Hello everyone!
Hope this news finds you well! It is always good to hear when people are being saved. It makes us all feel happy as one soul obeys the gospel, knowing full well the tragedy of sin. As you are aware, our students are on holiday but they are not resting. This month of August, we have received reports from same of them reporting that 44 souls have been saved through baptism and 13 more restored! The Lord is working through them and His name is glorified. It is very encouraging hearing from their good work of winning souls to Christ.
We are also thankful to Brothers at the congregation where Tim and John worship in Missouri. They have greatly helped us get established. Now we are saying we have the students hostel block finished and now we are about to finish the shower rooms and toilets before September ends. After this work we will start the kitchen, we are hoping that before January/February we may have the kitchen completed too. We really thank brothers Tim and John for their kindness, love and many prayers for us.
We are looking forward to the 15th of October 2022, when our graduation number 3 will be conducted since the school was established in Malawi. But before the 15th we will have a short course and then graduation. It is good to see men graduate and get the courage to keep on saving souls to Christ as well as teaching the health Doctrine to those who are faithful - 2 Timothy 2:2!
We are also thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the operational support you send us every month. We don't take it for granted. You have really changed lives of many including our families. We always remember you in our daily prayers . Without your support, we would have not reached this far. The opportunity to reach out to more souls and train more faithful preachers is still available! As it is wisely said "Ability+Opportunity = Responsibility"
Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
In His vineyard,
Ephron and Clergynton