Gueckedou, Guinea school holds graduation and begins new year

Report of Activities for July 2022


According to the apostle Paul, we have the obligation to preach the word, to be ready in season and out of season. To convince, rebuke, exhort with all gentleness and instructing. This, we have done even though the months of July, August, and September are rainy months are difficult. Nevertheless, we are happy with what has been done as you will see in the content of this report.

Teaching / Classroom 

The month of July had fewer classroom activities than the previous, because there was only 1 course, the book of Revelation left to end the training of the second batch. Brother Emmanuel Kamano took 10 days to teach and complete the material. The outcome was successful with all the students. 


Just after the classroom session, the team of evangelists accompanied students in two different areas for the evangelistic campaign for the month under review. This evangelistic campaign has two beneficial results, especially for the students. The first one is the practical application of theoretical training. The second is equal and seems even more important for this month because 7 persons accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized in Christ. In addition and even before the evangelistic campaign, we also do door-to-door evangelism and radio broadcasting which is also to defend the holy doctrine of Jesus.

Construction of worship halls

It is important to point out that the need for worship halls has been a paramount issue, a problem that has affected many congregations. Now with this help rendered there is a positive impact in the Lord's church in the Gueckedou area, strengthening those who are like the apostle Thomas.

Because this construction program started here at the beginning of the rainy season when brethren were active on their farm work, only two congregations, Damas and Bandainin, were able to reach roof level which is the requirement before BearValley will be involved to assist.

However, several other congregations are in the process of gathering all the necessary materials (sand, gravel, stone blocks) to begin construction after the period of heavy rain (July to September).

Recruitment / lntake of New Students

With the completion of the course study of the second batch, the need to recruit new men for the Lord's army is evident and the Gueckedou Bear Valley school administration had been on the search. There were some 23 candidates who applied, but when it was time for the written evaluation or test and interview which was conducted on 20th July 2022, 17 candidates responded present. Others were prevented by some social or cultural reason, but some wish to follow soon for the training. By the grace of God, classes started with this new batch on August 4, 2022.

Thanks / Appreciation

We thank God for his mercy in accepting us in our weaknesses and forgiving us our transgressions through Jesus our advocate.

Thanks to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for their moral, spiritual, material and financial support to the church of Christ in Guinea.

We sincerely thank our coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his willingness to seek resources to boost the work of God in Guinea for church growth.

We thank brother Ken Stanley and the Niceville church. 

Finally, we thank our brother in Christ who through our Coordinator financed the covering of worship halls.

We also thank our donors who are joyfully supporting the work of God.

May God bless everyone abundantly in the Lord.

Posted on September 1, 2022 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school prepares for graduation


Some time ago we wrote, “The training of preachers is a critical component in the growth of the church.  A lot of diligence goes into it. Soldiers going into real combat are never trained in a day. Such is the case for a soldier of Christ. Ours is a spiritual battle. The task of winning souls to Christ is ever present in our minds.” This is exemplified by the activities that took place in the month of July. The school continued to put one block on top of another in its effort of providing the church with highly skilled and competent manpower. Both teachers, students, the board and various converge in this endeavor. The view is to produce a well-trained soldier for Christ through various activities. The following are some of the few things that we can report on.


The 2022 -2024 intake covered a lot of ground its first term of learning at BVBIZ. The following subjects were done and completed successfully; Godhead, Life of Christ, Public Speaking, How We Got the Bible, Personal Work I, New Testament Church, Scheme of Redemption, English Writing Skills and Horticulture I & II.


BVBIZ continue to lay the foundation in its drive towards having some viable projects on ground. Broilers have been doing well though less were raised during the winter season.The free-range chickens (road runners) are also doing well. The goat project is also doing well. The goats now stand at 17. The tuck shop project, though very small has faced challenges of price fluctuations and lack of a proper room to run the project.


The school’s horticulture project which had started at a low pace accelerated towards the end of the month. The first crop to be sold is lettuce. Sales are expected to rise as in the next few months. Capacitating the project has been a challenge but God answers prayers in many ways. For some time the school had been wishing to advance its horticulture program. The focus of this development has always been to advance life survival skills in students and also provide some income to the school.


