Ondo State, Nigeria school grateful for the opportunity to train preachers

Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Weekend Schools, Ondo State Between July to September 2022.

We return all the glory, honor, and Majesty to our heavenly Father for His sustenance over us as a school. We equally thank our sponsors, The Bear Valley Bible School, Denver, Colorado, USA for their unwavering support since the commencement of the Schools in Ondo State, a year ago. Thank you! Your reward is great in heaven above. As a school, our heart is filled with songs of praise to God, and thankfulness in our hearts to our sponsors for us to be part of this great vision of preparing men all over the world for the work of preaching the undiluted gospel of Christ. The School had its first annual Bible seminar on the theme "Diligent Workers" on 17 September 2022. Two topics were taught on that day. First, Why is there a lack of Scriptural leadership in the churches of Christ in Ondo State? Second, what is the Biblical solution to the Scriptural leadership of the Church? Brother Olufemi Makinde and Brother Fasonu Victor were speakers for the program. The aim is to address Scriptural leadership issues in Ondo State. We have set the ball rolling as a school in the state! Our impact has been felt already! There were eighty-five in attendance from different congregations of the Lord in the state and beyond! Glory be to God in the highest, Amen.

Evangelism Report: As a School in Ondo center, we went out to preach the gospel in the Igba area of Ondo City in July. We were 13 in attendance including three instructors from the Ondo center. We had one baptism! Glory be to God! We are working to establish the church of Christ in the Igba area within the next year with mass evangelism involving the gospel Chariot. We need your prayers for effectiveness and success. Akure center is not left out of evangelism fervor as the school there also went out just as we did in Ondo center. There were 10 in attendance that went out to preach the gospel of Christ in that area. Prospects were directed to the church of Christ at Leo Street for more teaching and encouragement.

Classroom activities: Glory be to God, as a school, we are in the second year of rigorous study and learning. During the months covered in this report, July to September 2022, we had three classes for the two centers: First, in the Ondo center, brother Victor Fasonu taught "Hermeneutic -1" in July, while brother Damilola Oke taught 1 Corinthians at the Akure center that same month. In August, Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught "How we got the Bible" in Ondo center, while, brother Rowland Matthew taught "Scheme of Redemption" in Akure Center. In September, Brother Rowland Matthew came to Ondo center to teach "Scheme of Redemption" while brother Godwin Emmanuel went to Akure center to teach "How we got the Bible". Wonderful and interesting classes.

Brother Micaiah Miyendegha is one of the students at the Ondo center. He is a lively student in the classroom. He works with the local environmental department of Idanra of Ondo State! He loves what he is doing at the moment which is studying the word of God. He is a good example in the classroom and outside the School. He is a member of the church where l preach. He wants to be deeply rooted in the doctrine of Christ and the nearest future, l believe, he will take up the preaching work of the church.

Financial Report: l want to thank Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver for their usual support in the smooth running of the Schools. We have received support for July to September 2022! Thank you, all!

Miscellaneous: we are grateful for the supplies for our immediate needs of the schools in Ondo State.

We are committed to the work God has given to us via Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State. Our heart is filled with joy for helping us with the academic environment and the support. With God's help, we will continue to move to higher grounds in Christ with sound and Bible-based knowledge of the Scriptures.

Fasonu Victor


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State.

Posted on September 28, 2022 .

Accra, Ghana school holds lectureship

Accra Report

Report on activities and programs for the month of August

During this month, classes were ongoing. Ten students were present during the studies, except one who was absent due to family challenges. This student will be reseating all the courses for this quarter as required by the schools’ regulations. All instructors did well in the teaching activities until the completion of the research assignment.

Lectureship in Koforidua

Both weekend schools, the regular class, the ministers, and past students from the surrounding churches attended the three (3) day lectureship. The theme for the lectureship was Seeing the Big Picture. The program was more practical on evangelism. Eighty-eight were present for the lectureship. We are grateful to God for the success of the program, seeing the Big Picture and looking at the message from beginning to end. The brothers who facilitated the program did an outstanding job. It was Biblical and good and we commended the work done by them.


We had Bachelor’s class taught by Steven Ashcraft who took them through the introduction to Elementary Greek. This was to pre-equip the students, to be knowledgeable with the alphabet, ascent, breathing marks, syllabification, and parts of speech before the next class on Greek 1. About fifteen students were present for the course.


As part of our program this quarter, we gathered at Ablekuma NIC congregation to partake in a one week house–to–house and public preaching campaign. The community was very interactive during the gospel presentation. They attended in good numbers and contributed to the many questions asked after the presentation. We had no baptism yet, but we promised to pay a visit to study more.


This video has been handy to the school. Through this material, the Nsawam Adoagyiri congregation uses it for their Teen Bible Teachers in their classes. The brethren really enjoy using it in their studies. This is because the instructors teach in clarity and understanding.  The teen class has learned How to Read the Bible and now to study How we got the Bible. They have been very grateful for these lessons and really appreciate the effort and the cost of the material. 


The Director, Bro. E.O. Larbi visited a student (Bro. Yaw Boadu) and was assigned to teach the congregation Marriage, Divorce, and Remarrying for the month of August. The church was full to its capacity during the second, third, and fourth weeks. Three visitors who were invited to the church were baptized during the period.

Student’s Profile

We also introduce our student John Acquah. A young man of Twenty-seven years old, and a student at the University of Education. He is single. He has been in the faith for a couple of years. He preaches for the Batanyah congregation and was admitted to the Bear Valley School this year, 2022. He has been very good in academics and fluent in evangelism and teaching activities. He is also helpful, humble, and willing to serve when he is called on a mission. He has been one of the students who we send to help the rural churches in the central region. 

The school is very grateful for such brethren. We always request that you remember our students in prayer so that they may be well enlightened as all instructors strive to teach the doctrine of Christ.

We also appreciate the willful giving for the support and your prayers. God richly bless you.

Report by E. O. Larbi

Posted on September 27, 2022 .

Ukraine school continues even through war

Dear brothers and sisters, 

I am sending you a report about the events in the church in Ukraine during the month of August and the beginning of September of 2022. 

The Ukrainian events. 

We are still in the middle of active warfare. Unfortunately, the constant air raid alerts and missile strikes landing on Ukrainian territory don't let us lead a normal life. So many of us don't remember what it's like to peacefully sleep through the night. I think it will take years for us to recover from the psychological trauma. The most dangerous events took place in the East and the South of the country. Daily artillery attacks, aviation bombings, and rocket launcher systems strikes hit Ukrainian cities and villages. During the last few weeks, the Ukrainian military forces were able to reclaim the territory of the Kharkiv region to face the atrocities of the Russian occupation aftermath, especially in the city of Izium, where they discovered mass graves with the bodies of civilians and children. In 2006-2007 we had intentions of founding a new congregation in this city. We beg for prayers for Ukraine. 

