Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report - August 2022
We rejoice greatly for the good things which the Lord has done through his generous servants who finance the work of Christ in Gueckedou.
The Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute is pleased to report and share those glad events of various activities as articulated below.
1. Teaching / Classroom :
Following our last report that a new batch of students have been recruited to start another 2 years of study, we are pleased to annonce that with the help of God we have started the training of the third batch on August 04, 2022 with 15 students.
Two courses were covered in August namely :
Research and writing from the 4th to the 12th - taught by Niouma 2 Kamano.
Pentateuch, the 2nd course was taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno from August 15 to September 31, 2022.
Each course was followed by an exam to evaluate the understanding of the students and the results were satisfactory.
2. Evangelism
Almost everything we do here such as teaching in various assemblies and the planting of new congregations is measured and accounted for the evangelization of lost souls. For the month of August though with heavy rains, food shortage etc. we baptized 4 persons which the Lord added to his church. Within the framework of mass evangelism, the radio program through public gospel proclamation is reviving the defense of the holy doctrine.
3. Building
Even though the worship hall construction program is of paramount importance, yet due to heavy rains at this time we are constrained to suspend those activities. However, many congregations are getting ready to resume work right after the rains. Main while construction aggregates are being assembled.
3. Work Equipment
Here is one of the reasons for our joy as highlighted earlier in this report. To carry out the activities of evangelism, congregational teaching and the plantating of new congregations, we have received the sum of $4,500.00 for the purchase of three (3) motorcycles with all legal documentation. This donation has moved our hearts with exceeding gladness and we wish to assure you the donor for the correct use of these motorbikes in the work and fear of the Lord.
4. Booklets and tracts Needs
We want to use this opportunity in reporting to remind our brother in Christ, Barry Baggott whom we appreciate for previous offer that again we need the following French documents which are not for sale else where, but produced only by the brethren of the Lord's church:
- Bibles Nouveau Testament avec petite index
- L'église du Nouveau Testament (J C. Choate)
- Culte du Nouveau Testament (JC Choate)
- Nous étions Catholiques (tracts)
- Noël (tracts)…
5. lnvitation lnformation
The Gueckedou Bear Valley school administration wishes to inform everyone that the lnstitute is invited and is pleased to take part in the Bible camp organized by the congregation at Bellevue, N’Zerekoré from September 08 to 10, 2022. By the grace of God we shall be with our brethren to promote the gospel work in that area.
6. Thanks, Appreciations and Prayer Request
Firstly we thank God for his goodness, his infinite love to sustain and protect us in his vineyard.
We thank and appreciate the Bear Valley International for the spiritual, moral, financial and material support to us in order to save lost souls.
We equally thank our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his tireless efforts day and night for the growth of the church of Christ in Guinea.
Great thanks to the donor(s) of the three motorcycles, as well as Ken Stanley and the church at Niceville for the support of preachers and the radio program.
In short, we thank all those from near and far who contribute to the peace, unity and growth of the church of Christ in Guinea.
Our Request for your prayers is for a successful outcome of the forth coming graduation ceremony on 29th October and for the new batch of 15 students to remain focus and in good health.
May God bless each one accordingly.