This year’s graduation shall take place on the 29th of October. This ceremony will be preceded by a 2 day preachers retreat (26-28 October). On the 28th, there shall be a graduation lecture code named the Isaiah Suwari memorial lecture.


On the 27th of July, BVBIZ hosted a WBS workshop which was attended by preachers from in and around Gweru. Students benefited as well. The guest facilitators were Brothers Phil Parmer (the WBS envoy for East and Southern Africa) and his wife, Machona Monyamane (a WBS board member) and Terrence Muza from the WBS office in Harare. BVBIZ greatly appreciates this team and the attendees who made the day a success.


Several activities took place as highlighted in the above report. We remain grateful to God for making this possible. To our various partners locally and abroad, may God continue to bless you abundantly? It is through your efforts and sacrifices that BVBIZ has gotten this far. To God be the glory!

Posted on August 30, 2022 .

West Coast School conduct campaigns

West Coast School of Preaching



Academic work continued smoothly throughout the month of July. Instructors and students were all effective in the teaching and learning process. All ten full-time students were present. Courses were taught by all four instructors – Joshua Aidoo, Nathaniel Brobbey, Douglas Armah, and Samuel Owusu-Afari. 

Courses that were taught to full-time students include: 

a.      Marriage and the family

b.      Congregational development

c.       Logic and the Bible

d.      Hebrews and Galatians

e.       Gospel of John

Learning is ongoing for the part-time students and attendance is very encouraging. Courses taught in the month included: the Intertestamental period handled by Joshua Aidoo, Wisdom Literature handled by Nathaniel Brobbey, and the Book of Romans taught by Samuel Owusu-Afari. 


The command of the Lord is very important to us and we inculcate it into our students to be very evangelistic. They are always taught that we were saved to save others and that has been one of the missions of the school. Our past and current students have a deep concern for lost souls and are constantly proclaiming the words of salvation. The month of July was no exception in our quest to win souls for our Maker. Many prospects have been created and trust that in due time the Lord will fulfill his purpose.

 Six souls were baptized. Four out of the six were souls studied with and converted in the congregation where brother Joshua Aidoo (the Principal) preaches (Mpintsin church of Christ). Below are some of the pictures showing their baptisms, whilst the other two are as a result of some of our past students.

Posted on August 30, 2022 .

Accra schools continue their intense study

Accra Report

End of July 2022

This is to report on various activities of the school in Accra, the full-time class, and extension schools.

The Lord has been kind to us throughout this month. We have been healthy in life so far. It is our prayer that the Lord will see others too, our brethren in Ukraine, Russia, and other countries that there may be peace among these countries to relieve our brethren and the people.

Resuming, Classes, and Lessons

To begin with, the school resumed on 3rd July 2022. All the students reported except two (2) who were ill and admitted to the hospital. Lessons for the commencement of this quarter were Hermeneutics II, Prison Epistles, Gospel of John, Books of Acts, Communication Skills, and Computer studies. The following instructors handled the courses; Amoo-Gyimah, Kojo, Gyan-Mante, E.O. Larbi, George, and Sammy. Amoo-Gyimah will teach the two short courses on I Corinthians and Life of Christ II in August.

Currently, classes are ongoing and are effective with their research and writing.

New Students Admitted and Others completing Courses

We had two new students interviewed and admitted for the quarter to do the two-year diploma at Doboro and a weekend student from Nsawam Extension School to offer an uncompleted course.

Also, two students have completed their two-year course for the diploma program this month, and are waiting for the next graduation which will be held next year, 2023.

Currently, our number is Twelve who are pursuing the program at Bear Valley Institute Doboro Accra.

New Study Chairs Bought

50 new study tables have been bought and distributed to three schools, Accra East, Nsawam, and Ashtown.

Study Bibles

We were grateful for receiving many books including seven Study Bibles. These books have been given out to the seven new students who were admitted. See the pictures, smiling faces showing their appreciation and happiness for the books. These will be helpful in their studies and research work. May God bless you.  


As reported by E.O. Larbi

Posted on August 30, 2022 .

Sunyani, Ghana school holds graduation




Thanks and glory be to God for His protection, guidance, and direction in the preparation, organization, and conducting of this historic event on Sunday, July 31, 2022.


