing. The excitement in the face of these students tells a lot and their daily spiritual growth is a big source of motivation to us and all that love the Lord.
Two new churches (Benongoi and Ildungiso) planted with total members of 37 by two current students, two churches (Meswondo 30 members and Sigaon 42 members) restored to true worship and stopped using instruments and hand clapping by former graduates in Bomet Rift Valley. 22 souls baptized and two restored with 51 new bibles studies established.
During the break Charles went and taught the book of 1, 2 Peter and Jude to 8 preaching students at Christians for preaching school in Sigomre for a period of five days. Later, Charles and Elias went to Nakuru for a two day gospel seminar and spoke on instrumental music and hand clapping. This is a major problem in many congregations that bear the name “church of Christ” here.
We also had another restoration plea meeting with liberal churches and denominations with over 50 attending in Homa Bay. The response was great and on April 15 they requested us to return and we will be discussing worship of the bible with them, keep us in your prayers.
This quarter the students will study Joshua-Ruth, Writing skills, Matthew, 1,2 Corinthians, Prison Epistles, Leadership and 1,2 Thessalonians. We have Charles, Elias, Mike Rowand and Ralph Williams teaching the classes.
We still keep on with the good work because of your unceasing prayers, support and encouragement. Thank you, God’s blessings be with you always.
His servant,
Charles Ogutu,
Director, Bear Valley Bible Institute extension school - Kenya.
Physical and Spiritual food in Tanzania
If you have been keeping up with Justin and Anna Maynard's work in Arusha, Tanzania you know that a recurring theme is "please pray for rain". Well, we have good news: it's raining! And even better, souls are being brought to Jesus. Read all about it HERE.
A brief report from ACSOP
Student evangelism program –ACSOP
End of March report
Each week our students are involved in personal evangelism with 12 congregations around the Arusha area. A total of 23 students, both from first year and second year go out two by two to reach these precious souls with the truth. This program is part of their training while are attending their studies. This week as I was reading from their report, this is what I found out.
1. Number of Bible classes – 43
2. A total number of correspondence course – 65
3. Baptisms – 05 (only for march)
4. Restorations – 04.
Keep your prayers up for this program.
Arusha church of Christ
The Arusha congregation has been growing numerically for the past few months. As we continue to reach more with the saving Gospel of Christ, we thought it also necessary to put an internal check to the flock. We have increased more visitation and small group Bible classes during the week days in members homes. Last year we ended up having 72 souls obey the gospel, and 43 out of these are still faithful to the church. As we all know, Arusha is one of the business cities in Tanzania with a lot of tourist activities going on. 15 people who were baptized, went back to their local areas, and are still faithful. The leaders of the church have made it possible for them to be connected to the preachers in their hometowns.
The good news is that, for those who could not find the church of Christ in their places are still learning and growing in faith through listening to our radio program each week. Speaking of a radio program, for the past few week I have been receiving more calls for people who want to study with us more on the Bible. A number of people have been visiting our worship service and mid week Bible classes. Since we are aired on the second most popular radio in town, the statistics show that more than 400,000 people are listening to us each week. Please continue to keep your prayers going up for this effort.
“Until all have heard”
In Christian Love,
Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students - Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania.
A good 1st quarter in Cambodia
Wes Autry, the Coordinator for the Bear Valley extension in Siem Reap, Cambodia, has sent us a comprehensive report on their activities and accomplishments in the first quarter of this year. I believe you will enjoy reading and seeing all the good that is being accomplished there. Simply click HERE
Good news from Ukraine
The news from Ukraine continues to improve and positive changes have been made in the school. We are happy to announce that Terry Harmon has rejoined the team and is the new Coordinator. Read about this and other news HERE.
Graduation in India
Dear Brethren in Christ,
I bring greetings to you from Visakha Valley Bible College in the name of Lord Jesus Christ our saviour. We are so thankful to our almighty God for His great mercy and kindness. Once again we are able to send 12 equipped evangelists into the mission field, with a great anticipation of saving many souls.
Go into all the world’ this is an authoritativecommand issued to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus sentHis 12 equipped Apostles to fulfill His ministry. Like wise we now introduce our 12 Preaching Studentswho have completed their 2 Year course of study and ready to sow the seed of God’s word. These men are effectively trained both to be Evangelists and for doing every Good Work, as every man of God ought to be.
