Reporting Letter for the month of April-2024
Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our school director , coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We are very much thankful to you for your continual prayer and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-Tirupati-India. I would like to submit reporting letter for the month of April-2024.
Class room work:- In the month of April we have completed the books of Geneses , Exodus, Joshua, Judges and Ruth. We conducted tests for each course.
Zoom classes:- We conduct zoom meeting on every Thursday. We invite church leaders and active members of local churches along with students for the zoom meeting. In the month of April we conducted 4 classes. We feel as it is a great privilege to use the technology for spiritual growth.
Home Bible studies:- Home Bible study is the very best tool for us to meet families and share with them the gospel of Christ. We involve our students in the home bible studies and they learn how to be connected with families and win souls for Christ.
Door to Door ministry:- We have conducted door to door ministry from April 24 to 30th . We invited Mr. Gajendra from Nepal . Along with him we have visited a few villages like Thimmanagaripallem village, Kammavaripallem village, Chittedu village, Microtower colony village ,Vidyanagar village, Poolathota-village and a few families in Tirupati. We visited most of the Christian families and strengthened them . One of the doctor’s family is interested to study the New Testament church. They invited us for an evening bible study. We appreciate Mr. Gajendra for his patience and love for the souls. He was able to share encouraging short sermons wherever we went.
Campaigning :- In the month of April 25th we have conducted campaigning at the village of Poolathota-village. Mr.Gajendra preached in the village . Vidyanagar Church of Christ provided afternoon lunch for all us while we were in village. The local congregation and my brother-in-law’s family were well encouraged by the camp. New families were able to hear the word of God. There are 70 people who were able to attend for the meeting. One new family invited us for the personal bible study in the village.
Baptisms:- In the month of April 2 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for these new souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.
Visiting the sick people:- In the month of April we visited several sick people in the hospital as well at homes. One of our member Brother.N.Ravi Kumar has undergone though heart open surgery . We have visited and provided him Rs.5000 by the local church contribution for his medical help. We also helped Mrs.Marthamma Rs.3500/ for the medical help.
Bore well Project:- we have come across a school at Eswaravaka village. We have moved with great compassion to see the children who are suffering without clean drinking water. By the partnership of Healing Hands International we were able to provide them a bore well . All the staff and children felt very happy about our loving service.
Betrothal:- in our local church there was betrothal event on April 24th evening. We were able to attend and share the word of God. Several Hindu religious people were able to hear the word of God.
Wedding:- We have attended for the wedding event of our church member, I was given opportunity to preach the word of God concerning the marriage
Funeral :- My brother-in-law, and active member of the church, passed away on April 14th. We attended to the funeral service on April 15th and comforted the family members, local church , relatives and village people.
Plans for May 2024:-
World Bible school promotion campaign:- In the month May sun heat will be increasing in India. All schools and colleges will be closed for the summer vacations. It is our plan to get connected with World Bible School and conduct promotion campaign. It will be helpful for the several non Christians to received free bible correspondence course.
V.B.S (children program ):- In the month of May we would like to conduct VBS for the children to educate them for spiritual growth.
Youth camp:- In the month of May we plan to conduct one youth camp.
Gospel meetings:- Summer is suitable season for organizing the gospel meetings. Lord willing we will be conducting few gospel meetings and street meetings
We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement. We thank God for the BVBI which is the best platform to educate young people and conduct few other activities which are connected with Bible school. We love you and appreciate your love.
Thanking you.
Your brother in Christ.
Vijay , extension’s centre in charge of BVBI-Tirupati-India.