A pre-graduation dinner was hosted on Saturday 29th July at 5:30 – 7:00 pm for instructors and students of this college: Daniel Kyereh-Mensah, Kojo Acquah-Benyi, Daniel Adjei Mensah, Thomas Gyabaa, and Rexford Agyare Minta were present during this occasion. All 24 students of Sunyani Campus were present. The menu for the evening was a typical Ghanaian food called Fufu and Minierals.



The ceremony started at about 8:00 am at the forecourt of the Sunyani Central Church of Christ. 14 graduands were presented with provisional results of a Diploma in Biblical Studies, they were made to respond to the charge of ministration and a prayer of ordination. The guest speaker of the occasion was Mr. Kojo Acquah-Benyi. He delivered a motivational talk and charged the students to be focused and resolute in the work of the Lord.



Seven special awards were presented to the graduating class

a.     The award for the overall best student went to Samuel Effah

b.     Best academic award went to Appiah Samuel

c.     Leadership award went to Emmanuel Kannor

d.     Others were attendance, punctuality and two others.



Through the sponsorship of Mr. Ken Djan Kesseh copies of the “Defending the Faith, study bible were presented to each graduating student.



In a very short address, Daniel Kyereh Mensah (Director of Sunyani Campus) expressed his greater sense of appreciation to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for their commitment to world missions and the greater assistance to the Sunyani Campus since 2019.

The same expression was made by the student’s president as he also expressed on behalf of the students their greater sense of gratitude to Bear Valley for the support offered them since 2019 and promised that they will work assiduously to reciprocate the sacrifices made for their training.

Posted on August 30, 2022 .

Visak students campaign in remote village

Dear Brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ our savior.  Bear Valley school at Visakhapatnam continues to send Evangelists to the Rural, Urban and of course to the very remote places too.

We were certainly blessed to be able to go and visit the congregations they have established. Bathar is the remote village on the other side of the river that divides the states of  Andhra Pradesh and Orrissa. We are certainly blessed to be able to go there, even though it was raining. We have scheduled to go to attend the inauguration of the church meeting place, where one of our graduates brother Narayana is working as minister. We walked for few miles to get to our destination and on the way we had to cross the river. It was very fast flowing. In fact, I slipped once and dropped my shoes, but thankfully one of the brothers caught it at the bank of the stream. The small house/church meeting place can hold up to 80 people since they sit on the floor in an organized fashion. We are thankful our Lord is leading them to reach into the very remotest areas with the good news and rescuing souls from eternal destruction. With this gathering we were able to have a good number of students enrolled in the preaching school. We started with 11 students, currently with the addition of two, we have total of 13 students. Please continue your prayers for us.

In Christ,

John Dean M

Visakha Valley Bible College,

A Bear Valley International School

Posted on August 30, 2022 .

Uganda schools holds open-air meeting

Dear brethren: I Hope this finds you well along with your families. We thank the almighty God for His great love toward us, having given us the breath that some are paying for in hospitals to breathe again. But freely He has supplied it to us.

I Am happy to report to you brothers and sisters that the school is going on well. Students have not had sickness challenges except for one student named Chris who is facing some challenges. The students are taking their classes very well. I also take this opportunity to thank the teachers for their zeal and through this difficult time when the country is in crisis, for having stood strong with us, transporting themselves though the hike to get to the school. On a special note, I thank our evangelism department that is headed by brother Christopher who has assisted our dean of students brother Emmanuel. Together with the students and our administrator who took the responsibility of informing the government about our open air campaign and door to door evangelism which was so great. The word was preached to the community and open air made it possible to reach father then we even imagined. People heard the gospel for the first time! It was a challenge to the religious community and through this, denominations have started evangelism too. Through this open air and door to door one soul was baptized into Christ. It is our prayer that this congregation remains strong.

We have planned to make it a routine of using the resources available to carry out an open air campaign on a regular basis. We noticed that people can listen from a distance hence it was through their commendations that we had to know the impact.

We thank you so much for the support you are giving to help these men train. Pray for us. Our application forms have been sent out for the second intake. We pray that God answers our prayers. All in all thank you so much may the almighty God bless you so much.

Until have heard,


Posted on August 8, 2022 .