Our association with Bear Valley Bible Institute International has been our strength. Actually Standard of TeachingandTraining Methods are strengths of our school. But our strength had been increased as our Faculty has enhanced their Biblical knowledge by completing the MA course offered by Bear Valley Bible Institute . Also there was a tremendous development in our teaching system since some Teaching Aids were brought to use in the class room. Noticeable strength is our Team Work attitude; our combined efforts with a proper guidance through the Directorof our school M. Samuel Raju, has been giving some inspiring results. Together we were able to share our ability and strengthin a great capacity to educate these young men and equip them to be effective evangelists . Ourgreatest strength of all is the output of our efforts which is the 12 graduates who successfully completed the course and are going to be the effective instruments in spreading the Good News across India.
We are so grateful to our God almighty for blessing us to accomplish this, we pray that our Lord would bless our efforts to keep sending some effective evangelists to rescue the lost millions from eternal destruction. Looks like the world is soon coming to an end, our Lord is dearly waiting in long suffering towards all the people to be repented of their sins; There is an Emergent need of evangelism in our society as the doors of opportunity are fading away due to the recent changes in power.
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent?” Rom 10:14 -15
Thanking you all brethren for sharing this exciting news, may God continue to bless you all. Please greet all the brethren that you worship with. Love you all so much.
In Christ,
Samuel Raju & John Dean Muppidi
For Visakha Valley Bible College
Big plans in Zimbabwe
In Luke 10:2, Jesus raised a concern which keeps ringing in an evangelist’s mind. He said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest RSV). Bear Valley Bible Institute Zimbabwe exists to train faithful men towards the harvesting of souls for Christ. In this report we give a glimpse of what transpired throughout the month of March 2017. The goal is to train men and woman who will become useful vessels and as answer to Jesus’ call.
As reported in our last report, BVBIZ was privileged to have Donnie Estep from the 26Th of February to the 4th of March. Donnie is the regional coordinator for Bear Valley Bible Institute preacher training schools Southern Africa. During his stay he taught “World Religions,” to our students. Donnie had an opportunity to preach mid-week service at one of the congregations here in Gweru. In addition, he had an opportunity to go and see our maize and bean crop.
One of the important components in worship is singing. At BVBIZ we take music seriously as a component that can either wake or sleeps a congregation. This then demands that preachers be adequately taught this area. This was part and parcel of the subject “Worship” that was being done this term. To fulfil this requirement, we had a guest teacher, Joshua Jubane, a preacher in Victoria Falls and an expert in music. He was at BVBIZ from the 20th -24th of March. Students were taught to read musical notes and also song leading. We hope to bring him back for another round before the students graduate.
The following was his overall assessment of students after having adjudicated each student; “I want to thank BVBIZ for affording me this chance to impart musical skills to my fellow preachers. I had an easy time teaching the students because their response was very good. None of them had done tonic sofa notes before but they showed a good effort. I was able to leave them with four songs which they mastered well.”
After, much work and pressure, the body needs exercise. This month students started playing soccer at one of the open spaces near our campus. Appreciation goes to Brother O. Kufa for providing a ball for use.
Our second batch of chickens is almost ready. They reached the 5th week on the 31st of March. The mortality rate so far has been 0.02%. This batch was being taken care of by two of our students.
Our term came to an end on the 27th of March. Examinations were written successfully. Grading of answer sheets is in progress. Students shall be taking a month long break and will be back on the 25th of April. They have now completed their first year studies. We wish them a well-deserved but fruitful rest.
As BVBIZ goes for a break, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed one way or another to BVBIZ, materially, financially or morally. The school could not be where it is now without your support. May the God of heaven remember you all as you do your part in the furtherance of this noble work.
In His service,
Mathew Muchingam
Outstanding first quarter in Chimala!
Greetings! Hello to everyone we here at CBI we are doing
The first quarter students did very well and no one failed. This encouraged the teachers and we were very thankful for everyone to do his part. From March 13 we started second quarter we are doing well also on this today in the morning we had a meeting with faculty members to make sure we are the same page.
We thank God for His will upon us and the dedication of students in His work. Since we started the school we did a lot concerning evangelism through WBS Lessons, House to house preaching, seminars, and evangelism Camps.
As the results of the whole work From January until March 31 we do have 169 Baptisms and 67 restorations. We have also met with more than 45,000 peoples, given 15,000 tracks and 797 WBS Lesson and 1 Return Bible seminar for this first quarter. We also had 1 week Camp for practical evangelism which very was good everyone enjoyed it. The results were 22 baptisms and 2 restorations.
