Chimala's Most Wanted...

As you may know, we shipped over our books, furniture, etc. on a shipping container. It arrived at Dar es Salaam last week, but, because of one reason or another, the container has been delayed. Because of this delay, we are being charged $75/day for the container simply sitting there. Please pray for our container to be fully cleared and on it's way.

Our house on the mission is the Mays House. We are having it repainted for the last week and it should be ready soon. We hope to move back into the Mays House on Wednesday.

Bill Stinson, Don & Sue Logsdon, and myself, Chad, took a trip up the mountain to the original mission site. The Chimala Mission is working toward kicking off a cattle project on the mountain and we completed a survey of the mission site. All of the buildings are no longer in good condition, but some of the buildings can be rebuilt. The view on top of the mountain was fantastic!!

On Saturday, several of us took a trip to Kumani Falls. There was a good hike to and from the falls, but the view was well worth the effort.

American Doctor Needed
The Chimala Mission has a fully functioning hospital. Recently, three US doctors visited for 4 weeks and made a huge impact on the mission hospital. People in the community saw that the level of care increased, patient care improved, and a general morale boosting with the staff. The standard of care is in need of improvement and an American doctor can help with this need. If you or someone you know would like to do a three month, six month, or longer tour at the mission, let us know.  

Preaching the Gospel
We visited several congregations this week. We visited Lyambogo congregation on Wednesday evening, Chimala A congregation on Sunday AM, and Lyambogo congregation again Sunday PM. I preached at each congregation to full buildings. 

Support Level
We are still in need of support for our family. We came over to Chimala on faith that the LORD would provide. We pray that the LORD will work through you and your congregation to help us in our work.


To view Chad's report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on July 2, 2012 .