Nairobi students assist local congregations

We pray this report finds you all doing well. We thank God for this opportunity to write to you again. We are doing well, and the students and their families are also well.

We are happy and glad for your continual support both financially and spiritually as we carry on this noble task.

Our classes continue to be held each Saturday and evangelism efforts by students and instructors is always ongoing. Academically, we are in the second quarter of our second year.Brother Fred just concluded Life of Christ from the book of Luke and I (Kennedy) just began the book of Isaiah.

We have a new congregation in Thika town and one of the students (Hiram Njeru) is preaching there. We also have a program of rotating students and instructors to the nearby congregations to help preach and assist with the evangelism work. The program has really helped the local congregations and many give thanks are given to the school for the changes they have seen.

Thanks a lot brethren and we humbly request for your prayers as the country is headed to general elections on 9th August 2022. Please pray so that peace may prevail.

Yours in His service

Samson omutele and

Kennedy munubi

Posted on August 8, 2022 .

Cameroon school evangelism campaign

We send blessings from Mbanga Balong. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you. May the will of God accompany the big Bear Valley family. The staff and students extend their gratitude to you. The month of June was a fruitful one even though we are in the heart of the rainy season here in the equatorial rain forest. Evangelism was fruitful both in and out of Mbanga. We praise God for the many journeys made by both the director, instructors, students, the members of the church who accompanied us to some destinations.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism, door to door evangelism, public preaching at night and one on one talks with backsliding brethren. The campaign was rich as we use our precious God given time and talent to do His will. And the Lord added to the church daily as they were safe.

Our students also went out for a two week campaign to 15 different villages and towns in the given francophone zones with most of them being newly planted congregations. The work for two weeks was a great success. About 1000 French evangelistic tracts were handed out and about 300 persons could listen to the gospel for this period. Six souls were restored and fifteen souls were added to the church through baptism. Eight of those souls came from Sangmelema which is the stronghold and home of our head of state. We praise God for the great increase and we put them into our prayers.

The school has also been visiting other places and carrying out mission work to places such in Bekoko where they join the alumni in serious evangelism. Souls were also added in Susan at our monthly lectureship. We also cannot forget to mention the friendly congregation in Kotto mission where we assisted last month even though there were heavy rains. This is one of the successful work of planting work in French Cameroon.

Brother Ititi, the director of the school, carried out the preaching himself in the midst of graduates and students from both Bear Valley schools. It was during the funeral of the lady who had opened her doors to the church to worship in there for 6 months before she rented her own place. This is a fruitful ground for evangelism.

We feel so blessed by God to be able to do his work here in Cameroon and pray that He will continue to bless us through His Son Jesus Christ.

Posted on August 8, 2022 .

Luanshya, Zambia school closing in on graduation

Zambia July 2022



Nowadays not all Christians leave the comfort of home to work in the vineyard of our master. Many times the pandemic has led some to become lazy and not do what we are exptected to do as Christians. One thing can be said with certainty – it takes a special kind of breed of Christian to leave the comforts of home and security to face an uncertain future so that our fellow man can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many congregations in the world would not exist today without such Christian men and women. We keep on thanking God for missionaries and evangelists who are doing the work for our master with all courage and confidence. We send greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare chance of working in His Kingdom.

The month July 2022 continued to be jammed packed with activities of evangelism and other related events. Hence we would like to share with you some of these in this report.


Once again we are so excited to report on a new congregation in Mpongwe Kamitondo, born with thirteen members and making good progress. Mpongwe is sixty-one (61) kilometers south of Luanshya district. We still have challenges in terms of transportation in getting to rural places like Mpongwe and there is a great demand to be worshipping with this congregation if we are to contribute much to maturing this congregation spiritually.

As an outreach program, BVBI-Zambia has been requested by many congregations here in the Copperbelt province to be involved in their evangelism program. Most of these congregations have an outreach program that runs every fortnightly. These programs have so far yielded good results. We have also realized that whatever time we spend together helps us encourage each other. After all, strong families do the same – they spend a lot of time together and we are a family

New Babes in Christ

Bruce Munachunga, Bob Mundia, Ignitius kabalata, Angel Mukuka, Bruno, Siampindu, Memory Mwenya, Grace Chanda and Josphine Lumayi were baptized into Christ in the month of July, we pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives. 