Here is a list of our summer activities:
The Seminars this year will be:
Youth Seminar June 6 – June 8
Ladies seminar June 13 – June 15
Preacher seminar June 20 – June 22
Gospel Chariot July 24 – August 28
Here is a report on the radio program that is being broadcast in southeastern Tanzania.
Report of Radio Program – VWAWA
Feb 15 – March 15
Lessons presented for four weeks
- The Unity of believers
- Why am I a member of the Lord’s church or church of Christ
- What does it mean to worship in Spirit and truth?
- Does Instrumental music authorized at the Christians service?
The following places are the place we have follow up to answer various questions and sending lessons
- We went Utambalile
- We went Ipunga
- We went Mbewe village
- We went mawanda Momba.
- If Christ built one church mention its name?
- Another question if there is one true church where did the plurality of churches come from?
- We were asked any question by calls and to speak face by face
Radio evangelism preachers
Thanks for your support and prayers,
Joseph James Haonga
An ending and a beginning in Tamale
The school in Tamale, Ghana (the far north) is eagerly sending soon-to-be-graduates out into the field, while simultaneously preparing to welcome a new batch of students. Read about the work these good brethren are doing in a difficult place. See their latest update HERE.
28 baptized in Liberia!
The new school in Liberia has just finished a campaign and the results are incredible! You will just have to read the account and see the pictures to appreciate it! Read all about it HERE
More souls won in Nigeria!
Beloved in Christ Jesus,
Greetings from students and staff of BVBIN AND SWSE, here is our end of March report.
END OF THE MONTH EVANGELISM REPORTS :This weekend evangelism in Asejire, Osun State and Igbara -Odo and Osi Ekiti resulted in the conversion of three souls.
Bro. Kayode Eniafe led the Asejire group while Bro. Emmanuel Godwin led that of Igbara -Odo in Ekiti state and Bro. Akilapa Timilehin led that of Osi -Ekiti.
The majority of the students were all busy for the cause of out Master Jesus in various congregations preaching and teaching the WORD. Bro. Johnson Godwin in Alapata-Ikoyi congregation, Bro. Samuel Effiong in Asejire congregation, Bro. Lucky Stephen Onya in Bale -Ayo, Bro. Festus Ayoo in Idah, Bro.Samuel Peter in Jago and Bro. Anana Abasiama Effiong and Bro. Ohaebuka Philemon in Egbeda congregation and so on...... To God be the glory that all our students and instructors are useful unto the Lord!
At Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation in Ibadan, I taught the men sessionof Sunday morning Bible class on "What the Lord require of thee" in reference to giving, while one of our year two students named Bro. Moses Bamidele admonished the saints from Luke 6:38. There were 45 in attendance with total collection of N4,500.
Brethren, we appreciates you all for your partnership and love. May the Lord of blessings continue to bless all our joint efforts in Christ Jesus, amen.
Your fellow labourer in Christ Jesus.... Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
Campaign success in Takoradi
The students at the West Coast School of Preaching in Takoradi, Ghana have just finished their mid-term exams and are in the second half of their quarter. Their campaign efforts have also continued to yield fruit. Read all about it HERE
Hungry souls in Tanzania
Mason and Haley Norman have been involved in a number of Bible studies recently in and around Arusha, Tanzania. Read their report for a reminder that some souls are hungry for the truth! See it HERE.
A great start in Sierra Leone!
The Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone is one of the schools opened in the West African sub region by the West Africa coordinator of Bear Valley- Colorado U. S. A. This is the last school opened to train preachers and evangelists for the promotion of the gospel in Sierra Leone. It is situated in the Eastern Region of Sierra Leone in a District Head Quarter town called Kenema.
Bear Valley Bible Institute was formally opened by the Director and Dean of students and two lecturers on the 9th of January, 2017 in Kenema town. Under the instruction of Bro. Steven Ashcraft who is the pioneer of the school in Sierra Leone through consultative meetings held with brethren of various churches of Christ sometime in February, 2016.
The event climaxes the arrival of students from the various congregations to enroll for school session. Amongst them were church leaders who accompanied their students coming from their congregations to grace the occasion.
As students continue to arrive in campus for enrollment, they interacted with their lecturers, cooks and securities for better acquaintance with each other. During this period, preparations were made for the resumption of classes on the 16thjanuary, 2017 by the Director and the Dean under the instruction of Bro. Steven Ashcraft. However, all twenty students turned up for school on the week of orientation.
