Greetings Fellow Workers,
We hope and pray all is well and that this short report finds each of you blessed on all sides. Our God is truly an amazing God, provider and the power that makes all things possible.
The campaigns continue, Moshi completing Saturday with an all day seminar around “Spiritual Maturity.” It was such a joy to witness their planning and execution in this evangelistic effort.
On Thursday, I was in a study with a group of six, one being a very old Masai, another was a young man by the name of Joseph (also a Masai), two other men and two ladies. I directed most of my questions toward the older man beginning with the question; “do you believe in God”. I found his response very interesting; “well sure I believe in God, how could I be alive without God.” I then asked if he knew who Jesus is, he replied; “I have never heard of this Jesus”. So, “In the beginning” we began.
After two hours of study, Joseph had several questions, culminating in his obedience to the Gospel. So, down to the river we went, rejoicing in song and in heart.
With the addition of Joseph to the Church, the total during the Safari for Souls campaigns is now 72. And yes, the follow-up is on going in the various locations resulting thus far in 12 more souls obeying the Gospel. Yes, the work continues and God continues to bless our efforts by giving the increase.
Stephanie, Granny and I would like to thank all the faithful godly parents in the Church. Our lives have been blessed richly by young people coming and staying with us for several weeks during the summer each year. Caitlin Williams, the daughter of Ralph and Cindy Williams, spent the summer with us two years ago. Last year Jessica Galloway, the daughter of Jay and Renee Galloway, and this year our lives are being blessed by Caitlin Middleton, the daughter of Alan and Cindy Middleton. If the Lord wills, next year there is a young man from the Hoover congregation (AL) planning on spending the summer with us.
We see in these young Christians, a zeal and desire to be all God would have them to be. We learn a lot about their parents priorities in this life. We see a promising future for the Lord’s Church around the world, knowing there is a generation of young who love God, Love His Church, and are willing to put God and His will first in their lives. To all the faithful and godly parents we say, amen!
We close with hearts of gratitude. We thank God, we thank each of you and we thank our family and friends who make our lives possible. We are a blessed people, blessed beyond measure. May your week be a blessing to other as you strive to serve the Living God and your fellow man.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Caitlin.