Honduras Student Report...

I hope this finds you well together with your wife in your new home. To continue, I present to you the report of the work of the students: 

Porfirio Gonzales
The brother is visiting a town called “The 24th of December” with the purpose of establishing a congregation. This place is located in El Paraiso. Some brethren live there who have left the church. He, along with Yoni (his son and graduate of IBH) are visiting these brethren and 4 were reconciled this Sunday. All of them participated in the communion. There are at least 10 brethren more that are in the denominations and the brother is visiting them to get them to come back to the church. He has been distributing literature, giving classes and preaching house to house. 

Enrique Figueroa
The brother is collaborating in Coyolar together with the preacher. He is visiting a place where he is preaching the Gospel. He has studied with some sectarian pastors over the necessity of obeying the truth and to seek the restoration and unity of the church. Each Saturday and Sunday he collaborates in the preaching and classes in the church. They have realized two weddings and four baptisms.  

Jairo Irías
He is collaborating in El Zarzal in the preaching, evangelism, songs and direction of the Lord’s Supper. He continues attending on Wednesdays Los Robles to teach the Bible to people. Also, he has visited the brethren who have left (the church) and to encourage those who are discouraged.  

Jose Cruz Lopez
The brother is collaborating in El Zarzal. The past week he was collaborating in a campaign that was realized in La Villa de San Francisco where there were 10 baptisms and 4 restorations. I have contributed and one person was baptized. Also he is active in the work of evangelism, the songs and the preaching. For the moment he takes charge of the youth group of the church, together with Hector (another graduate).  

Jose Antonio Caceres
The brother is always helping brother Oscar each weekend in El Empalme de Trojes. This month a gentleman was baptized and they helped him since he has problems of paralysis. Brother Oscar is very satisfied by the work that Antonio does since he helps in every aspect of the work. 

Gustavo Reyes
The brother continues helping the church of Cuyali, El Paraiso. The preacher does not give him much participation in the services of the church. Each Saturday he leave together with another brother to give studies and encourage the brethren. The preacher feels jealousy toward Gustavo because the brethren like the way in which he teaches in the classes and sermons. Gustavo spoken to him about it, saying that all he is doing is so as to affirm the church and help in its spiritual growth.

We are preparing ourselves for the campaign that will begin July 8 to July 14 in Talanga.  Brother Donnie, I want you to please do me a favor and send me the program of studies of the Beta Class, since I did not make copies and one day cleaning the office with the students, I believe it was lost among the papers of the trash. I will appreciate it very much if you send it to me and I will make sure to make some copies.

With that relating to the wall, we still do not have an answer on the part of the authorities, only a backhoe came and deepened more the creek and I believe that that is not sufficient, but our authorities are negligent. I just hope to pay the taxes so that later, if possible, to interpose a demand for the possible damages that the creek causes to the property of the church.

God bless you and have a happy day!


Posted on July 2, 2012 .