As classes began preparation was also on the way for the Healing Hands International Agricultural Workshop to be held on the 26 and 27 of January 2017. The workshop deals with a specialize method of farming system in composting, bed raising, irrigation farming and other techniques. The workshop was conducted by Bro. Ebenezer representing Healing Hands International. He was accompanied by our West Africa Coordinator Bro. Steven Ashcraft from the United States of America. Below is a photo of both Ebenezer and Steven at the workshop.
The workshop attracts participants from various congregations from the region. At the end of the workshop, certificates were distributed to participants for completion of the workshop by Bro Ebenezer.
CERTIFICATION: The certificates presentation was done by the Dean of students after the workshop. Brother Steven officially opened the school after the agriculture workshop conducted by HHI.
During the month of January the school received assistance from our funding partners complementing our effort for preaching the gospel with ease of movement around towns and villages on campaign trips. This money is meant to purchase a motor bike and a PA system for school campaign to nearby villages. The school appreciated the effort made by the donor partner and promised to wisely use these items for the furtherance of the gospel in this part of the vineyard. We have bought both items and now making good use of them. We thank them once more for their good gestures in supporting the ministry in Sierra Leone.
The campus ministry is an initiative from students to empower themselves in preaching and teaching sound doctrine as every student is likely to participate during worship services. The preaching and teaching is done rotationally among them.
This action has helped them to evangelize within the campus community in order to grow the congregation. Their number is growing gradually. Quite recently, six souls were added to their number through baptism. They hope to maintain the chapel as a legacy for other students coming after them. To see the report with pictures, click HERE.
Your brother,
Ishmael Bangura
Director, BVBI-SL
Short courses taught in Kenya
KSOP Gamma Class
The third class of the Kenya School of Preaching began October 3, 2016 with full capacity of twenty students. Nineteen returned for the second quarter which recently ended March 3, 2017. I had the privilege of teaching two short courses (Godhead and Christian Evidences) to this bright and energetic class which was eager to learn. In each class a typed research paper was required. While there are no polished scribes yet, each student worked very hard to properly format the paper, write a proper introduction, develop their points, and give a proper conclusion. By graduation in August 2018I anticipate each student writing fluently and clearly articulating their points.
Much of Kenya is well represented with students from Rift Valley, Maasai Mara and the Tsavo area, as well as Kakamega, in addition to the Western region. The selection committee of Charles Ogutu, Director, Elias Omalo, Dean and other special advisors are to be commended for the quality of students selected for the current Gamma class. Only eternity will measure the positive impact the Kenya School of Preaching will have on the Lord’s Kingdom.
Milliscent, (KSOP secretary) and Charles Ogutu have begun the arduous task of cataloguing and organizing over 2500 volumes in the KSOP library according to the Dewey decimal system. (Thanks Karen Watson of BVBID for your invaluable assistance in this project.)
Graduates of the alpha and beta classes are busy in their local ministries with many sending regular reports of numeric and spiritual growth in the congregations they have planted or existing congregations. Several of the graduates have started schools where they are training preachers and church leaders for works of ministry. Others, who have not founded schools are training in the “Paul – Timothy” model. These men have taken 2 Timothy 2:2 to heart.
In my limited work in Kenya I have already seen the Kenya School of Preaching impact the Lord’s church in this wonderful country in a powerful way. May God continue to bless the Kenya School of Preaching and the church she serves.
In His Service,
Michael P. Reese, Ed. D.
Coordinator Kenya School of Preaching
Farming and Faith in Tanzania
Justin and Anna Maynard are asking us to continue to pray for rain in Tanzania. They also have an encouraging update on their evangelistic efforts. You can see their update HERE.
Great 1st quarter in Wotutu
Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from this part of the globe. In Cameroon we are doing better in health and other aspects of life except, the political atmosphere in the English speaking part of Cameroon where we still don’t have internet. Please pray for the leaders of our nation to be human and God fearing. .
Last week was a busy one for us here as our students finalized their first intensive quarter of studies. It was great to see some of them who have grown and some still struggling to grow, but their overall assessment is promising.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Please join my family to pray for our first son Ray who was 7 on March 13th. I pray God to give me the grace to continue praying for him as I nurture him to be a great christian and for him to impact his generations with the great christian values .
Our students will be back in school and we shall move to Mbanga to be part of the graduation ceremony there come the 29 of March 2017.
God bless you in particular for all your prayers, deep concern, and support to make this work be what it is. If not of you and your good hear,t I doubt what would have been happening now. You are in our prayers that God bless you and keep you strong. Share our reports with many others.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu