Studies continue in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the Month of February-2025

Date; March 5th,2025.

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian, our international director, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners. Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We express our gratitude and thanks to you for your prayers and  encouragement . We humbly submit our reporting letter for the month of February-2025.

Classroom work: - This quarter we taught: The book of Matthew, New testament  Christianity, The Importance of Blood, Repentance,  Study on Pentateuch, and Abiding in Hope. We also adopted a few topics from World Video Bible School Material. We are thankful to our coordinator (BVBI) for presenting projector and WVBS video devices for our BVBI-Tirupati extension  centre. These are very much useful to learn several subjects.

Assignment work:- All the students are cooperating well in writing their assignments . We collect the note books and evaluate from time to time.

Bible Seminar:- In the month of February 7th and 8th we have conducted a two day seminar. The theme for the seminar was “The Parables of Jesus Christ. We have invited local preachers, active members in the local churches, BVBI-students and  teachers . The seminar went on successfully. The study material  for the seminars was prepared by Dr. Damon Vincent. We appreciate his guidelines for the grand success of the seminar. BVBI-students were involved actively and learned several good things on how to organize the lectureship meetings.

Gospel  Campaignings:- In the month of February we conducted gospel campaigning at Vemuguntapallem-village on 23RD evening. The village people were able to attended the meeting and requested monthly campaigning.  This is my birthplace , personally I was very happy to conduct camp in this village.

Bible Quiz:- In the month of February 22nd we conducted Bible quiz to BVBI students from the Book of Matthew. We divided students into 5 groups and conducted the quiz. It was very interesting and helped a lot in  learning  the word of God.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, my children Timothy and Tabitha from India.

Posted on March 10, 2025 .