Bear Valley Bible Institute in Chernivtsy.  

The school year started on August 29th. The Institute had to change locations 4 times during the recent 15 years. It's inconceivable but with the Lord's help, we continue to do the impossible. Of course, you understand that the work of the Institute involves not only students but also the Instructors, their families, books, furniture, etc. Some smart people compare a change of location to a fire, and I'm afraid I agree. 

Currently, we have 6 students. They are all young and full of desire to serve the Lord. The first two courses were Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther and The Intertestament Period (taught by Dennis Sopelnik). Now they have an introduction to the Greek language (Instructor Valentin Tsyopa). The classes continue as scheduled.

The Church in Bela Tserkva and Ukraine in general. 

As I have written before, we keep helping out the refugees. In the church building, we have people from different places in Ukraine that are occupied by Russians or the ones with active warfare strikes. We give them 2 weeks to get all the paperwork done to get some financial aid from the Government and find a place to rent and a job. Occasionally we are able to have some food packages for refugees. This is a way of reaching out with the good news of Christ. We have good response, some people started attending the services. Obviously, it costs money and thankfully, our American brethren support this ministry periodically.  

We are extremely grateful to all brothers and sisters as well as the congregations who help us during this time of trials. May God strengthen each of you. By God's good grace, we keep working and ministering to people who lost hope. Our God is great!  

Your brother, Bear Valley Bible Institute Dennis Sopelnik. 

Posted on September 27, 2022 .

West Coast school in Ghana completes second term



The second term of the second year has ended for the full-time students. It was a very successful term because all the courses were fully taught. August was used mainly for revision, end-of-term examinations, and a short course on 2nd Corinthians. The full-time students are on recess from 1st September to 26th September. 

Academic work for part-time students is still ongoing. At the moment, the courses under study include prison epistles and the book of Romans. 


Evangelism continues to be very important to the school and we inculcate it into our students. This month was no exception as the word of God was shared by our students both past and current to the lost. About five (5) souls were baptized in the month of August. 

A new system of evangelism was adopted by one of our past students for dawn preaching. He invites some of his colleagues to join him. As they sit in the van and move around the community at dawn, they preach the gospel.


In the month of August, the immediate past students who graduated on February 26, 2022, donated food items worth one thousand, four hundred Ghana cedis (GHC 1, 400.00) to the school. This really helped the school so much due to the fact that the high inflation in our country has drastically affected everything in the market. These were presented by their representatives, Brother Emmanuel Justice Ofori (who was in a part-time class), and Brother Benjamin Nkrumah (who also was in the full-time class).


This year’s seminar was very successful. It was attended by about 158 preachers and church leaders. The lessons taught were also very timely and dealt with some current happens in the church. The theme was “choose for yourself this day”— Joshua 24:15.

Topics discussed under the theme were:

1.     Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve.

2.     The Bible, God’s authority versus the creeds of men. 

3.     The church versus Denominationalism.

4.     Spiritual versus Fleshly/carnal.

5.     Church growth: God’s way vs. man’s innovations.

Thank you.


Posted on September 27, 2022 .

Serving the community in India

Reporting Letter for the month of August-2022


Respected International director of Biblical studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India, we pray that this letter may serve us to find you well. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and all your efforts for the smooth function of BVBI extension centre at Tirupati-India. We are happy to share the report for the month of August-2022.

BVBI-Class room work:- In the month of August we have completed these books-Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, ,1 st Chronicle , 3rd John and few special topics from N.T which our students have requested .

Seminar for the blind people:- We have conducted  a seminar for the visually challenged people and encouraged them spiritually .  There were 40 blind people who were able to attend for the meeting. After the meeting they have given good feed back regarding the benefit they have enjoyed by the seminar.

Audio Bibles distribution for the visually challenged people:- we have distributed 28 audio bibles for the visually challenged people who are studying degree at in our city.

Leper Colonies Children Ministry:- There are two leper colonies in our city,  every day in the evening we collect the children and teach them good stories, songs, give them some memory work and feed them before they leave the centre. These After school children care centers are much useful for the children at leper colonies.

Thanks giving meeting:- one of the person from Leper colony has conducted thanks giving meeting in the month of August 11th Thursday . Myself and one of our staff members could able to attend and encourage them. There were 200 people could able to attend for the meeting.

Guest teacher for October-2022:- We are thankful to our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds for recommending to send Mr. Steve Snider for teaching the book of John gospel and epistle James in the first week of October-2022.

Funeral service :- one of the local preacher Mr. Joel Wad died on August 28th, due to heart problem, we could able to attend for the funeral service on August 29th Monday.

Personality development class at Girls school:- We have conducted personality development class for KGBV-Girls school (10th class students) on August 2nd and taught them values of the women in the society.

Prayer request:- In India in the month of October all the colleges and schools will be closed for ten days due to festivals, it is our plan to conduct two days youth seminar for the benefit of college students who are studying in the secular colleges. We request your prayers for the youth seminar.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay & Swarupa, from BVBI-Extension Centre-Tirupati-India

Posted on September 13, 2022 .

Technology training in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope this report meets you in good health. We are doing our best here in health and with the work entrusted in our hands. God is still on the throne! Even though we are being faced with many challenges, we have come to understand that life is not free from challenges. We know that Christians need to use the challenges in their path to be stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.

Last weeks in the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Wotutu, and in other parts of the work here, things are progressing well. August is always a busy month in Cameroon, because it is the last month for children who have been on vacation to start making preparations to get back to school. It is also time for the youth in the churches of Christ to attend a retreat which is very spiritual. It is to help them empower them before they go back to their different classrooms.

Before exams for this quarter, the Bible students had a special day to learn how to use a computer and how they can do research online. They also learned how to prepare a PowerPoint. We are training 21st century preachers so we are trying our best to prepare them to fit into the society in which they find themselves.

We are left with 4 months until the graduation ceremony of the Zeta batch. Some have really grown to a good stage while others are still climbing to get to a higher level. It is normal! As we say here in Africa, “ALL FINGERS ARE NOT THE SAME,” but it is clear that all fingers have some sort of function in the body. Keep praying for the preaching students as many congregations are longing to see them graduate and start full time work in the vineyard of God in different locations.

We continue to send gospel tracts to different parts of Cameroon. Preachers who cannot afford to come to Wotutu, to come and select mission printing tracts that can aid their evangelistic work in their areas, can simply call me and I will ship them to their village using those big buses you see behind me. We are always happy to be able to serve others.

Weekend evangelism is a great tool in the work here because through weekend evangelism, which is expensive now, souls are being won. Any soul won into the kingdom is greater in comparison than any amount of money spent to bring that precious soul into Christ! Our weekend evangelism is doing a lot of nurturing, revival, and focusing as many congregations are receiving fresh exhortation from these young, but vibrant preachers in the Bear Valley Bible Institute. Most of our graduates are extremely willing and very happy to welcome our students to help in the work. Students went to assist in the village of Bolo Moboka, where our graduate minister Waka is serving the Lord.

This year’s Summer Youth Retreat was historic. As the crisis has calmed down just a little in the two English speaking regions in Cameroon, more parents are willing to allow their children to travel across the country to attend various programs. This year’s edition of the retreat had close to 400 youth in attendance. I was there, and spoke on the topic, “VIGILANCE.” This topic will go a long way to help our youth learn to take their time and concentrate in any endeavor in life.


Thank you! Thank you very much for all the blessings of God’s grace that you are helping to make us be able to enjoy. Your prayers and your support are really helping this work. Please keep it up! God is watching and will reward you in due season.

God bless you as you make a great day!

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Restorations in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


Just like July, in fact more than July, the month of August was so successful for us. Indeed there is no joy in this whole world other than that of saving souls, and it is this joy that the month of August left with us.  In the month of August, many activities took place here at the KBVBI; these activities include: evangelistic campaign and conversion of souls, ending of first semester for the extended students, and the continuation of academic activities. As we give more details, may you patiently keep on reading!


It is always rewarding to confront unbelievers with the Gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. For the month of August, our campaign efforts were directed to Koidu city, the headquarters of Kono city. Koidu is 80 miles away from Kenema, and it is one of the main cities of the eastern province of Sierra Leone. The Church of Christ was taken to Kono District by Brother Tamba Kabba, a native of Koidu who got converted in The Gambia during the 1991-2001 war that erupted in the territory of Sierra Leone. Upon his return from The Gambia in 2002, he established a congregation at Koidu, Ndoimena Street. Brother Tamba’s effort has led to the establishment of two more congregations- Kuoyor and Sukudu. However, many brethren in those congregations had backslided and required restoration. Moreover, the Koidu territory is populated by Muslims. It was against this background that our students (we have five students in a full time program from Kono) expressed their desire for an evangelistic campaign to be taken to Kono.  Koidu, a diamond rich city, attracts a lot of interest from people and there are many inhabiting that city that are lost. Therefore, our decision to go to Kono was not by any mistake.

The campaign was embarked on at Koidu from August 2 to 8. During our one week preaching at Kono, we came in contact with a denomination that bears the name “Church of Christ”, and the leadership of that denomination invited us to study with them. We spent hours and some two days studying with them. During our interactions with them, as we got to the point of baptism, they informed us that they had come in contact with 21st Century Global Mission through brother Jacob Sesay who came to Koidu there last year and baptized almost all of them (for they are over 150) and gave them baptismal certificates with the WBS inscription on them. They continued that since then, they have not seen Brother Jacob and his team, and they also continued with their denominational practices in worship (use of instruments, clapping of hands, occasional taking of Lord’s Supper- once in a month, sometimes they do not take at all, etc). 

Upon hearing this, we continued to teach them, and the following Sunday, they never used instruments, but were still clapping and doing some other wrong things. However, teaching is a process, therefore, we pray that as we are still in touch with them, the Lord may open up their hearts so that they can embrace the true teachings of the New Testament Church. However, since it is a rainy season now in Sierra Leone, the rain affected most of our outings, so that during the one week campaign, 6 souls were converted and 14 brethren were restored back to the congregations in Koidu. We have included Koidu in our external missions so that we could continue to teach that denominational church and encourage the brethren there to be more committed to the work of the Lord.


You will recall that in our January report, we informed you about the commencement of our extended program with 16 students, 11 males and 5 females (preachers’ wives and wives to-be). Therefore, on August 13, their first semester year one came to an end. In that semester, they handled 8 courses including English and Computer. They were expected to resume on September 3, 2022 for the continuation of their studies. We are grateful for all our students, especially in relation to their commitment to their studies and the work of the Lord.


 Brother James Fayia, who was one of our students in the extended period, died on August 16, after a brief battle with Tuberculosis. He was one of our committed brothers and students, and his death has brought us so much sorrow. Brother James was the assistant preacher and the evangelism coordinator at IDA Church of Christ in Kenema here, where one of our staff, Brother Gabriel Abu preaches. He was 40 years old. He recently got married before his demise, and the young sister is here with us. Please may we be remembering her in our prayers.


A.   Evangelistic Campaign (September 24-30)

B.   Leadership Seminar (September 16)

C.   Youths and Leadership Seminar (October 7,8) 


It is indeed exciting and fulfilling to be found useful in God’s vineyard. And to you brethren, the lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Continued progress in Gweru, Zimbabwe



At the end of each month we look back and reflect upon the progress BVBIZ is making in the training of evangelists to be competent ministers of the Gospel. Indeed, we see progress in many areas. Practicum continued in several areas, classes were done, projects continued, infrastructure development continued among other notable developments. Though we cannot report on everything that transpired, the following is a summary;


The Part time class was in Gweru in August for their block besides the other classes. The major focus for this block was music and African Traditional Religion. 14 attended the block.


BVBIZ was blessed to be visited by Jerry Bates on the 23rd of August. He was accompanied by Philemon Raja and his son in law, Kingsley.  The team visited the congregation at Lot 64 where Jerry preached. From there, the team visited the school. This is one of the congregations which began as a result of the schools effort. Students cycle there covering a distance of 32km to and fro. Booklets from World Evangelism has been widely used at this small congregation and many other centers where students go to serve.



In the past few months, BVBIZ was on a drive to mobilize funds towards a layers project. The target was 300 birds. As of the ending of July $900 had been raised. The school subsequently booked for 150 point of lay birds. The birds are expected in the school around the middle of September. Irvine’s, the supplier, will provide the dates for collection. Our great appreciation goes to all who contributed. Those who still wanted to make their contributions as well are still welcome since the target had not been reached.


Our horticulture project continued to take shape in the month. Cucumber and carrots were planted in August. Cabbages, lettuce and tomato are looking good. Pruning and trellising of tomatoes will be done the first week of September. The tomatoes are now at flowering stage. Students are getting a worthy experience in the process.


Early this year, BVBIZ received a consignment of library books from Mission Printing through the efforts of our regional director, Donnie Estep. One of the school’s graduates, Simangaliso Jamela  (2021)well versed in library science has begun a process of ordering and cataloguing of the books. This is a long process but BVBIZ will eventually get there. His work has been hampered due to poor network currently obtaining on site.



One of the missing pieces at BVBIZ is a classroom block. The school will be holding a fundraising event on the 1st of October 2022 at Blakistone Primary school in Harare. Entrance tickets are already on sale and are in different ranges; $10, $20, $30, $50, $100 and $150. Each ticket will provide a person with access to the venue including a good meal on the day. In total, $35000 is needed to complete the structure. Whatever is raised will be put to use whilst further efforts will be made to raise more funds towards the completion of the structure even if takes years. .


