Posts tagged #Tirupati

Campaign in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the Month of January-2025

Date : February 1st, 2025.

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our director , beloved brother Mark Reynolds- our coordinator and all the prayer partners,  greetings to you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you good health. We thank you very much for your prayers and encouragement. We would like to share brief report for the month of January -2025.

Classroom work:  BVBI-Tirupati-India  classroom works are seriously going on. Our teachers are dedicated to teach and students are active in attendance as well as following the teachers, doing their memory work, taking tests, writing assignments, and taking notes while teachers are teaching .

Note Book writing:  Students are writing good notes and all the teachers are active in checking their notebooks and giving marks for the notebook writings.

Campaigning : January 18th, 2025 we have conducted campaigning at Chillamathru village. This village is located about 100 km away from the Bible school. It was the first time the village people heard about Jesus Christ. About 75 people from the village attended the meeting but several people heard the gospel message by our  sound system.

Three funerals: In the month of January there were three funerals that we attended . We were invited to share the word of God. We have noticed that during funerals the hearts of the people are very tender and receptive to receive the word of God even though we never expected to stand in the funeral service.

Two comfort meetings: In India it is our culture  to conduct prayer meeting after two weeks of the funeral service.  During the prayer meeting all the relatives, village people, friends and church members gather to comfort the family members. I had an opportunity to share the word of God at two comfort meetings in the month of January.

Zoom Bible Classes: In the month of January we conducted zoom classes every Tuesday and Thursday. We have completed the book of Acts, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and are currently studying James.

Bible Seminar: In the month of January 20th&21st we participated in the Christian Growth Bible Seminar at Rajamandry.  We are very happy to report to you that Dr. Damon Vincent was the resource person for the seminar.  He invited me to present

Baptisms: In the month of January three souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the new souls.

 Our Coordinator Mr. Mark Renolds’ Indian mission trip:- We are very happy to report to you that our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds has visited India safely in the month of January-2025.  His trip has been a great encouragement. I was happy to translate his lessons on Sunday worship service at Nellore.

Home Bible studies: We conduct home Bible studies regularly. Right now three newly connected families are studying, and Lord willing soon they will be baptized.

Staff meeting: We are happy to inform you that we had a staff meeting to discuss a few agendas for the welfare of the students and their progress .

Extra subject: out of students interest during the weekend, we introduced the hotel management subject  for the students so they might be able to support their work as preachers after they graduate.

We thank you for your prayers and encouragement. The Bear Valley Bible Institute is a wonderful plant farm to train the young people. We are ever grateful to you for your prayers, encouragement and assistance for the smooth function of the project.

Thanking you.

Yours brother,


Posted on February 8, 2025 .

Students learn the Bible and practical lessons in Tirupati, India

December 11, 2024

Reporting Letter for the Month of November-2024

Respected director Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you in good health. We thank you very much for your prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-State, India. We humbly submit the brief report for the month of November-2024.

Weather condition:-  as we live coastal side of the Bay of Bengal (Ocean) every year in the month of November we suffer due to cyclone effect. Last week of November for  5 days continually we had heavy rains. God is good to care for our family as well the members. We provide food for the needy during this emergency period.

Classroom work:- We continually conduct the classes. Before we start the classes we allow the students to have devotion. Then we have two sessions in the morning and two sessions in the evening. In the month of November we have covered book of Job , Psalms , Godhead , New Testament church etc..

Campaigning :- In the month of November we conducted two campaigns.

Baptism:- In the month of November 2 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

We involved  the students in the following local church activities

Worship service:- Regular preaching and teaching at Tirupati and Vidyanagar churches of christ and other rural congregations. We involve the students in the church service.

Wednesday Bible study:-  We have completed teaching the parables of Jesus Christ in our Wednesday Bible study, now we are studying the Christian evidences.  Students are active in the midweek Bible study.

Children  classes:-  Children are learning stories, memory scriptures, participate in bible quiz. Teachers are active  in training them (1Timothy 6:4). BVBI students are trained well how to organize the children classes.

Youth class:- Young people in the local church are studying the basic lessons. There are seven young people who are near to baptism, please remember them in your prayers. Our Bear valley students are learning how to organize youth classes.

Women class:- Every Friday at 5pm sisters meet for Bible study , prayers. singing and fellowship.  They are active in growing spiritually.  Our students learn how to assist the local church sisters to grow spiritually.

Home Bible study:-  We got a new contact for the home bible study.  Mr. Zakary, his wife Ester, his two sons Daniel and Samuel. We hope that this family will obey the gospel. Another family from a nearby town is also interested in studying the truth. Please remember them in your prayers. We take the students for home Bible studies.

Bible camp for the disabled people:-  We try to use the opportunities to share the word of God. On November 5th I preached at the District disabled meeting. A few people are interested in studying with us personally. We teach the students how to use the opportunities to share the word of God.

Visiting leprosy colony:- We regularly visit  two leprosy colonies and share with them the gospel of Jesus Christ. On November 2nd my son Timothy and I visited leprosy colony at Kadaparoad. In this leprosy ministry we show the students how to assist them.

Thanksgiving meeting;- On November 6th I preached at a Thanksgiving meeting at Thummalagunta. Mr. Jaswanth and sister Feebe are strong members in our local church. They invited neighbors, relatives and members for the meeting. We had a wonderful opportunity to share the word of God. We invited students to observe how to organize the thanksgiving meeting.

Rurual villages visits:-  we visited Poolathota-village, Gottiprolu village and Kota village for preaching and teaching the word of God. We invited students to visit the rural areas.

Memorial meeting:- On November 26th we have attended for the memorial meeting at Muchalagunta-Village. I was given opportunity to preach the word of God to about 500 people. I taught the lesson from 1 Kings 2:1-11.  I took 4 students to attend for this meeting. They have learned good things from this meeting.

Student moral value class:-  when we compare the days of our childhood and now the present children are losing the moral values than the older generation. So I visited Venkatagiri town of Wenkatagiri on November 27th. I got opportunity to gather school children and teach them human moral values.

We thank you very much for the establishment of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh state, India.  We treat it as it is blessing of God and wonderful platform to train up young people and share the gospel of Jesus christ to the dying souls in India. We need your continual prayers.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&BVBI staff-in India


Posted on December 16, 2024 .

Students learn in classroom and in the field in Tirupati

Reporting Letter for the month of October-2024

Date:- November 1 , 2024

Respected   director Mr.Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners - greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-extension centre at Tirpati, Andhra Pradesh India. We would like to submit our October -2024 report briefly.

Weather :-  Unfortunately in the month of October  there was cyclone effect in our area, we had continual rains. Some of our members are working for the daily bread, those people whenever they don’t get work due to cyclone effect suffer a lot for the daily bread. We  have done follow-up work to check with such a families to assist them as much as possible. We taught the students how to care for the members during the disaster.

Baptism:-  We  are happy to report you that six souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ in the month of October . We request you to pray for these newly baptized souls so that they grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Death:- There are few families from our local church who are living in the jungles, they are tribal people.  One of the widow sister Santhamma from this colony passed away on October 19th, 2024.  We were able to prepare the coffin and honorably do the funeral. Please pray for the family members.  Our students learned how to involve with families who are sad.

Youth class:-  Each week after the Sunday worship service  youth class students are given homework . In the month of October first week they have memorized  names of  the Old Testament books and during the, second week names of New Testament books. The third week them memorized the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13). We educate the BVBI students to learn how to help the children and youth to grow spiritually.

Members :-  each week after the Sunday worship service  all the members are given the homework . They need to write all the scriptures that were quoted in the Sunday sermon.  Bear Valley Bible Institute students witness how the members are growing spiritally.

Pinchinayudpalli-Village :- We have visited Pinchinayudpalli-Village,  this is newly planted local congregation.

Bangalore :- on first Sunday we have visited one local church in Bangalore and encouraged them. The preacher is known to our family for several years. He has been expecting us to visit them for several years. By the grace of God we were able to visit them on October 6th, 2024.  This is the preacher requesting the extension centre at Bangalore city.

Midweek Bible study:- Our midweek bible study is much useful for our spiritual growth. Last couple of weeks we are studying the parables of Jesus Christ. We request you to pray for our classes.   All the students of BVBI participate in the midweek bible study.

Zoom Meeting: - On every Thursday we conduct zoom meeting, we have completed the book of Acts, Philippians and the book of Ephesians we are studying.

Guests;- In the month of October Mr.Eno and his wife Nadine Damo could able to visit our place from Canada. They spent two weeks with us. They taught these subjects - Spiritual growth, how to handle the conflict, doing great work by humble beginning, Bible is  the inspired word of God, the importance of the women in the sight of God etc..Bear Valley Bible Institute students were inspired and motivated by their visit.

Staff meeting:-  In the month of October we had our staff meeting and discussed several agendas for the better development of the students.  We focus on these three areas for the students . Giving them information, helping them to feel and watching them how they behave. By the grace of God each student is growing.

Village ministry:- We continually visit different villages and proclaim the gospel of Christ. These are the villages we have planted village congregations. 1. Poolathota-Village, 2.Aruru -Village, 3.Microtower colony- Village,4.Jangalapalli- Village, 5.Chittedu- Village, 6.Nancharampeta- Village,7.Gunapadu- Village,8.Bathlapuram- Village, 9. Kota- Village,10.Thinnelapudi- Village etc.. We teach our BVBI students how to do the church planting ministry.

We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar and Staff from BVBI-Extension Centre, Tirupati-INDIA.

Posted on November 29, 2024 .

Students take their exams in Tirupati, India

Date :- September 29th , 2024

Reporting Letter for the month of September-2024

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all he prayer partners, greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you well. By the grace of God and your prayers Bear Valley Bible Institute –extension Centre at Tirupati-India is functioning well. We sincerely appreciate your prayers and encouragement . We would like to submit our report for the month of September-2024.

Classroom work:- In the moth of September we have completed Deuteronomy, second Chronicles and Nehemiah and book of Ezra. 

Exams:- Students are cooperating well  to complete memory tests , daily tests and weekly  assignments . We also observe the note books writing.

Coordinator visit:- In the  second week of   September-2024 our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds was able to visit our school. He has encouraged the students to use the best opportunity to learn the word of God and prepare to teach others. He encouraged staff and students to involve in the campaigning to win the lost souls as other schools do at other places. We are grateful to our coordinator for his hard work to travel to our Tirupati city-India . His visit has been a great blessing for all the teaching staff , non teaching and students.

Mr.Abraham Miller’s  visit:- We are happy to share that Mr. Abraham Miller and his his wife Maddi  Miller are members of church of christ in Australia. They have visited India to see their daughter who is studying in Newdelhi. They could able to travel to our city and visit our bible school. They have encouraged all the student and appreciate the teachers and their dedication.

Campaigning :- In the month of September we have conducted campaigning at the village of Jangalapalli. It is about 95 K.M. from our city.

Baptisms:- In the month of September 9 souls were baptized , please remember these new souls in your prayers so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Leadership class:- We have conducted  leadership class on September 20th. We have invited three guest  teachers from other local churches in India to teach the word of God.  We have invited local preachers for the leadership class. We have involved BVBI-students to organize the leadership class.

AG-Workshop:- In the month of September we have conducted A.G. workshop at the KGBV school. We have involved all the students , teaching staff and non teaching staff to learn drip irrigation, constructing raised beds, compost making , vegetable marketing  and cultivating the organic vegetables.  We are thankful to Healing Hands International for supporting for this workshop.

Local church activities and involvement of the BVBI-students:- We are happy to report you that we involve the students in all the local church programs.  The local church is very happy and also students are highly delighted to learn practically and equip themselves for the future ministry.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar&staff from BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on October 8, 2024 .

Studies continue in Tirupati, India

August 29th, 2024

Reporting Letter for the month of August-2024.

Respected director  Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati-India greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may finds you well. We sincerely thankful to you for your prayer and encouragement. We humbly submit report for the month of August-2024.

Class Room work:  In the month of August we have completed The books of Numbers, Deuteronomy, second Samuel and first Chronicles. We also completed few N.T church doctrines.

Campaigning In the month of August we have conducted campaigning at the Village of Kalathur,  K.V.B.Puram Mandal , Andhra Pradesh-state.

Baptisms: In the month of August 11 souls were baptized and added to the body of christ. Please pray for the newly baptized souls.

Leadership class: In the month of August   second Saturday we have conducted leadership class. We are happy to report that Mr.Steve Snider from USA has visited and taught wonderful subject on second coming of Jesus Christ.  We appreciate our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for connecting this  good bible teacher. He was with us for two days.  He was able to preach in our local church on 11th August,2024.

Zoom Bible classes :-  There are interesting people who desire to learn bible, so we conduct Wednesday and Thursday morning zoom classes.


Bed sheets to Blind people:-  This is rainy season in India, we noticed blind people who are suffering lot without blankets. Our young people in the local church have contributed money for the bed sheets. We have distributed bed sheets to the visually challenged people.

Feeding Tribal children :- We have involved local church young people to distribute food for the tribal people at Pallamala village.

Future plan:- There are several students , employees, business people and farmers who are interested to study the bible but not able to get opportunity to attend for the off line bible classes. We  would like to open the  distance educational program for the people who are unable to attend for the full time bible training . We request your prayers.

We thank you for all your prayers for all your prayers. We treat that the BVBI is wonderful platform to train up young people in India. We sincerely appreciate your prayers, support and  encouragement. We are grateful to our director and coordinator for their availability on time to time for the smooth function of this spiritual educational program.

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in christ.

Vijay&Swarupa and BVBI staff and students from Tirupati-India.

Posted on September 7, 2024 .

Class work continues in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of July-2024

Respected director Mr. Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners -  greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. By the grace of God, the work of Bear Valley Bible Institute-Tirupati-India is growing and growing.

Classroom work:  We are happy to report about the classroom work, in the month of July we have completed the book of Leviticus, second Samuel  and other topics like Truth about God, man, sin, redemption , rightly divide the word of God, N.T Church, kingdom and N.T worship, judgment etc..

Campaigning :In the month of July we have conducted our campaign at S.V.Nagar, Tirupati. We have distributed tracts and  New testaments. We also provided them for the local leaders so that they may distribute in different villages.  

Baptisms: in The month of July 5 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request  you to pray for their spiritual growth.

Asian Mission Forum:  We have received invitation from Asian Mission Forum –Cambodia. Myself, my son Timothy and other two young men from our place were able to participate at AMF-2024 which was held from July 26th. to 30th . The theme of the conference was” Build the Lord’s kingdom”. There were different speakers who were able to present different topics. The time was given to the participants to speak a few interesting things pertaining to their field experience. I was to able to use the opportunity to speak for few minutes.  We have enjoyed wonderful fellowship and preaching. By the grace of God we had safe journey.  

ZOOM classes: On every Wednesday and Thursday we have zoom classes. The word of God is spreading to the people in distant places.

Leadership classes: There are several preachers who work in the rural areas, some of them did not get opportunity to attend Bible schools, but they have a great zeal. We often conduct leadership classes and teach them different subjects which help them in their church planting ministry. In the month of July 12th we conducted a leadership class. In the morning session and afternoon session we were able to teach The life of Christ, The work of the gospel preacher, and basic points about homiletics. We invited two guest teachers from other towns to assist for the July leadership classes.

Bible distributions for the visually challenged : 

 There were ten blind people who showed interest to receive Bibles. They have good friends who are interested to read Bibles voluntarily for them.

First medical boxes for the widows:

My daughter has completed her diploma in pharmacy and was interested in preparing first aid medical boxes to the poor widows in our local church. In the month of July 10 widows received first aid boxes.  We pray for the donors who were able to assist for this benevolence

A.G. Garden workship: In the month of July we conducted  AG garden workshop on 15th July-2024 by the partnership of Healing Hands International.

Future plans:-  There are several students willing to study the Bible but they are not able to learn the Bible in depth because of their secular studies, jobs and other businesses. We are seriously thinking to start distance education facility for the students who are not able to attend for the regular residential program. We would like to submit the more details to our director for the permission in near future. We request your prayers for this plan.

We thank you for the platform of BVBI-India. God is good in using us as useful instruments for the glory of God. Please continue to pray for our BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, and my children  Timothy and Tabitha&staff and students from BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India.

Posted on August 13, 2024 .

New congregation in Tirupati, India

Bear Valley Bible Institute- Tirupati-India

Respected beloved director Mr. Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayers partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India. Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to  find you in good health.  We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement.  We express our gratitude and thanks for your love and concern for the spiritual educational program that you provide through BVBI for the young people in India. In  fact BVBI is a wonderful platform to train up the young people who are able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). We would like to submit our June-2024 report.

Class room work: - We work hard to teach courses for the students. In the month of June we have completed Exodus, Leviticus, First Samuel and few doctrinal subjects.  We conduct daily  tests, weekly  assignments and memory verses. We examine the note book from time-to-time.

June 19th campaigning :- We have conducted campaigning on June 19th at SV-nagar, about 100 people were able attend for the campaigning. We have distributed New Testaments for the participants  

June 26th campaigning :-We have conducted campaigning on June 26th at Vidyanagar,  about 75  people were able attend for the campaigning. We have distributed New Testaments for the participants.

Baptism:- There were 3 souls baptized in the month of June, we request you to pray for these newly baptized souls.

Night meetings:-  People in our town are free in the evening to give time for the Bible study. Each week we conduct night meetings .

Visiting rural areas:- We were born and brought up in the rural areas. We are very much comfortable in visiting rural areas. There are a few congregations that we have planted in rural areas . Please pray for the rural people who are thirsty for the word of God.

Meeting the people:- We are continually reaching the lost souls and preaching the gospel. We request your prayers for the lost souls in India.

Staff Meeting:- In the month of June 5th we conducted a staff meeting and discussed several things including agendas for the progress of our BVBI-Tirupati.

Home Bible studies:- BVBI-Tirupati takes an active part in conducting home bible studies. Lord willing next week more souls will be obeying to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Newly planted house church :-  We are happy to report that we have baptized a few sisters who are from the east part of our city. They meet in a house on every Sunday for the worship service and on every Thursday for Bible study. We request you to pray for this house church.

Zoom bible study:- BVBI-Tirupati conducts a zoom meeting every Thursday. Many school teachers, principals, and other business people are able to study the word of God through this zoom class.

Benevolence:- We often remember James 1:27 and try to meet the needs of orphans and widows  and visit hospitalized patients . We teach the local church members to support for this benevolence.

Once again we thank you brothers for your love and concern for the Bible Institute, we sincerely appreciate your kindness. We need your continual prayers.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in christ.

Vijay&Staff  from BVBI-extension Centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Baptisms in India

Date 06/06/2024

BVBI-Tirupati-India -Reporting Letter for the month of May-2024

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our director, our coordinator Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you all well physically as well as spiritually. We would like to share report for the month of May-2024.

BVBI-students practical training:  In the month of May we have gave a break for the students, The month of May was  summer season  in India and all the students participated in the practical work at different local churches.

BVBI-students Students campaigning to conduct V.B.S : We conducted a two day VBS children classes at Vidyangar on May 24th & 25th. We collected about 100 children from different villages and gathered them at the Vidyanagar church of Christ meeting place. We trained 10 teachers and gave each teacher 10 children for the group bible study. We appointed 10 volunteers to help the program. The theme for 2024 was God’s Love. The local church and other individual members donated money for food, snacks, drinks and gifts . God has blessed our two day campaign .

BVBI-students Students campaigning to distribute New testaments: We conducted a student campaign on May 29th at Ambedkar colony. We distributed New testaments. There were more than 50 people who were able to attend for the campaign .

Baptisms in the  month of May : In the month of May 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the newly baptized souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Preachers meeting: We attended a preachers meeting which was held in the city of Nellore, Andhra Padesh-India on May 30th.

BVBI-students -3 days workshop on Fruit tree Garden Plantation :  In the third week of May we planted a fruit tree garden by the partnership of Healing Hands International.

Based on the poverty situation of the poor people in this location , we established  one  agri based fruit plantation garden . in this garden we  grow mango trees, jack fruit trees, guava, orange, pomegranate , lemon, papaya, banana, coconut, citrus plants.  We selected land with all infrastructure facilities like agro based inputs , fencing , equipments material and grown the above said fruit plants with provision of organic manure, drip irrigation system etc..with the help of Healing Hands International .

Brothers, we thank you for creating this wonderful platform of BVBI at our city.  We express our gratitude and thanks to our director Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for their restless efforts for the smooth function of BVBI extension centre in Tirupati-India. They are always available for any suggestions and guidance .  Even in midnight  we call them they could able to respond with kindness and love. We appreciate their service . We treat your assistance as a blessing of God to train young people in India. We need your continual prayers for our extension centre.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar – BVBI-Tirupati-India-

Posted on June 6, 2024 .

Visiting preacher from Nepal helps in local campaigns

Reporting Letter for the month of April-2024

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our school director , coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We are very much thankful to you for your continual prayer and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. I would like to submit reporting letter for the month of April-2024.

Class room work:-  In the month of April we have completed the books of Geneses , Exodus, Joshua, Judges and Ruth. We conducted tests for each course.

Zoom classes:- We conduct zoom meeting on every Thursday. We invite church leaders and active members of local churches along with students for the zoom meeting. In the month of April we conducted 4 classes. We feel as it is a great privilege to use the technology for spiritual growth.

Home Bible studies:- Home Bible study is the very best tool for us to meet families and share with them the gospel of Christ. We involve our students in the home bible studies and they learn how to be connected with families and win souls for Christ.

Door to Door  ministry:- We have  conducted door to door ministry from April 24 to 30th . We invited Mr. Gajendra from Nepal .  Along with him we have visited a few villages like Thimmanagaripallem village, Kammavaripallem village,  Chittedu village, Microtower colony village ,Vidyanagar village, Poolathota-village and a few families in Tirupati. We visited most of the Christian families and strengthened them . One of the doctor’s family is interested to study the New Testament church. They invited us for an evening bible study. We appreciate Mr. Gajendra for his patience and love for the souls. He was able to share encouraging short sermons wherever we went.

Campaigning :- In the month of April  25th we have conducted campaigning at the village of Poolathota-village.  Mr.Gajendra preached in the village .  Vidyanagar Church of Christ provided afternoon lunch for all us while we were in village. The local congregation and my brother-in-law’s family were well encouraged by the camp. New families were able to hear the word of God. There are 70 people who were able to attend for the meeting.  One new family invited us for the personal bible study in the village.

Baptisms:- In the month of April 2 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for these new souls so that they may grow in the image  of His son Jesus Christ.

Visiting the sick people:- In the month of April we visited several sick people in the hospital as well at homes. One of our member Brother.N.Ravi Kumar has undergone though heart open surgery . We have visited and provided him Rs.5000 by the local church contribution for his medical help. We also helped Mrs.Marthamma Rs.3500/ for the medical help.

Bore well Project:- we have come across a school at Eswaravaka village. We have moved with great compassion to see the children who are suffering without clean drinking water.  By the partnership of Healing Hands International we were able to provide them a bore well . All the staff and children felt very happy about our loving  service.

Betrothal:- in our local church there was betrothal event on April 24th evening. We were able to attend and share the word of God. Several Hindu religious people were able to hear the word of God.

Wedding:- We have attended for the wedding event of our church member, I was given opportunity to preach the word of God concerning the marriage

Funeral :- My brother-in-law, and active member of the church, passed away on April 14th. We attended to the funeral service on April 15th  and comforted the family members, local church , relatives and village people.

Plans for May 2024:-

World Bible school promotion campaign:-  In the month May sun heat will be increasing in India. All schools and colleges will be closed for the summer vacations. It is our plan to  get connected with World Bible School and conduct promotion campaign. It will be helpful for the several non Christians to received free bible correspondence course.

V.B.S  (children program ):- In the month of May we would like to conduct VBS for the children to educate them for spiritual growth.

Youth camp:- In the month of May we plan to conduct one youth camp.

Gospel meetings:- Summer is suitable season for organizing the gospel meetings. Lord willing we will be conducting few gospel meetings and street meetings

We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement. We thank God for the BVBI which is the  best platform to educate young people and conduct few other activities which are connected with Bible school. We love you and appreciate your love.

Thanking you.

Your brother in Christ.

Vijay  , extension’s centre  in charge of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

Director visits Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of March-2024

Date :04-04-2024

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our director and our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners, greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may help us to serve in finding you well. We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of Bible School . On behalf of BVBI-extension centre in Tirupati-India I would like to share a brief report for the month of March-2024.

Class Room work: We follow the syllabus prescribed by BVBI, on time to time we conduct examinations, daily tests ,  memory verses , note book evaluation, assignments work , weekend examinations etc... Our teachers are excellent in concentrating each student to mold them to be good Bible students. It is our main goal to cultivate each student to develop the Christian character and train them up to teach the word of God to fellow Indians ( 2 Timothy 2:2). We train them how to proclaim to outside people (outside of Christ)  and how to teach inside members( In christ).

Short courses :- There are few guest teachers who are not able to teach from Monday to Friday. But we use them for the short courses. We are happy to share about few short courses which we have covered by the guest teachers in the month of March.

Mr.Keith Kasarjian:  We are very happy to invite our International director to teach at BVBI-Tirpati-India. In the month of March 3 week Mr. Keith Kasarjian  was  able to visit the school, he taught wonderful subjects 1. The Importance preaching 2. The kind of preaching that God calls for,  3.The foundation of Preaching , 4.Ingridients for the great sermon (Inspiration, organization, Illustration and application). Our students, staff, guest preachers were able to learn good subject by our director. We are thankful to our director for all his hardship and efforts to travel and teach these wonderful lessons.

Malaysia Teacher :- We are very much delighted to share with you that one of the instructors  Mr.Richard Lee has visited from Malaysia  in the month of March. He taught very good subject about the Qualities of servant of the God ( Coworker, Fellow soldier, Messenger, brother, minister Philippians 2:25-30) and other subject on Baptism.  After course he has distributed carry bags to all the staff and students. We appreciate his love and kindness.

Australian Teacher : We had other teacher Mr. Mandalidis Peter from Sydney , Australia.  He taught  wonderful subject called Hermeneutics. He is 75 years old but God has strengthened him to travel and teach. We are thankful to this teacher.

Bible Seminar: -  We have identified  the need of leadership in  local churches in India. Therefore We have conducted bible seminar on leadership in the month of  March 19th,2024. We have invited local preachers and active members of local churches for the meeting.

Our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian has presented two  lectures in the seminar on The role of preacher in obtaining elders and The role of elders. The Malaysian teacher Mr .Richard Lee has preached on the role of evangelist and Preacher in the local churches  and Australian teacher Mr. Mandalidis Peter has taught about the importance of eldership in the local church. After the seminar several participants have raised different questions concerning the eldership, bro.Keith kasarjian has answered by quoting right scriptures and motivated all the preachers to appoint elders in the local churches.

Karnool district Visit: In the month of March first week  our students and myself have travelled about 1000 K.M(to&fro)  to Karnool district , we were invited by local church at Gudur. We preached  about the subject “New testament church”. The local church was encouraged by our humble visit and teaching. Our students have learned several good things by this trip.

Wedding event: In the month of March 8th we have attended wedding event at Jangalapalli-Village,  BVBI students have learned how to organize the marriage.

Home Bible studies :  In the evening we actively involve  in conducting the home bible studies. We receive good response out of this program.

Zoom Meeting: We conduct zoom meeting on every Thursday at 7am, at present we are studying the book of Acts, this class helps to several people to learn the truth.

Gospel meeting : on March 16th evening we have conducted gospel meeting at Aruru-village.  we appreciate Mr. Richard lee for his wonderful gospel sermon.

Baptism: In  the month of March two souls were baptized, we request you to pray for these newly baptized souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

We once again thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We treat BVBI is a great blessing of God, it is really a wonderful platform to train  young people for the great cause of gospel of Christ. We are ever grateful to our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian and coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for their sacrifice , commitment and restless efforts to guide us and care for the Bible school at  Tirpati-India. We sincerely appreciate their help. We need your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay, behalf of staff and students from BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on April 4, 2024 .

Tirupati, India students learn the personal side of evangelism

Reporting Letter for the month of February-2024

Respected Keith kasarjian our director, Mr. Markreynolds our coordinator and all the prayers partners of BVBI- Tirupati-India -extension Centre greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you well. We sincerely thankful to you for your prayers and encouragement for the smooth and successful function of BVBI ‘s extension centre at Tirupati. I would like to share brief report for the month of February-2024.

Classroom work:-   Our classes are running seriously and educating young people in India for eternal life. Teachers are very much dedicated to complete the syllabus prescribed by the BVBI. Appreciative students are dedicated to study the word of God and share with others (2 Timothy 2:2).

Students involvement in the  distribution of Bible correspondence course :- We are happy to share with you that world Bible School bible correspondence course is very much useful to distribute and help new souls to win for Christ . We have started this bible correspondence course distribution work where students and faculty are actively involved.

Bible Seminar:- We have conducted 2 days bible seminar in the month of February first week 2nd and 3rd. We have selected the book of Romans . The Theme of the seminar was “Gospel of  God”. We have presented these following topics 1. Paul , the apostle of God, 2. The righteousness of God , 3. The Gospel of God , 4. The love of God, 5. Faith, works and grace of God.6. The Mind of God , 7. The spirit of God, 8. The gift of God, 9. The Peace of God and 10. Born of God . Our beloved brother Mr. Damon Vincent presented 4 topics, and we had six Indian speakers for the seminar. Bear Valley students and staff have cooperated with the local church for the grand success of the meeting.  We are very much delighted to share with you that we had more 120 people for the seminar who were benefited for their spiritual growth.  We share with you that Mr. Damon Vincent has prepared excellent study material and translated into Telugu  and distributed to all the participants .

Conversions :- In the month of February 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the newly baptized souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Two memorial services :- In the month of February we were able to visit two places for the comfort of the families.  First one was a  teenage girl was died with cancer  in last one year back. The family members had get together meeting on February 1st  as memorial of the girl. We travelled about 100 miles to attend for the meeting and comforted  the family members, local church and village people.  We appreciate Mr.Damon Vincent for encouraging them by preaching from Psalms 23.  The other one was our church member Mr. Sudheer died with heart stroke,  they had memorial meeting . We visited their family members and offered prayers for the family members.

Engagement t Event:-   On February 1 st evening we organized an engagement that helped students learn to give better service for the local church members.

Restored one local church:- One of the local preachers has been sick, this effects the church ministry to be dull, we visited this local church on February 6th and restored the work by encouraging the preacher’s family members and church members.

Women seminar :-  One of the local churches at Venkatagiri town has conducted women bible seminar on February 10th. Saturday. We attended for the seminar and presented a topic “the role of the women in the local church”.

Zoom meeting:- Tirupati Church of Christ & Bear Valley Bible Institute are conducting zoom meeting on every Thursday at 7am , we have 76 members in our zoom connection. There are other new members who are interested to join. We request you to pray for this zoom meeting.  Right now we are studying the book of Acts.

