Bear Valley Bible Institute- Tirupati-India
Respected beloved director Mr. Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayers partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India. Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you in good health. We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement. We express our gratitude and thanks for your love and concern for the spiritual educational program that you provide through BVBI for the young people in India. In fact BVBI is a wonderful platform to train up the young people who are able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). We would like to submit our June-2024 report.
Class room work: - We work hard to teach courses for the students. In the month of June we have completed Exodus, Leviticus, First Samuel and few doctrinal subjects. We conduct daily tests, weekly assignments and memory verses. We examine the note book from time-to-time.
June 19th campaigning :- We have conducted campaigning on June 19th at SV-nagar, about 100 people were able attend for the campaigning. We have distributed New Testaments for the participants
June 26th campaigning :-We have conducted campaigning on June 26th at Vidyanagar, about 75 people were able attend for the campaigning. We have distributed New Testaments for the participants.
Baptism:- There were 3 souls baptized in the month of June, we request you to pray for these newly baptized souls.
Night meetings:- People in our town are free in the evening to give time for the Bible study. Each week we conduct night meetings .
Visiting rural areas:- We were born and brought up in the rural areas. We are very much comfortable in visiting rural areas. There are a few congregations that we have planted in rural areas . Please pray for the rural people who are thirsty for the word of God.
Meeting the people:- We are continually reaching the lost souls and preaching the gospel. We request your prayers for the lost souls in India.
Staff Meeting:- In the month of June 5th we conducted a staff meeting and discussed several things including agendas for the progress of our BVBI-Tirupati.
Home Bible studies:- BVBI-Tirupati takes an active part in conducting home bible studies. Lord willing next week more souls will be obeying to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Newly planted house church :- We are happy to report that we have baptized a few sisters who are from the east part of our city. They meet in a house on every Sunday for the worship service and on every Thursday for Bible study. We request you to pray for this house church.
Zoom bible study:- BVBI-Tirupati conducts a zoom meeting every Thursday. Many school teachers, principals, and other business people are able to study the word of God through this zoom class.
Benevolence:- We often remember James 1:27 and try to meet the needs of orphans and widows and visit hospitalized patients . We teach the local church members to support for this benevolence.
Once again we thank you brothers for your love and concern for the Bible Institute, we sincerely appreciate your kindness. We need your continual prayers.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in christ.
Vijay&Staff from BVBI-extension Centre-Tirupati-India.