5.2.1 Window Panes

BVBIZ wishes to thank brother Kudakwashe Simemeza and his family for donating over half of the window panes needed by the structure.  These have already been fixed.

5.2.2 Septic tank

Construction of the septic tank to the teacher’s house began on the 25th of August. The work will be completed by mid-September. Once this is complete, the main outstanding issue will be the solar system.  When the teachers move into the house, over $150 (going towards fuel) will be saved monthly  


Practicum continued in the month. Both full time and part time students continued with their practical in different areas. There were two restorations and 11 baptisms in the month.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Luanshya graduates doing much good



We begin by sending to you warm greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! We take this opportunity to give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully articulated in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His Vineyard.

Once again this report has been written in an effort to provide some insight into the accomplishments that BVBI-Zambia has continued to experience.  It is always a great pleasure to write and reflect on the happenings here at BVBI-Zambia during the month of August, 2022.

We had another exciting month of August busiest months in our school calendar here at BVBI-Zambia. We have been moving around on Copperbelt for practicum of our students, meeting youths and older men for the gospel during this month. It is also a period that we start concluding our school calendar of the year. It becomes busier especially when we are organizing a graduation

More elders

Once again on the Copperbelt in Ndola district, BVBI-Zambia was tasked to help to teach on selecting elders and also in ordaining those elders. We had to do this work for the past three months at Church of Christ in Lubuto and finally on 14th August we had an ordination. Once again all our students were part of these sessions. The church at Lubuto also invited other sister churches on the Copperbelt at least two leaders from one congregation were in attendance.

Brother Allan Mundia in his early 50s is added to the eldership in Ndola at Lubuto and it was a colorful ceremony. Other serving elders came with their families and were made to stand too in support of the new elder. We continue to thank God and pray that such activities continues to happen for the betterment of His kingdom

Leadership workshop

We had a very successful meeting at BVBI-Zambia for leaders in Luanshya district. These quarterly meetings which are meant to strengthen a working relationship in the Church as a district. It was a one day meeting and was very successful, in the picture below showing leaders having a light moment of meal fellowship at the end of meeting.

MEN’S CONFERENCE-2022(Solwezi-Northwestern Province)

We had a very successful evangelistic trip to Solwezi, Northwestern Province of Zambia. Men from all over Zambia came together again during this year’s conference hosted by the brethren from Northwestern Province.  The conference started on 25th August 2022 and ended on 28th August, 2022. We travelled with other members of different congregations of Luanshya district of the Copper belt province. The total number of 23 represented all the 5 congregations from the Luanshya district. We took all our 11 students and they all participated immensely in the activities of the conference. They help to beef-up the personnel in catering and security. Brother Cephas Mwamba who is the dean of students at BVBI-Zambia was one the speakers of the conference. He was the last speaker to present his lesson. He spoke on the theme: The strategy for victory” and did an excellent job! The Bear Valley family is well represented.

We had a representation of fifty-eight (58) congregation national wide including four brothers coming from Mozambique except northern and western province. We were two hundred and seven (207) in total attendance both young and old men representing the above congregations. We also had some students from our sister institute in Lusaka in attendance.


All the alumni of the school are very active and influential in their respective congregations. Interesting news and updates have continued reaching us about the work these men are doing.  We would like share some of these updates.

1.     Andrew Mwila graduated in 2017 and he relocated from Mansa, Luapula Province to Lusaka, Lusaka Province. In our previous communiqué, we reported that Andrew almost quit preaching and attending church services. He cited financial hardships and unemployment as some of the reasons he wanted to go that route. But we are thankful to God that these things did detour him from the noble work he has been called to do. He has now found something to do and he is very active in the church business. He conducts Bible studies in his home and he is regular preacher at his congregation.

2.     Borniface Sianjina graduated in 2017. Upon graduating he opted to continue working as a brick layer while preaching in Luanshya. He has done much of this work in Kitwe town and while there, he regularly preached in a community of the police.  He presented topics on the church, baptism and many others. This attracted lot of questions and Bible studies were set up as a result. Many people came to know the true church because of these efforts conducted by him. This month the Church has bought him a brand new bicycle to appreciate him and encourage him as he preaches.

3.     Austin Musonda graduated in 2021. Austin is currently on attachment for the course he is doing in forestry in Ndola district. He has been a faithful soldier of Christ; he is doing a recommendable work. He is a member of Chibwe church of Christ in Baluba, Luanshya district. He is one of the regular preachers there and he conducts regular Bibles studies at the church building.


We are looking forward in anticipation of having a graduation ceremony on 22nd October, 2022. This will be our third graduation ceremony since the beginning of this school here in Zambia. At the end of their studies at BVBI-Z, God willing eleven men will be graduating. They are very excited to graduate and go back and work with their respective congregations. We are very confident that these students have been diligent in their work and conduct during the tenure of their studies at BVBI-Z. Please continue praying for these men that they remain faithful even after they graduate from this school.         


We are grateful to all our partners!  Our hearts are always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement they give to us in this noble work. We pray that God will bless the works that you are all involved in.



Cephas and Fred

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Evangelism in Togo

August 2022 Report

I thank God that he preserved us from any serious ailment, despite some minor ailments that some students went through in this month of August. Student AMOSSOU Kokou suffered from toothache, one of which was pulled out and the treatment is still going on in the hospital. This is the last term of this promotion.

There are many things to do such as two evangelization campaigns in KONDA and ATOME (180 km), for a new church which has started with 9 baptized already. A three (3) day conference in TEMEDJA for new churches and students of Saturday courses. For this conference the members are to be on October 28,29 and 30, 2022.


Last quarter's courses:

1. 1,2 Timothy and Titus: Akovi Hope

2. Ezekiel: Cephas

3. Comparative religion: Rodrigue

4. Job and Psalms : ATTAH

5. Biblical History and Geography : AKALO

6. Exodus: AKLI

7. Marriage and Family: Cephas

The course will end in December 2022.


In spite of the rains that continue to fall sometimes all day long, the souls are thirsty for the word of God (the gospel). The evangelization in BEME this month resulted in two baptisms.

Visits to churches:

Each student takes the courage to visit a church every Sunday. Students close to Kpalime start by asking to work with some churches in the locality. 

Saturday classes:

Currently there are 6 Saturday schools with 70 students: Temedja, Kpalime, Kpele-Beme, and Blita, AMOUZOUKOPE and LOME.

Enrollment of new students (class of 2023-2025):

Two candidates from the churches of Christ the Republic of Congo, wish to attend the training at IBBV in Togo. Already, the evangelist to send the names. On both sides of Saturday schools with students who want to continue with BVBI, names continue to arrive at Direction. The deadline for registration is November 2022.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Reaching the lost in Mombasa

Dear brethren,

Greetings! We hope this quarterly report finds you fine in the Lord. We are also fine in Mombasa, doing well in the Lord. Receive much greetings from the Bear Valley, Mombasa. The Students are doing well in the Lord as they continue with their studies on Saturdays. We are glad that the students are sacrificing their time to come each Saturday.