US visitors:- We are happy to share with you that in the month of February four brothers and two  sisters visited our  town from Graymere Church of Christ and Foothills Church of Christ . We all met at our Tirupati Church of Christ’s church building. All our students and staff were able to attend for the meeting. We have received good encouragement by their fellowship and preaching.

Benevolence:- In the month of February we drilled 2 bore wells and  conducted one A.G. Work shop by partnership of Healing Hands International. This benevolence work helps people to get clean drinking water and healthy organic vegetables  . Ever grateful to HHI for their great efforts and love for neediest people.

We trhink BVBI is the best platform to educate young people. We are ever grateful for your continual prayers and encouragement. We need your continual prayers and encouragement.  We love you and appreciate your love.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay&staff from BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India

Posted on March 11, 2024 .

Tirupati, India school reaches out to community

Reporting Letter for the month of January-2024


Respected director Mr. Kieth Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners. Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you with good health. We would like to share a brief report for the month of January-2024.

Class room work:  God has blessed our class room work in the month of January-2024. Our teachers have done their level best in following the syllabus prescribed  by the BVBI. All the students have done hard work to complete the syllabus.

Our coordinator’s visit: We are happy to share with you about our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds visit.  God has heard our prayers and brought him safely. He was able to reach our city and taught in the our BVBI-extension centre from January 14th to January 19th( Monday to Friday). He did a wonderful job in teaching the wonderful course “The Church Planting “.

First day (Monday):- Review of syllabus, expectations for the course, introduction, the paternal approach , indigenous approach, saturation church planting.

Second day (Tuesday):- philosophy  of church planting, effective church planting philosophy , Developing goals  and strategies, vision .

Third day ( Wednesday) :- Planting new churches, guidelines for effective planting, the type of man God uses

Forth day( Thursday):- what is your method, equipping the saints, notebook graded.

Fifth day(Friday):- Memory work exam, final examination , outline due.

Regarding the attendance beside our BVBI students we have permitted local leaders, women bible teachers, children class teachers, youth class teachers to the class to the daily class with the permission of our coordinator. We had more than 70 people for the daily class. We all have learned new ideas  and  new thoughts  out of this course. We are thankful to BVBI for providing this wonderful platform to study bible lessons . We feel as it is God given opportunity to have BVBI extension centre in our city.

Baptisms: - In the month of January 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the new souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

A.G:- Work shop:- In the month of January second week we have conducted Vegetable Garden workshop at Prakasm colony and given training to the local people . They have learned how to construct raised beds , drip irrigation, compost making , planting the seed links, constructing protecting fencing around the garden , marketing etc..  

Attending for the funeral :- in the month of January 22nd  our local church member Mr. Sudheer passed away. We have involved our students for the funeral and they learned how to mourn with family members and share comfort. After the funeral we provided a meal to the family members.

Birthday events:- In the month of January  on 15th evening I have preached at one birthday event. Then on  17th afternoon one of the family in our local church has invited us for  birthday thanksgiving meeting. We were able to attend and  share our joy. Our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds presented a good lesson from Luke 2:52. “And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature , and in favor with God and men”. The family members , church members and relatives were encouraged by the lesson, about 200 people have heard the word of God.

On Line Zoom Meeting:- Tirupati BVBI-extension centre has launched out “on line xoom class” . On every Thursday at 7:00 am we start our class . We invite experienced  Bible teachers to teach.  In January we had these classes on January 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. We are happy to inform you that more than 50  people have enrolled for the zoom classes, most of them are graduates and post graduates.

Home Bible studies:- Tirupati BVBI-extension centre has involved very much in gospel sharing. We try to  find person of peace in several places and focusing to plant new local churches. We request you to pray for this program.

We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We appreciate your love and concern.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay& staff  from Tirupati BVBI-extension centre.

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

New congregations in India

Reporting Letter for the month of December-2024

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners. Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We convey our new year greetings to you behalf of BVBI extensional Centre in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh State, India. We thank you for prayers and encouragement.  We would like to share brief report for the month of December-2023.

Classroom work: Classes are smoothly functioning, students are very much interested in following the BVBI syllabus. Teachers are serious in conducting daily classes, memory work, assignments, weekly tests, monthly examinations.

Short course Teacher: We are happy to share with you that Mr. S. Vijay Prakas visited us with his family in the month of December-2023. He was with us in 4th week . This time he taught the subject about “ How we got the Bible and evidences to believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Campaigning: We travelled to Poolathota-village and conducted campaigning. The village congregation was strengthened . we were encouraged by the love of village people who honored our staff.  


Cyclone relief:- In the month of December-2023 second week due to cyclone effect really people suffered lot . There was no power in the rural areas . It is sad to share about the situation of the people. In fact trees were uprooted, transportation was blocked, there was flooding  in the villages, daily laborers lost their daily wages., Due to cyclone effect some people needed rice , some people rice and groceries, some people medicals, some people wanted help for doctor fees, some people house rental, some people were in need of immediate cooked food, fruits, bread etc. We covered 3 districts former Nellore , Tirupati and Chittor.  We are happy to share with you that we  have brought a smile on the faces of 655 people and restored them during this disaster period distributing rice, groceries, medical etc. .We  are thankful to our local church members and Bible school students who worked voluntarily for the in the distribution work. We have done this relief work by partnership of Healing Hands International.

A.G.Garden workshops:

India is second highest populated country in the world,  over population is a major problem in India, as the country’s population is growing at an unsustainable rate . The population is expected to exceed 1.5 billion by 2030 and 2 billion by 2050. In order to maintain a balance between food and population , the annual agricultural growth should be developed.  Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati, Andhra Pradersh-India has taken the initiative step in involving to eradicate poverty by producing organic vegetables. In the month of December we organized AG-Gareden workshops in two villages. We are thankful to HHI for sponsoring these two workshops. We have trained more than 70 people in AG-Gardens plantation.

Attending for the special events: In the month of December we attended a few birthday events, wedding events and funerals. We train our students how to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom 12:15).

BVBI-Tirupati extension Centre 2023-Brief Report

.1. Baptisms  32 souls ,  2.  Home Bible studies 156, 3.   Gospel meetings 13 .

4.      Christian Growth Bible Seminars 01,   5. Youth classes 45 (weekly one) 6.Children classes 45 (weekly) 7.   Women Bible Seminar 2 , 8. Blind meetings:-4,

9.    Audio Bibles distribution 200,  10.  Local Preachers meetings 06, 11.  establishment of New congregations 13 ( at different places, house churches at other villages), 12.  Visited other local churches :- 05, 13.  Birthday Meetings Preached 10, 14.  Funeral Services I preached 5, 15.  Wedding ceremonies 06

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay & Swarupa,  from Bear Valley Bible Institute exstension Centre –Tirupati-India.

Posted on January 8, 2024 .

Church Planting in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of November-2023

December 4th,2023

Respected director Mr.Keith kasarijian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We send greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us in finding you all good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We would like to submit brief report for the month of November-2023.

BVBI-Tirupati: The BVBI -extension centre at Tirupati functions smoothly and successfully. We continually teach and train the young people in India. In the month of November we had guest teacher Mr. S.Vijay Prakash.  He was able to teach the book of James . We appreciate the students as well as part-time students who are able to attend the classes. We sincerely appreciate all the guest teachers who help in educating young people in our Bible school.

Staff meeting: We conducted a staff meeting on 11th Saturday at our Bible school office room. We discussed a few things concerning the development of the Bible school and also reaching university students in our city.

Local Preachers Meeting: Our BVBI-Tirupati is organizing village preachers meeting every month. Village preachers were not given opportunity to attend the Bible schools for training, but they have zeal for doing God’s ministry. So each month we conduct preachers’ meeting and teaching. In the month of November 18th Saturday we conducted a preachers’ meeting at the village of Aruru. We studied the book of James.

