Baptisms in India

Date 06/06/2024

BVBI-Tirupati-India -Reporting Letter for the month of May-2024

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our director, our coordinator Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you all well physically as well as spiritually. We would like to share report for the month of May-2024.

BVBI-students practical training:  In the month of May we have gave a break for the students, The month of May was  summer season  in India and all the students participated in the practical work at different local churches.

BVBI-students Students campaigning to conduct V.B.S : We conducted a two day VBS children classes at Vidyangar on May 24th & 25th. We collected about 100 children from different villages and gathered them at the Vidyanagar church of Christ meeting place. We trained 10 teachers and gave each teacher 10 children for the group bible study. We appointed 10 volunteers to help the program. The theme for 2024 was God’s Love. The local church and other individual members donated money for food, snacks, drinks and gifts . God has blessed our two day campaign .

BVBI-students Students campaigning to distribute New testaments: We conducted a student campaign on May 29th at Ambedkar colony. We distributed New testaments. There were more than 50 people who were able to attend for the campaign .

Baptisms in the  month of May : In the month of May 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the newly baptized souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Preachers meeting: We attended a preachers meeting which was held in the city of Nellore, Andhra Padesh-India on May 30th.

BVBI-students -3 days workshop on Fruit tree Garden Plantation :  In the third week of May we planted a fruit tree garden by the partnership of Healing Hands International.

Based on the poverty situation of the poor people in this location , we established  one  agri based fruit plantation garden . in this garden we  grow mango trees, jack fruit trees, guava, orange, pomegranate , lemon, papaya, banana, coconut, citrus plants.  We selected land with all infrastructure facilities like agro based inputs , fencing , equipments material and grown the above said fruit plants with provision of organic manure, drip irrigation system etc..with the help of Healing Hands International .

Brothers, we thank you for creating this wonderful platform of BVBI at our city.  We express our gratitude and thanks to our director Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for their restless efforts for the smooth function of BVBI extension centre in Tirupati-India. They are always available for any suggestions and guidance .  Even in midnight  we call them they could able to respond with kindness and love. We appreciate their service . We treat your assistance as a blessing of God to train young people in India. We need your continual prayers for our extension centre.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar – BVBI-Tirupati-India-

Posted on June 6, 2024 .