Always Exciting To Report...

I keep thinking there is going to be a week when everything sort of hits a low point without much in the “exciting-to-report” department. However, it is not going to be this week. Even though there are only a few reports, each has powerful news about the work, God’s increase to the church and the growth in the students who are preparing themselves for greater work in the ministry of God’s kingdom.

No matter how short or long the report is each week, it is filled with wonderful news of how God is working in the lives of His faithful servants to reach out with the message of Jesus. The result of their efforts is changing the lives of people every week. I continue to be encouraged by the reports of various campaigns where God is giving the increase as the seed is being planted and watered. It is awesome to share in a small part of this work. Thank you!

On a brief side note, Sheryl and I enjoyed the celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary yesterday. She is a very special woman who is a faithful servant to our God. I appreciate her standing by me throughout several trials over the years. Her love and support in every phase of our life and work in ministry are unmatched and immeasurable. I know I am only one of many men who work in the extension program who can make the same claim. Our wives provide a backbone for which the structure of our service exists. I am thankful to God for blessing me with such a marvelous help meet, best friend and companion.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Fruitful Campaign In Cameroon: The recent campaign work in Cameroon continues to demonstrate growth as God blesses the efforts of these students.

Chimala’s Most Wanted: We often take for granted the medical care in this country. The work that is part of the Chimala Mission desperately needs medical personnel. 

Honduras Student Report: The students in Honduras are involved in the growth of the church in Honduras. God is blessing their efforts in several ways.

Children Of Godly Parents Impact Tanzania: The work is growing in Arusha, Tanzania because of young people who are involved. Their parents are to be commended. 

Final Thoughts
Our travels this summer have been wonderful. We are sharing news about the work everywhere we go. I love seeing the excitement on the faces of our fellow workers in the church when they learn of the growth God is giving to the church around the world. Their support in this program is a great part of the fellowship we share as partners in the work of training men to preach the gospel. 

Thank you for your love for the Lord, His church and the nations of the world who need to hear about our Savior, Jesus. I pray for you each day and trust the God of heaven and all creation will bless you richly for your faithful service.

God bless

Posted on July 2, 2012 .