Visiting Kasumuru-Village: After the preachers’ meeting at Aruru village we travelled to the Kasumuru village congregation and encouraged them on 18th Saturday.

Karnool visit :  Some of our first batch students were from Karnool distrct in A.P state. They connected me with one of the local churches in Karnool district. We are happy to share with you that Mr. Rajarathnam is working hard at Vandagal village. He invited me to teach on Nov-30th  day class and evening gospel meeting. In their local church they are having 250 members. We had a wonderful class and evening meeting.

Baby churches: We have started 10 home churches in our city. Our staff members and students visit and work for these home churches. We request you pray for the growth of these churches.

Home Bible studies: In our city and around the city our staff and students are working effectively in conducting the home bible studies. A few people are near to the kingdom of God. We request your prayers for those attending the home bible studies.

Moral Values class for the KGBV-school: I have visited KGBV-school on November 27th. The school principal is my wife Swarupa. The school staff has requested me to teach moral values to the intermediate students. I taught them moral values to build better community. They are happy to receive the teaching.

Benevolence:  In the month of November we distributed clothes to 31 widowed sisters at Vandagal-village, Karnool district. As I regularly preach at Vidyanagar church of Christ and Tirupati church of Christ they have sponsored this clothes distribution benevolence program.  

Death: In the month of November our local church member Mrs. Jeevadanamma died on Nov 24th . We had a funeral service on Nov 25th . She was a widow sister, strong member in the local church. It is so sad to miss our member . But we thank God for the hope of resurrection.

Prayer Request: BVBI-Tirupati first and second batch  students have been working hard  in the spiritual battle field working against Satan’s kingdom by proclaiming the gospel of Christ. We request you to pray for their church planting work.

We humbly share with you that the BVBI-extension centre is a great blessing for the young people who wish to study the word of God. We thank our director Mr.Keith kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds for their hardship in guiding and availability for the smooth function of the centre at Tirupati-India.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay&Staff from BVBI-extension Centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on December 4, 2023 .

Community outreach in India

Reporting Letter for the Month of October-2023

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all our prayer partners , greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you well. We are highly delighted to submit this brief report for the month of October-2023.


1.Bear Valley Bible Institute:- This is very good platform for the young people to attend and study the word of God.  By the grace of God two batches were completed and went out for the spiritual battle to win the lost  souls. We focus on 2 Timothy 2:2 “ And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses ,commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. We request your prayers for this third batch and their success.

2. Field work of the previous students:- We are happy to share about the wonderful work that our BVBI’s previous  students field work. Mr.M.Jesudoss is working hard and planted 2 local churches, Mr.Praveen has planted local church at Bathlapuram-village, Mr.Yovel is working at 2 places, Mr.Ramanapadal is working in tribal area, Mr.T.A.Madhukishore is working at Gajulamanya, Mr.Barnabas is working at two places, Mr.Parusaram is working at two places , Mr.Joseph is working at two places and also other students working at different places. We request your prayers for their church planting ministry.

Preachers meeting:- We have conducted October ‘s preachers meeting at Kondapuram-Village on October 21st.. The local preacher Mr.Peter has organized the meeting and provided food .

Youth camp:-  BVBI-Tirupati has observed the young people among the local congregations who are not able to share the gospel to their friends in colleges and school where they study .  Therefore, we made the decision and conducted two days training camp for the youth camp on October 16 and 17th. We have invited young people from several local churches from urban and rural areas . We had more than 100 young people for the two days training camp . We taught them good lessons and motivated them to proclaim the gospel to their friend who are away from the God . We are happy for share with you that the local preachers and parents also could able to attend for the two days camp.

Bibles distribution:- BVBI-Tirupati-India has indentified young people using mobile phone for the bible reading, we are not against the technology but we encourage young people to read bibles (hard copy). We have purchased 100 bibles and distributed freely to 100 young people who ever attended for the youth camp.

Campaigning:- In the month of October we conducted campaigns in Renigunta town and Ambedkar labour colony. This is wonderful platform for reaching the lost souls as well of students participation.

Blind meeting-Audio Bibles distribution :- We have conducted one blind meeting and distributed audio bibles . They are happy to hear the word of God and grow in their faith.

Universities Campus ministry:- We are happy to report you that there are seven universities have been located in our city, our staff members and some of the students have dedicated to visit universities , colleges, and students hostels and sharing them gospel.

Home Bible studies:- We actively involve in the home bible studies. Families are available at their homes after 6pm. We take appointments an advance and conducting home bible studies in the evening times at several families. We have divided into teams and conducting at several areas in and around the city. We request your prayers for the home bible studies.

Leadership class at Krishnasamudram-Village:- My friend Mr.Jayaraju is working as English teacher at Govt high school , he is  local preacher with this village congregation at Krishansamudram village . They have conducted leadership class in last week and invited preachers from Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu .  Myself and other 4 brothers from BVBI –Tirupati –India have attended for the meeting. I have taken lesson from 2 Kings 7th chapter 9th verse . The four leprosy people said that what they were doing was not right , I taught from this portion of the bible and connected the gospel . it is not right to be silent without preaching the gospel. We have encouraged all the leaders to be active in sharing the gospel.


HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop:- In the month of October we have conducted 3days HHI -Fruit plants garden Workshop on 23 ,24 and 25. We have involved village people in this workshop. We are thankful to HHI for the encouragement and partnership for the establishment of this  garden to connect with local community for Christ.

Hearing aids supply:- We have identified one  brother who was suffering from low hearing ability. We have consulted one of the social work Organization and provided hearing Machines for this young boy Mr.Poorna Chandra Prasad. Now he is comfortable in hearing the word of God when they attend for the worship service and other bible classes . He also the machine for listening his lessons in the college.

Providing rental for the blind family:- We could able to assist one blind family for paying their rental.

Widow help:- We encourage our local church to assist widows in the local church, more than 30 widow sisters in the congregation have received small help from the church’s contribution in the month of October-2023.

Sunday after noon lunch:-  some of our members travel from far away villages and attend for the church for Sunday worship service.  In the month of October five Sundays we have provided afternoon lunch . Each Sunday more thank 80 people receive lunch . We appreciate members who dedicated to service the meals.

Leprosy colony children ministry:- We continually visiting two leprosy colonies and working for the welfare of the helpless children . We appointed volunteers who are able to assist them in teaching and feeding them.

Prayer Request:- We pray and plan for organizing the Christian Growth Bible Seminar to be conducted in the month of January-2024. We request your prayers for the safe travel of our guest teacher Mr.Damon Vincent.

We are thankful to BVBI for your dedication and assistance and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We treat you as blessing for our country and our people. We need your continual prayers and encouragement. We are ever grateful to you and your partnership in educating young people for eternal life sake.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay&Staff from BVBI-India

Posted on November 7, 2023 .

New congregation planted in Tirupati, India

October 7th,2023

Respected  director Mr. Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners, greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you well. We thank you so much for your prayers for our BVBI extension centre.   We would like to submit the brief report for the month of September-2023.

Class room work:-   We are happy to share with you that our classes are going on well. Students are happy to attend for the classes and follow the notes and do their memory work and write their  assignments on time.   We have given the break from September 15th to October 15th. In India all the secular schools will be closed until third week of October 2023.

October 16th & 17 th Youth camp arrangement:-  Our BVBI extension centre is giving top priority to train up young people in India.  As schools and colleges are closing in the month of October on account of Hindu festivals . We approached  30 local churches in our two districts. We request them to send  4 young people from each congregation. We expect 120 young people for the 2 day youth camp. We plan to train them how to reach lost  souls with the gospel of Christ while they are in secular colleges or jobs. We request you to pray for this 2023 youth bible camp.