Northwestern Gospel Campaign 2022

The school is scheduled to be in the northwestern province for a gospel campaign which will commence on 25th August, 2022 and ends on 28th August, 2022 in Solwezi of Zambia. This meeting was supposed to be held two years ago but due to the advent of Covid-19 the meeting did not take place 

Brother Cephas Mwamba is tasked to do the recap on the theme and indeed on every lesson of the meeting. We pray that our students also will interact and be fully involved with whatever will be happening at the meeting.

A call to help in selecting elders/deacons

The right words to use are joy and happiness because it was evidently seen in all the members of Chiwempala church in Chingola district as elders and a deacon were installed. Brother Cobbert Mundia and Brother Simon Muchonkwa were installed to serve as elders on 17th July 2022 at the church of Christ in Chingola district. And at the same event Brother Moses Mandandi was installed to serve as one of the deacons. We give God the glory!! 

The pictures below shows our students who were evangelizing in Chingola. Though when we returned home five of our students were hospitalized with the flu. Maybe it was due to the fact that we had to use four different buses for us to reach there to and from Chingola. They recovered and we are back in class.

We also had time to preach in the Baluba district, which is twenty-seven (27) kilometers west of Luanshya. We have one church in this district which is surrounded by many denominations. Hopefully, we are planting a new congression

Avenue of blessings

Bvbi-Zambia venue is becoming a center for marriage blessings. We have witnessed a colorful marriage blessing at our Institute in the month of July. The marriage blessing which was done by Brother Cephas Mwamba has been good practical learning for our students and the church at large. We are also eagerly waiting for the wedding ceremony of Vincent Kawala Simwanza to take place at the same venue soon. Vincent is one of our former students whose wedding is being spearheaded by members of the church of Christ here in Luanshya.

For the purpose of learning how to conduct a wedding ceremony, all our students were in attendance for the ceremony.

Shaba province in D.R.C

Through our former student Joseph Ilunga who came from D.R.C in Lubumbashi, we have reached Kamisa and Kalemie districts in D.R.C. (Democratic Republic of Congo). Joseph is doing commendable work and needs to be supported. 

More blessings

We are so glad to report also on one of our current students by the name Daniel Kapata, who has been offered a job in Government as a teacher. He has done all the paperwork and after graduation, he will be preaching while teaching at a government school in October. We have no doubt Daniel is going to make a good preacher.

On the same development, a church in Chingola district has offered to hire two evangelists from our institute upon graduation in October. Actually, they said “we will come on the day of graduation to take them with us “This has come as a result of the good outreach program the school is running. The students’ conduct impressed the leaders of the church in Chingola district ( Chingola district is 104 kilometers southwest of Luanshya district where our Institute is located). We pray that these students’ relationship with our master will improve even more. 

Recruitments for 2022 to 2024

The recruitment process has entered an advanced stage with more men to come and be trained as Preachers.

Martin Lengwe is one of the members of the church that meets at Kamiyanga Primary school in Mbala district of the Northern Province of Zambia. Brother Lengwe is also the deputy headmaster at this school. He has expressed interest to enroll at BVBI-Zambia for the next intake.

At the end of the Copper belt Church of Christ Gospel meeting, a number of men from Copper Belt Province expressed interest in attending Bear Valley Bible Institute–Zambia. All the applications we have so far received for enrollment in the next intake indicate that six (6) Provinces of Zambia will be fully represented. We have applications from the following Provinces: Southern, Northern, Central, Luapula, Copperbelt, and Northwestern. We are in high spirits as we look forward to a new intake at Bear Valley Bible Institute- Zambia. We are also very eager and anxious to meet these new students. We know they will make another very exciting student body. 

BVBI-Z 2022 Graduation

The students have finally entered their final quarter of studying at BVBI-Zambia. After completing all the prescribed courses, the eleven students will be awarded an advanced diploma in Biblical Studies from Bear Valley Bible Institute International. We look forward in anticipation to having a graduation ceremony in October 2022. As we mentioned in our previous correspondence, this will be our third graduation ceremony since the beginning of school here in Zambia, Africa. The students are very excited to graduate and go back and work with their respective congregations. We have confidence that these students have been very hard working and diligent in their work and conduct during the period of their studies here at BVBI-Z.       


