Fruitful Campaign In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation. We pray that this mail meets you all in good health and a sound faith. We appreciate God for all His care over us, most especially the students who went out for campaign and are all on campus safe and sound in Wotutu.

The students who went out to 17 different villages, went to campaign for the souls to turn away from their wicked ways and come to the Lord to drink from the river of life free of charge. One of the denominational pastor’s was baptized. He was in a group called DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH. Keep this work in your prayers that those brothers who are really young converts will be able to keep the church until December when a permanent preacher will go and take up the work after graduation full time. 

God bless you all for your fervent prayers that worked well in the lives of the students of CBIW and staff that went around to some locations to supervise and see how the students were faring.

This campaign was also spectacular as all married students went out with their wives to preach and teach. Reports reaching us from those congregations show many developments from the wives and the sisters in those congregations. Many appreciated the gestures and pray we continue that way to bring about positive changes in the brotherhood in Cameroon.

Brother Tobias went to Atongeh village about 400 miles from the school with his wife. This village is young and our first congregation established since the starting of the school. He preached house to house. Keep that work in your prayers.

Brother Tobias’ wife, sister Joyce Sakwe, taught the women of that congregation who enjoyed studying among the sisters for the very first time. They sent words of appreciation and requested that the wife of brother Tobias should come again and help them.

The sisters of the Atongeh congregation were smiling after their sister’s class. Oh how wonderful and pleasant is it for brethren to dwell together in unity…Keep this young congregation in your prayers because we see a lot of potential to take the entire village for Christ in the near future.

Brother Opel baptized sister Nelly in the Ekombe congregation. Keep the work in your prayers. God is doing something great in Cameroon, lives are being changed and many are getting the good news. From the mouths of the students and staff of CBIW, evangelism is at its peak now, and by His grace He will add more souls to His kingdom as we continue to plant and water. God will give us opening to rob from the strong man’s house.

Brother Sakwe Mulango was in Mondoni village with his wife and the Lord was working through them as the gospel reached many on their way. He baptized our new sister Njeni. The Lord blessed the work for one week as the students were out to preach and teach the gospel to as many as will open their doors for them to come in. A total of 32 new precious souls were added to congregations here while 40 souls who were out of the fold came back rejoicing. Please keep the work of here in your prayers and continue to be part of it. God is doing something great in the life of the church in Cameroon, the history of the church in Cameroon will change for good gradually.

Sister Joyce was on the road with her husband walking on foot long distances to get to the village where they were supposed to serve. When it rains too much, motor bikes will not plough the roads because it is more risky, but because the gospel is for all, they must go. The vision is to include married students with their wives for campaign is wonderful. It gets them involved into the work fully, even though it is expensive, to send them out but it is working well to God be the glory.

1) We shall go to Muyuka congregation for a two days evangelism as they are inviting the whole school to come over to their community and help them.

2) We shall also go to Mbanga  which is a mixed community, that is many speak French and English to established a new congregation by His grace this month end. Keep the work in your prayers.

We give thanks to God for all His great works in the life of the church in Cameroon. We also thank God for allowing you for Him to use you to accomplish His purpose here in Cameroon. We thank you for your prayers and support. Please share this report with others. God bless you and watch over you and your family. Greet the entire church for us. We love them. They are a strong pillar in our ministries.

Elangwe and family,

By His grace director CBIW

Posted on July 2, 2012 .