Reporting Letter for the month of November-2023
December 4th,2023
Respected director Mr.Keith kasarijian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India. We send greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us in finding you all good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We would like to submit brief report for the month of November-2023.
BVBI-Tirupati: The BVBI -extension centre at Tirupati functions smoothly and successfully. We continually teach and train the young people in India. In the month of November we had guest teacher Mr. S.Vijay Prakash. He was able to teach the book of James . We appreciate the students as well as part-time students who are able to attend the classes. We sincerely appreciate all the guest teachers who help in educating young people in our Bible school.
Staff meeting: We conducted a staff meeting on 11th Saturday at our Bible school office room. We discussed a few things concerning the development of the Bible school and also reaching university students in our city.
Local Preachers Meeting: Our BVBI-Tirupati is organizing village preachers meeting every month. Village preachers were not given opportunity to attend the Bible schools for training, but they have zeal for doing God’s ministry. So each month we conduct preachers’ meeting and teaching. In the month of November 18th Saturday we conducted a preachers’ meeting at the village of Aruru. We studied the book of James.
Visiting Kasumuru-Village: After the preachers’ meeting at Aruru village we travelled to the Kasumuru village congregation and encouraged them on 18th Saturday.
Karnool visit : Some of our first batch students were from Karnool distrct in A.P state. They connected me with one of the local churches in Karnool district. We are happy to share with you that Mr. Rajarathnam is working hard at Vandagal village. He invited me to teach on Nov-30th day class and evening gospel meeting. In their local church they are having 250 members. We had a wonderful class and evening meeting.
Baby churches: We have started 10 home churches in our city. Our staff members and students visit and work for these home churches. We request you pray for the growth of these churches.
Home Bible studies: In our city and around the city our staff and students are working effectively in conducting the home bible studies. A few people are near to the kingdom of God. We request your prayers for those attending the home bible studies.
Moral Values class for the KGBV-school: I have visited KGBV-school on November 27th. The school principal is my wife Swarupa. The school staff has requested me to teach moral values to the intermediate students. I taught them moral values to build better community. They are happy to receive the teaching.
Benevolence: In the month of November we distributed clothes to 31 widowed sisters at Vandagal-village, Karnool district. As I regularly preach at Vidyanagar church of Christ and Tirupati church of Christ they have sponsored this clothes distribution benevolence program.
Death: In the month of November our local church member Mrs. Jeevadanamma died on Nov 24th . We had a funeral service on Nov 25th . She was a widow sister, strong member in the local church. It is so sad to miss our member . But we thank God for the hope of resurrection.
Prayer Request: BVBI-Tirupati first and second batch students have been working hard in the spiritual battle field working against Satan’s kingdom by proclaiming the gospel of Christ. We request you to pray for their church planting work.
We humbly share with you that the BVBI-extension centre is a great blessing for the young people who wish to study the word of God. We thank our director Mr.Keith kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds for their hardship in guiding and availability for the smooth function of the centre at Tirupati-India.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ.
Vijay&Staff from BVBI-extension Centre-Tirupati-India.