Student success at ACSOP

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20). As our Lord Jesus Christ was preparing to leave this earth, He left us with this last will, that we should go and make others to be His disciples also. The charge was left to the apostles and to us all.

God through His servants, who lived in those times, granted His disciples many opportunities to be able to fulfill the command. He has blessed us with tools with which we can teach faithful men, who will in turn teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching has been a great tool to fulfill the commission. It has served the church here in East Africa since 2003. Thousands of souls have been reached through the effort done by this school. Many congregations have been established throughout East Africa. Students from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Zambia and one time from Nigeria have gone through this institution and went out thoroughly furnished to every good work.

This year, we started our classes back in February. We normally send out our students every Saturday and Sunday to work with the local congregations around the Arusha area. The school started this program so as to be able to show the students how to apply what has been learned in class. We let our second year students be mentors of the fist year. Whenever they go to a congregation the second year is the one who will be asked to lead in prayer, teaching bible class, leading songs and preaching, all these things are being done under the supervision of the local preacher.

Within the past two months, our students have been able to reach more than 230 souls, 178 active bible class, all have gone through lesson 1-3 of our correspondence courses, 35 baptisms and 12 restorations. It is a great blessing to be able to work with such great group of men who seek to please our Savior everyday.

Countless, selfless donors, who have been supporting both the school, have made all this possible and it’s plans. These are men and women who know their Bible which says, “And how shall they preach, except they be sent?”(Romans 10:15). Through their donations, we are able to send men out to reach as many souls as we can. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH. We also continue to ask them to support this work now more than ever.

May the Lord bless you all every day as you are striving to please Him.

Till all have heard!

Your servant in Him,

Charles Mwanga


Posted on April 25, 2017 .