Francis concluded his lessons on the Book of Revelation successfully, and Paul is currently taking the class through the Book of Acts. it is our hope that the students will enjoy this class as well.

We've encouraged the students to take part in personal evangelism whenever they get time since we only meet during weekends. some students are trying to reach out to the community with the gospel and we're praying for them to get breakthrough as they meet opposition from Muslims and denominations. we believe that God is going to reach others through the commitment of these students.

So far we have taught fourteen lessons and Paul is currently taking the 15th class. our desire and hope is to continually and thoroughly equipping the saints with Gospel of truth. Being in an area where most Churches are liberal, we trust God that he would use the school to bring forth change - everlasting change that would equip God's people with the right Gospel and in the right Church.

We do encourage the students to create time for personal evangelism, though we're acknowledging their tight work schedule (in terms of reporting and departure). some students who have done good work in personal evangelism: Ismael Ajaja has reached two prospects who are Beryl Akinyi and Mary Ndoto. Moreover, Beatrice Atieno has also reached a Muslim prospect called Monday, whom we'll contact to have a secret discipleship.

Much prayer is needed from all brethren to keep God's work here a success, both for the school and Jomvu Church of Christ where the school is currently located. We trust God that all will be well with the students and teachers. May you remember the work here in prayers always!

God bless you all. Shalom.

Yours in Christ,

Francis and Paul

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Doing very well in Tamale


We continue to give glory to God for the extraordinary blessings we enjoyed in the month of July, 2022. His blessing and grace upon us in Tamale Institute of Biblical studies is unmeasured. We praise Him also for all Bear Valley Schools across Africa and the World at large. We pray He continues to keep us all in peace and help do all things to promote him. Thank you Lord.


When Brother Steven visited Bear Valley Tamale campus, we came to an agreement to purchase two security dogs as safety, one of the safety measures for the protection of the campus. Funds were made available by Brother Steven to get them purchased. They are doing very well.


The visit of our daddy, brother and good friend Steven as reported in the month of June stirred us up in the right direction as initiatives that have the potential to help us position the church and school in the right across the breath and length of Northern Ghana and Ghana as a whole possibly. As reported last month, Evangelistic Teams establishments were proposed by Brother Steven and were strongly accepted by all and one was instituted in the month of June in the Zabzugu area. Another was successfully instituted in the Bawku area in the month of July. These Teams have all scheduled to go strengthen one congregation each in their areas in the month of August. We pray the good Lord encourage and strengthen these men who have made this strong decision to work for the Lord and make an impact for the Lord’s Church. Brother James was delegated to go and help form the Team.


We were privileged to have Brother Steven in the month of June to empower us as well as Brother Kojo (the Coordinator) in the month of July for similar purposes respectively. These men make a lot of good additions to the school in Tamale anytime we have them with us. Brother Kojo’s coming was very fruitful also, as he taught the course of Preacher and His work, and also counseled us on many things. He spoke to us on keeping the environment clean, the best way to raise the security dogs that we purchased for the school, proper running of the school administratively, as well as working hard to grow the church in Kpalsi South. He also had time with the church as he taught in our Wednesday Bible class on “Some Ways to become a good Christian.” We pray the good Lord bless you people for your strong concern for the school, the Kpalsi South Congregation and God’s Kingdom. We appreciate your efforts.

Brother Joseph Traugott who is in Gushegu visited us in Tamale in the month July, 2022. According to him, he came to Tamale to visit his wife, who happens to be worshipping with the Tamale East Congregation and took the opportunity to come and see where the school is. We had a very warm discussion, and he invited us to also try to visit him at Gushegu. We praise God for his life.


In the month of July, we had three courses taught to the glory of God. This current batch is almost done with their time for the Diploma course they are embarking on. The Book of Revelation was taught in the month of July by Brother Albert Tamanja, Christian Leadership by Brother James Legend and Preacher and his Work by Brother Kojo respectively. After these courses, the students went for a break to attend to their congregations and family issues and come back for their term. We are scheduled to have an evangelistic campaign when they are back for their last term as well as a three days seminar that brings together past students and preachers as well church leadership in the Northern sector.


We continue to grow gradually spiritually, numerically and physically. In the month of July 2022, one additional soul was added to the church to the glory of God. Praise God. We thank the Lord for the lives of all who are helping us in areas to become good servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Modestor Afia was born to Mr. Gmayann and Mrs. Mafoti in the year 1985 at Chamba. She grew to become a member of the Church of Pentecost in 2005. Baptized in the Church of Pentecost, she was a strong Pentecost member. She got married to Albert Tamanja Malir in 2007.

Brother Albert who was a member of the Lord’s Church persuaded her till the year 2018, she finally got added to the Lord’s Church in Chamba. She has been a faithful member of the Lord’s Church till date.

She and Brother Albert Tamanja are blessed with four Children, three boys and one girl. She is currently pregnant with the firth child to the glory of God. We pray the Lord helps her through this journey successfully once again.

Madam Modestor currently works with the Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies as the chief servant who serves the students with the meal to enable them to study the courses. She has been a good cook for the students since she took this responsibility on herself. Her husband also works with the school currently as a resident instructor.

Sister Modestor also serves the local congregation of Kpalsi South faithfully. She prepares the Lord’s Table every first day of the week for us to partake. We give God glory for her life and pray the Lord continues to be merciful to her and her children and husband. Amen!

Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Preaching the gospel in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report - August 2022


We rejoice greatly for the good things which the Lord has done through his generous servants who finance the work of Christ in Gueckedou.

The Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute is pleased to report and share those glad events of various activities as articulated below.

1. Teaching / Classroom :

Following our last report that a new batch of students have been recruited to start another 2 years of study, we are pleased to annonce that with the help of God we have started the training of the third batch on August 04, 2022 with 15 students.

Two courses were covered in August namely :

Research and writing from the 4th to the 12th - taught by Niouma 2 Kamano.

Pentateuch, the 2nd course was taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno from August 15 to September 31, 2022.

Each course was followed by an exam to evaluate the understanding of the students and the results were satisfactory.

2. Evangelism

Almost everything we do here such as teaching in various assemblies and the planting of new congregations is measured and accounted for the evangelization of lost souls. For the month of August though with heavy rains, food shortage etc. we baptized 4 persons which the Lord added to his church. Within the framework of mass evangelism, the radio program through public gospel proclamation is reviving the defense of the holy doctrine.

3. Building

Even though the worship hall construction program is of paramount importance, yet due to heavy rains at this time we are constrained to suspend those activities. However, many congregations are getting ready to resume work right after the rains. Main while construction aggregates are being assembled.

