One Precious Soul...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation. I pray that this mail meets you all in the family and the church in good health and sound faith.

I am writing this report early in the morning on Sunday because I am about to travel and will not have access to internet until Monday. Thanks for your understanding.

Brother Eddie Samuel conducted a confession from the brother who was an usher in the Full gospel church, a strong denomination in Wotutu. He came to our Wednesday class to ask questions and he was so happy as he confessed that he listened to our BACK TO THE BIBLE program daily and he went to his pastor for proof from the Bible about what we are saying, and the pastor was not able to do that so he came to us and was clarified. He went back and discussed with them, but they could not help him, so early in the morning he came during our 4:30 am preaching and told us that he is ready to be baptized.

Brother Standly Yerima smiled after his baptism. He told us he has suffered in errors for a long time and he is praising God that he has found the truth. Keep him in your prayers so that many who are close to him will come to the truth and obey it. Just like the way his name is going, he is having some trace of a Moslem background. God is doing great things in the life of many here.

All is working well and God is blessing. Classes in CBIW went on well and the daily evangelism through our local radio program is still cutting across many souls who listen to the gospel as early as 4:30 am daily. Many will appreciate what we are doing, some will call to ask questions while others will call and say we are against other churches, that will also give us ample opportunity to study with them.

CBIW students sang songs of praises to rejoice with this new and precious brother whom the Lord has added into His kingdom here in Wotutu. The entire village of Wotutu came out to see what was happening that early morning as the students were singing from the river side to the campus about 800 miles from the school.

This week was characterized with power failure and that was another great opportunity for us to spread the gospel without any hindrance from some who will get up also and start playing music to disturb their neighbors from listening. We could do that because of the presence of our standby generator. Many thanks to all those who shared in our dreams to get this PA system it is a wonderful tool for evangelism.

1) We shall not go to Muyuka this month, as they called us to come and help because we don’t enough funds for that. We shall instead go to Mbanga village to establish a new congregation. Keep the plans in your prayers.

2) We shall do a study about the work in Batoke this month. We want to carry the gospel to virgin lands instead now.

3) New students will come for the entrance exams on the 28th of July. Keep the prospect students who have applied in your prayers.

God bless you in all your efforts to help us spread the gospel here in Cameroon. Thank you for standing by us to train me to preach the gospel. Your labors is always in our hearts. We appreciate you for allowing the Lord to use you for His glory.

Keep the work in your prayers and share it with others who may love to come and be part.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on July 8, 2012 .