BVBI-Involving and encouraging local preachers:- We identified local preachers who work in rural areas without proper training. On September 15th we have invited 20 village preachers from the coastal areas and conducted a one day bible class at Vidyanagar . We taught the outlines of the  book of Matthew and also provided a platform to discuss their field work report to learn from one another. We request you to pray for these gospel preachers’ work with rural people and their spiritual welfare.

BVBI- Campaigning  for the blind people :-  We conducted a one day Bible camp for the visually challenged people on September 14, 2023. After the camp we distributed 25 audio bibles for blind people. We humbly inform you that some of the blind people travelled 500 K.M to receive audio bibles.  So far we have baptized 42 blind people, and a few other people are studying with us. We request you to pray for the visually challenged people in India who are interested to study the word of God. One of the BVBI graduated students has been active in doing ministry among the blind people.

Blind person ‘s funeral service : In the month of September on behalf of BVBI we were able to attend the funeral service as one of the blind brother died in Nellore city. His wife is totally blind as we. They have 2 children . 

Planting new local congregation: In the month of September we started a new local church at Sathyanarayapuram . This place is located in the east side of Tirupati City. We encouraged our last batch BVBI  student Mr.Yovel and his wife Sujatha for the progress of this new local church.

Campaigns :- We have conducted 2 campaigns in Abedkar colony, Tirupati rural  in the month of September . Mr.Yesurathnam is Jeep driver who supported for the success of the campaigns in this place.

Back to the Bible classes:- We try to help denominational people to bring them to the NT doctrine.  We have conducted 4 classes for the Pentecostal denominational people in September. The leader and his wife there are seriously studying the word of God. We request you to pray for their conversion.

Visiting local universities  :-There are seven secular universities are located in our city where thousands of student are studying their secular studies. We are continually seeking interested students  who want to study the Bible with us. We have come across one of the  men who came from Nigeria for his Ph.d education . We started a personal bible study with him. I taught these following lessons with him regarding the church as he belongs to a denomination which was established by a human being . Lessons I taught : 1.Meaning of the church, 2. Coming of the church, 3. Establishment of the church, 4.Identity of the church, 5. The Name of the church, 6.Organization of the church, 7. Entering the church, 8. Worship of the church, 9. The Work of the church, 10. Unity of the church, 11. Creed of the church, 12. History of the church and 13 The church today.  We request you to pray for him so that his soul may be converted and added to the lord’s church (Acts 2:47).

Staff meeting:- We conducted our staff meeting in the month of September. We discussed several things for the development of the BVBI extension centre . We distributed responsibilities for October 16th and 17th Youth bible camp.

Thanks meeting : Our BVBI library in charge Mr.Jaswanth has received his first baby so we travelled to his wife‘s native place, Venkatagiri town, and attended the thanksgiving meeting on September 26, 2023. We request you to pray for the new baby and family. In fact his brother’s father-in-law is a preacher with the church of Christ. There were several local preachers who were able to attend for the meeting.

Home Bible studies at labor colony:- After the class our staff and active students work in conducing the home bible studies in the labor colony.  Home Bible study is the  wonderful tool for converting the lost souls in India. We are very interested in home bible study ministry which helps us to  share the gospel to unsaved and equip the saved people in .

Guest teachers:- We are happy to share with you that our guest teacher Mr.S.Vijay Prakash has booked his train tickets today to travel to our Bible School. Lord willing in November he will be teaching .

We are ever grateful to BVBI for your continual prayers and encouragement. This BVBI is the blest platform where we can cultivate young people to use their talents for preaching the gospel of Christ . We need your continual prayers and encouragement. We love and appreciate your love.

Thanking you.

Your brother in Christ.

Vijay and staff  from BVBI- Extension centre  Tirupati- India

Posted on October 7, 2023 .

Tirupati, India students conduct campaign for souls

Reporting Letter for the month of August 2023

Dear brethren:

We pray that this letter may serve us to find you in good health. We sincerely express our gratitude and thanks to you for your continual prayers and encouragement for the establishment of BVBI-extension centre at Tirupati-A.P, India. . We humbly report you for the month of August-2023.

Class Room Work:-  We run the classes regularly, students are able to follow the teachers and write assignments and complete their memory verses work. Teachers observe the students’ classroom notebooks and notice how they write the notes in every subject.

Campaigning :- In the month of August 15th we conducted a campaign at the village of Gunapadu-Village. This is 100 K.M away from our BVBI. We invited about 20  local preachers for the village campaigning. The local church was able to provide afternoon lunch for the students and local preachers. We presented two lessons in the morning and after the lunch we visited a few houses in the same village. The local preacher Mr.Mark died a while back so we visited his family and encouraged his wife and 4 children and grandchildren.   Our August campaign was blessed by God to be a great encouragement for the local church, preacher ‘s family and other people who are not in Christ.

Back to the Bible class:-  In our outreach program we got in contact with 2 denominational leaders. We have started back to the Bible classes for them. By the grace of God we have taught them a few lessons, and they are showing much interest to study the NT doctrine. Lord willing shortly they will be converted.

Encouraging local churches:- In the month of August on Sunday the 20th we visited Krishnasamudram-village and encouraged the local church. The village congregation meets in a small shelter but spiritually they are  strong in doctrine.  Their local preacher works as an English teacher and works for this local church.  He is my good friend. We also visited two other local churches at Vidyanagar and Poolathota-villages.

Houseboard  colony visiting:- There is houseboard colony located  in the outside of the city. These houses were constructed for the sake of people who are living under the poverty line in India. Our students have joined with me to visit door-to-door and share the gospel.

Leadership class:- In the month of August 21 we have conducted leadership class at Jangapalli-village.   Mr.Joseph from Karnataka was able to join with our staff and taught a good lesson from Acts 8:26-40  and encouraged the local leaders to work hard to win the souls like Philip . He sponsored the lunch for all the local leaders.

Staff meeting:-  We invite our staff members and conduct the staff meeting each week. We discuss about the present students and also previous students and their progress in church planting. 

whatsApp group  for previous students:- We have created whatsApp group and connected all our previous students .  They post their reports in the group and pray for one another and encourage one another . There is a student who came to BVBI from Paderu tribal hill area, this is boarder of Odisa state. He is working hard among the tribal areas. He requested us to pray for September 7th and 8th Bible classes at tribal areas.

Home Bible study:-  We are happy to share with you that there is good response out of our home Bible studies. In the evening we visit families and conduct home Bible studies. Our students and  staff also join with these studies. Last week we conducted a home bible study at Mr. Sambaiah family . There is another person Mr. Yesurathnam, his wife died during covid -19 season. He has 4 daughters and one son. We started a home Bible study with his family. One of our church members Mrs.Parvathamma has connected us to a few people near by her house. We started a home Bible study in her area .  Lord willing 4 sisters will be baptized this coming Sunday. Please pray for them. It is our plan to start a new congregation at her area. Please pray for this work.

We thank you so much for your prayers and all your efforts to establish BVBI-in India which is the best platform to educate young men to teach gospel with others.

Prayer Request:- We are planning and praying for organizing youth Bible camp in October 3rd week. We request you to pray for this camp.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay behalf of BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on September 6, 2023 .

Sharing Jesus in India

Reporting letter for the month of July-2023

Date :- August 07th, 2023

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you all good health. We thank you so much for your prayers , we humbly wants to share our brief report for the month of July -2023.

Our director ‘s  Indian visits:- We are highly delighted to share with you about our director visits , we are thankful to Mr.Keith Kasarjian for all his efforts which he invested to travel to India and encouraging us to work in better way for the success of training young men for the spiritual battle to spread the kingdom of His son Jesus Christ (Col 1:13) in the hearts of lost souls in India. We wonderful time with our beloved brother Keith kasarjian on July 10th,2023.

BVBI-class room work:- We are happy to inform you that the classes are running  smoothly for the 3rd batch students. We have selected the students by conducting entrance examination. This entrance exam is much useful for selecting the better students who are able to follow the class room teaching and also capable to write the assignment and other tests from each teacher and courses.