3. Work Equipment

Here is one of the reasons for our joy as highlighted earlier in this report. To carry out the activities of evangelism, congregational teaching and the plantating of new congregations, we have received the sum of $4,500.00 for the purchase of three (3) motorcycles with all legal documentation. This donation has moved our hearts with exceeding gladness and we wish to assure you the donor for the correct use of these motorbikes in the work and fear of the Lord.

4. Booklets and tracts Needs

We want to use this opportunity in reporting to remind our brother in Christ, Barry Baggott whom we appreciate for previous offer that again we need the following French documents which are not for sale else where, but produced only by the brethren of the Lord's church:

- Bibles Nouveau Testament avec petite index

- L'église du Nouveau Testament (J C. Choate)

- Culte du Nouveau Testament (JC Choate)

- Nous étions Catholiques (tracts)

- Noël (tracts)…

5. lnvitation lnformation

The Gueckedou Bear Valley school administration wishes to inform everyone that the lnstitute is invited and is pleased to take part in the Bible camp organized by the congregation at Bellevue, N’Zerekoré from September 08 to 10, 2022. By the grace of God we shall be with our brethren to promote the gospel work in that area.

6. Thanks, Appreciations and Prayer Request

Firstly we thank God for his goodness, his infinite love to sustain and protect us in his vineyard.

We thank and appreciate the Bear Valley International for the spiritual, moral, financial and material support to us in order to save lost souls.

We equally thank our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his tireless efforts day and night for the growth of the church of Christ in Guinea.

Great thanks to the donor(s) of the three motorcycles, as well as Ken Stanley and the church at Niceville for the support of preachers and the radio program.

In short, we thank all those from near and far who contribute to the peace, unity and growth of the church of Christ in Guinea.

Our Request for your prayers is for a successful outcome of the forth coming graduation ceremony on 29th October and for the new batch of 15 students to remain focus and in good health.

May God bless each one accordingly.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Graduation in Ibadan

Dear fellow servants of God.
Grace, peace and mercy be multiplied unto you from God our Father and from Jesus Christ Our Saviour and High Priest. Below is the report of some of our activities for this month of August 2022.

1. Students teaching practice resulted into over 30 conversions and about 40 restorations
2. 20th annual Bible Lectureship & Graduation
3. First Semester classes begins for 2022/23 session
5. August 17-20 Great Workshop hosted by Church of Christ, Orodu – Lagos State.

The five weeks students teaching practice which started on June 25 through August 7, 2022 resulted into conversions of over 30 souls and restoration of about 40 erring brethren.

The four days Annual Bible Lectureship hosted by BVBIN & SWSE – Ibadan was graced with about 300 brethren from 15 states of the Federation of Nigeria. This year lectureship centered on Marriage and the Home which was handled satisfactorily by 15 gospel preachers and 2 sisters. The graduation ceremony came up on the noon of August 13, 2022. Forty four students came from three BVBIN & SWSE centers graduated. Three of the Students was honored with Certificate, 25 with Diploma and 16 with Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies.
Bible dictionaries, Thompson- Chain – References Bible, sermon outlines written by brethren was presented as gifts to twenty students and a box of Preacher’s book from Mission Printing International to each of the 26 Advanced Students while all the participants also went home with package of VOTI Vol. 113, BVBIN & SWSE – 2023 Calendar and many other gifts.
Bro. Keith Kasarijan served as our guest speaker during the graduation program.

According to our schedule, the first semester courses began fully on August 15, 2022 with 18 students in year one, while nine of our year two students resume their one year practicum in nine different congregations.
The following brothers are the instructors for this semester: Bro. Isaac Olaniyan, Bro. Kayode Eniafe, Bro. Makinde John, Bro. Andrew Adeolu, Bro. Oladokun Samuel and I (Bro. Makinde Ebens)

The 2nd batch of our degree program came up as scheduled from August 1 through 12, 2022 at Anuoluwapo Library, Butubutu, Ibadan. I, Bro. Makinde Ebens taught on Advanced Homiletics 1 from August 1- 5, while Bro. Ayobami Akanji, an elder serving at Isheri – Oshin Congregation, Lagos State taught on Congregational Development 1 from August 8 – 12, 2022. Eight students actively participated in the two weeks program. Next class will come up on Nov. 28 through Dec. 9, 2022 Lord’s willing.

This year great workshop for WBSFUW/Evangelists in the Southern States of Nigeria and Abuja was held at Orodu Congregation, Lagos State, Nigeria. Over 500 brethren graced it across the country. Bro. Chad Wagner was one of the key brethren that graced the workshop that centered on Discipleship Training. Four thousand VOTI Vol. 113. Three hundred and fifty BVBIN & SWSE Calendar and 600 copies of BVBIN & SWSE July – Sept. 2022 Newsletter was freely distributed during the workshop.
A soul was baptized during the events that began in the noon of August 17 and ended in the evening of August 19, 2022. Next year workshop is stated for Rivers State, Nigeria.

Bro. Odulaja Samuel Opeyemi is one of the present BVBIN Bachelor’s degree students. Born on 6 October 1995 in Imota, Lagos State. He became a member of the Lord’s Church on 9 October 2011 at Church of Christ, Ikorodu 1, Lagos State. He attended Keme Balogun Junior and Senior Secondary School, Ibeshe – Ikorodu for his Secondary school education. A graduate of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan.
His mission is planting of the Lord’s Church where it is not and by God’s grace, he will be leading the school here in Ibadan in the planting of the Lord’s Church at Erinlu, Ogun state before the end of the year 2022.

With God’s help coupled with the prayers and financial supports of brethren from United States of America and Nigeria, we were able to successfully host the just concluded 20th Annual Bible Lectureship in Butubutu village via Badeku/Jago, Ibadan. We fed over 300 brethren from Tuesday evening of August through the evening of August 14, 2022. We appreciate you all for your moral and financial supports. May the Lord continue to bless our work together is our fervent prayers in Christ Jesus’ name, Amen.

In Conclusion: We thank you all for your partnership and concern for the growth of the Lord's Church in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Jesus Christ name, amen.
Sincerely yours in His Grace as a servant,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
(The Chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW)

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Continued growth in Cambodia

Cambodia - Monthly Report

August 2022

A warm welcome from Cambodia. We all appreciate your prayers and encouragement to the Bible Institute.

August 2022 school report.

IBISR’s Academy

Piseth Rin, one of our Bible instructors, has been lecturing on the book of Judges this week. Some pupils are eagerly studying and asking plenty of questions, which inspires our teachers to teach with passion. Darat Run, another of our instructors, hasn’t finished his course yet (The Life of Christ) since he had to take care of his mother-in-law, who recently underwent back surgery and lives in the city of Phnom Pehn (about 6 hour drive from Siem Reap).

