Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Weekend Schools, Ondo State Between July to September 2022.
We return all the glory, honor, and Majesty to our heavenly Father for His sustenance over us as a school. We equally thank our sponsors, The Bear Valley Bible School, Denver, Colorado, USA for their unwavering support since the commencement of the Schools in Ondo State, a year ago. Thank you! Your reward is great in heaven above. As a school, our heart is filled with songs of praise to God, and thankfulness in our hearts to our sponsors for us to be part of this great vision of preparing men all over the world for the work of preaching the undiluted gospel of Christ. The School had its first annual Bible seminar on the theme "Diligent Workers" on 17 September 2022. Two topics were taught on that day. First, Why is there a lack of Scriptural leadership in the churches of Christ in Ondo State? Second, what is the Biblical solution to the Scriptural leadership of the Church? Brother Olufemi Makinde and Brother Fasonu Victor were speakers for the program. The aim is to address Scriptural leadership issues in Ondo State. We have set the ball rolling as a school in the state! Our impact has been felt already! There were eighty-five in attendance from different congregations of the Lord in the state and beyond! Glory be to God in the highest, Amen.
Evangelism Report: As a School in Ondo center, we went out to preach the gospel in the Igba area of Ondo City in July. We were 13 in attendance including three instructors from the Ondo center. We had one baptism! Glory be to God! We are working to establish the church of Christ in the Igba area within the next year with mass evangelism involving the gospel Chariot. We need your prayers for effectiveness and success. Akure center is not left out of evangelism fervor as the school there also went out just as we did in Ondo center. There were 10 in attendance that went out to preach the gospel of Christ in that area. Prospects were directed to the church of Christ at Leo Street for more teaching and encouragement.
Classroom activities: Glory be to God, as a school, we are in the second year of rigorous study and learning. During the months covered in this report, July to September 2022, we had three classes for the two centers: First, in the Ondo center, brother Victor Fasonu taught "Hermeneutic -1" in July, while brother Damilola Oke taught 1 Corinthians at the Akure center that same month. In August, Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught "How we got the Bible" in Ondo center, while, brother Rowland Matthew taught "Scheme of Redemption" in Akure Center. In September, Brother Rowland Matthew came to Ondo center to teach "Scheme of Redemption" while brother Godwin Emmanuel went to Akure center to teach "How we got the Bible". Wonderful and interesting classes.
Brother Micaiah Miyendegha is one of the students at the Ondo center. He is a lively student in the classroom. He works with the local environmental department of Idanra of Ondo State! He loves what he is doing at the moment which is studying the word of God. He is a good example in the classroom and outside the School. He is a member of the church where l preach. He wants to be deeply rooted in the doctrine of Christ and the nearest future, l believe, he will take up the preaching work of the church.
Financial Report: l want to thank Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver for their usual support in the smooth running of the Schools. We have received support for July to September 2022! Thank you, all!
Miscellaneous: we are grateful for the supplies for our immediate needs of the schools in Ondo State.
We are committed to the work God has given to us via Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State. Our heart is filled with joy for helping us with the academic environment and the support. With God's help, we will continue to move to higher grounds in Christ with sound and Bible-based knowledge of the Scriptures.
Fasonu Victor
Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State.