Village campaign:- In the month of July we have selected my native village called Jangalapalli, we have invited near by village gospel preachers to join with us. We have distributed New testaments in our native village. These preachers don’t have other transportation thank having own motor cycles to travel village to village for the gospel ministry. We are happy to do this campaigning on July 15th .

Leadership class:-  We have conducted preachers meeting on July 26th, in fact village preachers did not get an opportunity to attend for the bible schools but they are gifted in reaching the lost souls and converting them. Our BVBI extension centre  has decided to conduct monthly one a class and teach them few lessons and encourage them to work in better for the progress of their local ministry. we had first meeting on July 26th , we had more than 50 people for the class.

Asian Mission Forum work shop:- 2023 Asian Mission Forum was being conducted in Chennai, it was started on July 28th and closed by August 2nd . we are highly delighted to report you that one of my good friend has sponsored me to attend to Asian Mission Forum work shop. It was really wonderful platform to meet other brothers who are touch with BVBI and get encouragement from one another. We are happy to meet Mr.Dominic D Santos from Trinidad , Mr.Phanat Ouch from Cambodia , Mr.Bill Mc Donalds from US, Mr,Gajendra and Mr.Eric from Nepal Mr.Van Biak Lian from Myanmar and other brethren from different parts of our country. We have enjoyed good fellowship and also studied good lessons . We thank God for this wonderful program. We had wonderful opportunity to present our BVBI work by power point presentation in the Asian Mission Farum.

Guests to BVBI-extension centre -Tirupati:- we are happy to report you that 2 guest people we had to visit our BVBI.  One of them was Mr.Van Biak Lian from Myanmar and Mr.Gajendra from Nepal.


HHI -Agriculture Garden :-  Few weeks back we have worked hard and started cultivation by the partnership of HHI. The harvest has began.  Last Sunday after the service we have distributed organic fresh vegetable to poor families in the local church. Our students are able to use vegetables. We are thankful to HHI for their love and generosity for establishment of new AG garden .

Surgery for the blind person:- in the month of July Mr.John wesly become sick severely, we have raised funds for his surgery . Today he has discharged from the hospital.

Provided walking stick to blind person:- We have provided walking stick to Blind person Mr.Richard.

Prayer request:- Lord willing BVBI-Tirupati is planning and praying to organize 4days youth bible camp in the month of October . in fact all the school and colleges will be closed for 10days from October 14th to 24th. It is our ambition to invite 100 young people for the youth bible camp. We request you to keep these upcoming youth program in your prayers.

We are ever grateful to BVBI for your willingness and sacrifice to establish an extension centre in India . It is really very good platform to train India people to preach the gospel. We need your continual prayers and encouragement .

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay behalf of BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India

Posted on August 8, 2023 .

Tirupati, India school welcomes new students

Reporting Letter for the month of June-2023.

Respected prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India, greetings to you in the most holy and matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you all well. We are sincerely thankful to our director and coordinator for their commitment and sacrifice to serve for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati. We appreciate our teaching and non-teaching staff for their hardship and cooperation.  We would like to share a brief report for the month of June.

Entrance examination for new batch:- We have began the 3rd batch . As per our director we sent the examination question paper  we have conducted an Assessment of Bible Knowledge Test. There are 20 students who were able to qualify the test.  There are another 20 part time students who are willing to study the word of God by online system,  Our teachers are interested to help them and encourage them. These part time students are already working in the field, they are preaching in different local churches in rural areas and some are working in urban areas.

Campaigning :- We travelled 100 KM and conducted campaigning at Micro Tower colony, Kota-Mandal, Nellore, A.P . We visited door-to-door  in this village . We conducted a gospel meeting. We had 50 to 55 people for the meeting.

Baptisms:-  Two souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ in the village where we did campaigning . The local preacher Mr.Ch.Nathaniel and his family members were encouraged .

Gospel meeting:- We conducted a gospel meeting at Vidyanagar on June 6th . There were 100 people who attended the meeting.

Prayer meeting at Poolathota-village:- We were able to attend a prayer meeting at Poolathota-village on June 29th. Our students lead the songs.

Benevolence:- In north east of India one of the state Manipur due to internal problems there is no peace. The members of local churches are suffering  from basic needs. My friend who is  brother in Christ Mr.Thanglien has been working in the state of Manipur. We inform you that BVBI-Tirupati identified the need and encouraged the concerning brother in India who published in the media. God has blessed the efforts, collection was Rs.7,48,844-00( seven lakhs, forty eight thousand and forty four rupees)  contributed by the local churches and Individual members for the basic needs of the members of local churches in the state of Manipur. We are humbled to share with you that first contribution was donated by our local churches.

Vegetable Seeds distribution:- In India now a days farmers are using more chemicals for cultivating . We are happy to share with you that we have conducted awareness camping for the rural women and encouraged them to cultivate organic vegetables at their house premises itself. We distributed seeds freely to 30 families.

We are thankful to you for the establishment of BVBI in India  which is the best platform for educating young people to sow the seed of God’s word to spread His son’s kingdom (Col 1:13).

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar & Staff from BVBI-Tirupati, India.

Posted on July 7, 2023 .

Tirupati, India students busy with gospel meetings

Reporting Letter for the month of May-2023

To all  prayer partners of BVBI, greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you all good health. We thank you so much for your continual prayers for the smooth function of BVBI-Extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India. We are happy to a share brief report for the month of May-2023.

The Month of May Summer in India: Sun heat is so high during May in India. The old people tell us that they never experienced this kind of hot temperature previously like the summer season during this year 2023. But God is kind enough to protect us.

Gospel meetings at Karnoon disctir, A.P; The summer is a suitable season for evening gospel meetings. Our BVBI student Mr.Yovel and his wife Mrs.Sujanthan, along with another student Mr.Yuvaraj and his wife Mrs.Swapna are from karnool district in A.P , state. It is about 500 miles away from Tirupati. They conducted 3 days of gospel meetings on May 8, 9, and 10 at their village. We had more than 250 people gathering for the night meetings, and during the daytime, we had Bible studies. We are happy to share with you that more than 150 people were in attendance for the Bible class.

Gospel meetings at Vidyanagar, Nellore  disctir, A.P;- We conducted two days of gospel meetings at Vidyanagar on May 12th and 13th.  We had more than 200 people in attendance for the meeting.

Baptisms:- By the grace of God 17 souls were baptized in the month of May. We request you to pray for the new souls so that they grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Bible studies for the village people:-  Our BVBI students have started group Bible studies at 15 places. They are teaching wonderful lessons for the spiritual growth of the people.

Campaigning :- we conducted campaigning at Poolathota village on May 18th, and encouraged the village congregation in that village.

Audio Bibles distribution campaigning for the blind people:- We have conducted bible camp for the visually challenged people and distributed audio Bibles for 50 people at Nellore

My west Godavari district  Travel:- Myself and a previous BVBI student, Mr.John Wesly, travelled by train from Tiripati to Narasapur. We conducted 3 meetings in the Narasapur area. We visited some of our BVBI students and encouraged them.

New batch for 2023:- All the Indian schools will be reopen from June 12th onwards, we would like to open our school the second week of June 2023.

Skill Training: After the completion of  2 years training our students need a livelihood to sustain and preach the gospel as many of them come from poor family backgrounds. Therefore today our faculty members and myself consulted with a nearby skill training center. They would provide part-time skill development courses  to our students during their leisure time and weekend days to establish dairy farms, sheep farms, poultry farms, piggery farms etc.. to improve their livelihood . We would like to encourage our students to have self-employment and do the evangelism in India after completion of Bible training at BVBI.

We are thankful to our director and coordinator for their love, sacrifice, and commitment to establish BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India.  We are ever grateful to  them for their hard work and and all your encouragement. We request you to pray continually for BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.


Posted on June 7, 2023 .