A New Baptism

As brethren in Christ, we are all so excited and full of joy when one of our Bible students put the Lord Jesus in her life. Her name is Maneth. She comes from Oddar Meanchey Province, one of the provinces in Cambodia. She has been studying at our institute for almost a year. Please keep her in our prayer to help her be faithful throughout her life.

Student Monthly Survey

We are still working on our Monthly Survey since it has helped improve our institution so much. This evaluation includes all comments and helpful criticism of our school, the Bible instructors, the cook, the English teacher, and the students themselves. All students and staff are welcome to share their opinions through this survey, which is anonymous and allows for comments and constructive criticism. The students and staff are not required to offer their identifications seem to intrigue them, according to this survey. We concentrate on broad concerns rather than a specific ones. We encourage students and employees to seek confidential help first if they are having a personal problem with one another.

A Weekly Virtual Chapel

Wes Autrey, our coordinator, and his wife Teri Autrey share important God’s messages in both male and female groups via virtual meetings every Tuesday and Friday, for which we are incredibly grateful.

Every Wednesday, we also get together with our brothers from Phnom Penh, Battambang, and Siem Reap. Every week, we switch up the teachers.

A Substitute Teaching

While one of our teachers named Darat Run had been to Phnom Penh to take care of his mother-in-law who had an operation, brother Phanat Ouch spent a week in helping to resume the class that brother Darat has paused.

Monthly Fellowship Dinner

Due to the monthly donations from the congregation in Siem Reap and our Christian families, this special fellowship lunch is made possible. We are all very thankful for their devotion to God because it shows how our church has expanded and allowed our new Christian members to see how a disciple of Jesus values giving. Every month, we hold this picnic. Typically, this occurs on Saturday nights during the first week of the month. We alternate the location where we celebrate this supper each month. As a result, the world will observe how Christians interact with each other, strengthening us to maintain fellowship with one another.

A Weekly Lady Class

The ladies like to spend more time rehearsing and learning how to educate the kids, and the other ladies, as well as they, offer all the ladies a try to lecture in the women's group as they alternate turns to instruct the kids every Sunday morning. At Hannah’s Hope Children’s Home, they often get this instruction every Sunday night. They have benefitted from this exercise in developing their courage and learning from one another on how to train the young people and the female group.

Asking Prayers

We couldn’t create these works without your prayers and support. Please remember our students in your prayers so that they will be at peace and prepared to teach Bible lessons. Please remember our new mothers and newborns. Also remember Pros’ grandfather, who is suffering from a stroke, and Darat’s mother- and mother-in-law who just underwent surgery.

Siem Reap Servants of God,

Piseth Rin - Co-Director

Darat Run - Co-Director

Pros Rok - Staff

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

44 more baptisms in Malawi

Hello everyone!

Hope this news finds you well! It is always good to hear when people are being saved. It makes us all feel happy as one soul obeys the gospel, knowing full well the tragedy of sin. As you are aware, our students are on holiday but they are not resting. This month of August, we have received reports from same of them reporting that 44 souls have been saved through baptism and 13 more restored! The Lord is working through them and His name is glorified. It is very encouraging hearing from their good work of winning souls to Christ.


We are also thankful to Brothers at the congregation where Tim and John worship in Missouri. They have greatly helped us get established. Now we are saying we have the students hostel block finished and now we are about to finish the shower rooms and toilets before September ends. After this work we will start the kitchen, we are hoping that before January/February we may have the kitchen completed too. We really thank brothers Tim and John for their kindness, love and many prayers for us.


We are looking forward to the 15th of October 2022, when our graduation number 3 will be conducted since the school was established in Malawi. But before the 15th we will have a short course and then graduation. It is good to see men graduate and get the courage to keep on saving souls to Christ as well as teaching the health Doctrine to those who are faithful - 2 Timothy 2:2!

We are also thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the operational support you send us every month. We don't take it for granted. You have really changed lives of many including our families. We always remember you in our daily prayers . Without your support, we would have not reached this far. The opportunity to reach out to more souls and train more faithful preachers is still available! As it is wisely said "Ability+Opportunity = Responsibility"

Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

In His vineyard,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on September 6, 2022 .

Another new school doing well


INTRODUCTION: In life, there are stages and processes for those who understand, which the recent events in the Bear Valley Schools in Lagos have taught me in an interesting manner. There has been the existence of Firm Foundation Bible Institute affiliated with the South West School of Evangelism in the past. The school could not flourish due to a lack of support. At the right timing by God, the same project came back to life now in a higher and better way. Thanks to the Bear Valley family. The last three months were filled with events. Starting with the beginning of classes in Sabo Oniba, the Campaign in both schools, the graduation ceremony in Butubutu, Ibadan, and the Great WBS Workshop that took place in Orodu-Apapa, Lagos. The visit of Keith and Chad to Lagos was the most exciting part of the last month.

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES IN SABO-ONIBA/LAGOS ISLAND: Sabo started class in the month of June with Tim Iwe teaching Research Methodology, Joseph Okonta took the book of Luke while Chinyere Okoro just concluded the Book of Mark. The class had 19 students in attendance while 22 students indicated interest to run the program. Nigerian Director in the person of Ebens Makinde visited Sabo Oniba in the month of July while Chad Waggner also visited the students in August. Thanks to you all. 

In Lagos Island: Tim Iwe took Research Methodology 2, while Olufemi Adewuyi taught 1$ 2 Thessalonians and Akanimoh Archibong who is a new Instructor just concluded the Major Prophets 1.

CAMPAIGN PROGRAM/MARKET EVANGELISM: Sabo Oniba for the first time as a school went to encourage the young Etegbin congregation. Etegbin is a new congregation planted two years ago with the effort of Lagos Preachers and Sabo Oniba church. A Muslim man who is housing the church has made three times move to help the church get land but the lack of funds had made the church lose those opportunities. We are looking forward to God helping us to meet the need of this local church.

Lagos Island school also spent the same weekend with Ikota church in the new Lagos (Lekki) area. We hope to work more with these young congregations. A soul was baptized in this effort.


Active Students: 63

Under Follow Up: 2

Competed Lessons: 4947

Certificates Awarded: 1247

Baptism:  2

The most interesting news in this passing month is the Great Workshop that took place in Orodu church here in Lagos. Discipleship Development and Church Expansion Strategy was the theme. About 400 ministers and church leaders were in attendance. The main highlight was the breakthrough of giving Lagos a new WBS office and address approval. I will be using my office in Satellite Town as a contact point. This will help the WBS work in Lagos. Lagos has gathered capable hands and is ready to work. We are waiting for the mail addresses of teachers who will be receiving our forms and lessons.

SCOCI ACADEMY WORK: We also thank God for the work going on in the Satellite Church of Christ. In demonstrating the mind of Christ in our community which is the mission of Satellite church, we have been running a mission school to help young minds in the community get good education mixed with Christian values. We have 46 children presently in all Primary levels and 5 teachers. We will be starting the 6th year come September this year.

CONCLUSION: The visit of Keith and Chad has been in many ways a source of encouragement to both students and staff of the schools. We hope to do more for the Lord as we have the opportunity while on earth. Thanks once again to all for supporting the work in one way or the other.

Thanks and God bless you all.

TIM IWE (Self-Made Slave for Christ)

Sabo Oniba/Lagos Island Center Director

Posted on September 6, 2022 .

Remaining strong in Ukraine

Hello, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and the congregations,  

The situation in Ukraine. 

I'd like the share with you the latest events that happened to us during the last month. Sadly, the warfare on the territory of Ukraine continues. The world's population got used to the news about it but hundreds of killed and wounded people daily don't let us forget and accept as normal what is happening to our country.  We are used to go to bed and get up hearing air raid alerts and our children still beg us to stay with them in their beds so they can go to sleep. These horrors go on. Thousands of people still evacuate from their homes running away from the war. And we keep trying to help them out with everything we have in our possessions. We are very grateful to all the brethren who sacrifice for this ministry. Together we helped a lot of people and gave them a chance to adapt to the new place. 

The Lord's Church in Ukraine.  

On the one hand we deal with destruction, pain and woe but, on the other hand, there are a lot of baptisms in Ukraine these days. Every week we witness how in different congregations people are being baptized in water. While accepting the humanitarian aid, people hear the word of God and obey the Gospel. It encourages us to continue in the Lord's work spreading the Gospel. During the last month I personally got news of more than 20 baptisms. And I'm proud to share my personal joyful news that my older daughter Polina also entered into the covenant with the Lord. She made the most important decision about her salvation and now we are assured that she will never be alone in this world. 

One more exciting and joyful event for the Church was the Christian camp Amerikraine. This year it took place in Lviv. It was such a wonderful time when the Christians from all over the country were able to unite and pray, have lessons and fellowship. It was such a breath of the fresh air during this challenging time. We thank our American brethren and Jeff Abrams for this opportunity and help for the church of Ukraine.  

Bear Valley Bible Institute.  

During these months our students were involved with the kids in different VBSs. They learned to teach children, preach publicly, have Bible studies and spread the Gospel. For the next school year we will add 4 more students. Thus, the total number of the student body is 8. And they start the classes in the beginning of September. One more student is still serving in the Ukrainian Military.  

We are grateful to everyone who help our Institute and the Ukrainian Church. We will face these difficult times together.  

May the Lord keep His church and Ukraine. 

In Christian love,  

Dennis Sopelnik 

Posted on September 6, 2022 .

Doing good in Peru

Greetings dear brothers:
The institute continues with its class program, in the month of June brother Andrés Núñez was in charge of the course "Personal Evangelism 1" here I share with you the words of Andrés' own experience when teaching the course:

“In the month of July 2022 I had the privilege again of being able to be part of the professors to teach this Personal Evangelism course, very essential for every Christian, especially for our student brothers who are preparing to work in the vineyard of the Lord. and that it is better that our future servants of God prepare themselves in the institute. It was a special experience because I used new study material focused first on the first century church as an example of Personal Evangelism, then the numerical growth of the church, the example of our Lord, the apostles, Paul, Peter, Andrew, Philip etc. Give each student the Study Material. The classes were virtual and face-to-face, and the truth is that the brothers had great enthusiasm to know, learn and learn more about how to evangelize, the different Methods of Evangelism, they taught about some denominations such as the Catholic, Evangelical, and Adventist Church. They learned about his teachings and how to biblically refute each of his arguments, with a biblical basis. Personally, I really enjoyed teaching our brothers, they also showed great interest, a desire to know and learn more about the course. It was a good, positive experience and I know that the brothers feel more motivated, with great expectations, of the courses that they have each month. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to teach our brothers the word of God, and to Juan Abanto for giving me the confidence to continue in this ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us” (Andrés Núñez).

In the current month of August, I (Juan Abanto) am in charge of the course "The Plan of Redemption" we are halfway through the course and the experience with the new students is being very edifying, they have been assigned the preparation of an evangelistic sermon and a group research paper on which they are working, which will be presented before the end of the course. It is a new group of students and I am hoping that, through this experience, they will come to recognize the importance of teamwork, after all, it is what is needed in ministry. If we're going to search for the lost, then we're going to do it together.

At the moment in this new journey we have four students (Humberto Gonzales, Mariela Ramírez, Alejandro Manrique and Daniel Chiuyare). It is important that you know that from our previous group we have two students who are close to completing their instruction program, they have a couple of pending courses, but they will have to wait until these are delivered according to their schedule. This is because they started the first round somewhat late.

As part of our work plan, at the beginning of June we started a visitation program to different churches in Lima with the intention of awakening the spirit of the brotherhood in person to enroll in the institute, we hope that this can bear some fruit within little and we can count on a greater number of students. Abraham has been visiting the churches of San Martin, América and Las Flores for the time being.

We have also updated our website and we are including more study materials in our digital library in Spanish, it is clear that it is much more efficient to have printed material but our resources are limited and we trust that this can be of use to our brothers.

Thank you for taking the time to read this report. The Lord bless you.

Posted on September 6, 2022 .

Liberian students conduct weekend campaigns


Tokay hill community, Ganta City

Nimba county, Republic of Liberia


Greetings Brethren

God has been very good to us here in Liberia and we continue to be thankful to Him for His providential support through you and all those involved in supporting our work here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this great opportunity to be part of Christ's working force in teaching the undiluted truth to the world. So far, our work here in this part of the world continues to grow with more souls being won to Christ. 


A few months ago, we informed you that due to the high cost of living in my country and the prices of commodities on the market that is a great challenge we are faced with in staying on our budget, especially because of the inflation rate here. We decided to give some time to farming so that we can help support our budget. Ever since we started, things are going very well with the growth of our crops. We have also started chicken poultry to enable us to raise some chickens for both feeding and selling in the near future. We are very sure of contributing to the feeding of our students very soon.


Our students continued to engage the communities, towns, and villages during the weekends. On June, 26 a baptism was recorded from all their efforts from the different congregations they worked with. This is so good because it is truly helping them to practice what they are learning in the classroom on the field. We are also very grateful to Brother Greg Grounds for supporting these weekend evangelism programs in towns and villages outside Ganta.


As part of our efforts to keep in touch with the past students and especially to encourage them, this time brother Lee and I visited Morris Gaye in his hometown (Toweh town) where he preaches the gospel. Brother Gaye and all the brethren there were very happy to see us and they welcomed us very well. The church is a small church that needs our prayers and support.

Brother Morris also requested prayer for his wife who is suffering. Life is very difficult for him but he continues to be faithful to the work of our Lord. He truly needs our prayers and support.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

Please continue to pray for us as we all work for our Maker.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on September 1, 2022 .