We are always grateful to all our partners in this noble work of training faithful men. Special appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financially supporting this work.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on August 6, 2022 .

Tamale school encouraged by Steven Ashcraft's visit


It is a great joy and blessing being productive and rendering services to mankind and to God our maker. This was how we felt in the month of June, 2022 being a month that brought a lot of promising futures for us in Bear Valley Tamale in our line of work as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. We praise His wonderful name now and forever.


Students were back in full school in the month of June, 2022 and we were active with our academic work as we tried to finish strong. This batch of students have nearly finished their two years Diploma course successfully. We give the Lord glory for their lives and for what God has so far done with them. These are the courses that were taught in the month of June; Christian Ethics (Daniel Adjei Mensah), Research Work and Writing with basic grammar work (James B. Legend), 1, 2 and 3 John and Jude (Daniel Adjei Mensah) and the Book of Romans (James B. Legend). These courses were successfully taught to the glory of God.   


As we did last year with the help of Brother Steven Ashcraft to help the school in Tamale find ways to complement the feeding expenses of our students now and in the future, we have reinvested the funds of what we made from last year’s farming produce into cultivating another farm, hoping for a much better return. Last year, we made a farm of five acres of maize and five acres of soybeans with a sum of five thousand Ghana cedis. The maize couldn’t produce well due to where we farmed it and the raining pattern at that area. However, the soybeans were able to complement the maize to help us make some profit. After sales of all the produce, we had a total sum of seven thousand five hundred cedis. This year, we have expanded the farm a bit. We have made nine acres of soybeans and two and half acres for maize respectively. We are hoping and praying the Lord adds His blessings for it to bring some good rewards. 


We have harvested the groundnut successfully and the land is being prepared to sow some maize, beans, and also use part of it for our irrigation project. We thank Brother Keith, Kojo and Steven for working with other people to help us gradually deal with some of the major challenges we have in Bear Valley Tamale.


The Kpalsi South Congregation continues to stand firm in worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ with sound doctrine as well as working hard to continually grow numerically, spiritually and physically.  

Thanks be to God, Brother Steven Ashcraft, our Brother, friend and father in the faith was with us in the month of June to strengthen us. He taught us on our Wednesday teaching service, which was on the 22nd of June, 2022. He gave us a wonderful and a very persuasive, inspiring lesson on our mission as Christ followers. He spoke extensively on Discipleship and the need for us as a church to make efforts and to go out and disciple others by studying with them in order to get them converted into the church. We bless the Lord for His life and all the sacrifices he is making for Africa and the world. 


The visit of Brother Steven to Bear Valley Tamale brought a lot of encouragement and some ideas that look very promising to revive the strength of the churches and the school in Northern Ghana on our strategies in evangelizing our communities and the unsaved in Northern Ghana. We had some great discussions and ideas that we can work with in making our preachers across Northern Ghana who are into evangelistic work be more productive. And that is to assist them to form evangelism teams to evangelize their communities by strengthening existing congregations and also establishing new ones when possible. And the second work of these evangelism teams is also to teach these congregations to be fully involved in planting new congregations or evangelistic work continually. We believe this will also be an avenue for us to make some good recruitment of students for the school. 

Furthermore, the visit of Brother Steven also saw him give us some guidance on how we can keep better records and also some more effective ways of running things in the school to help us as individuals and as a team. We very much appreciate him for his efforts and concern for us and the school in Northern Ghana. God bless you sir.


We have by the grace of God in the tail end of June after the visit of Steven been able to start the process of organizing the evangelistic teams proposed by him. We were able to meet with some preachers in the Zabzugu, Tatale and Sanguli area to share the idea of the evangelistic team to them. They quickly embraced the idea. We are therefore hoping the Lord guides them in all that they will be doing towards this topic.  

All thanks to God who made the heavens and the earth for all His mercies and blessings upon us. Amen!

 Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale.

Posted on August 6, 2022 .

BV team member now FHU Missionary in Residence

Grace and Peace to you friends.

I hope this report finds you doing well. Things have been VERY busy since my last report, so I'm looking forward to catching you up. In fact, I might should call this one a "Not Quite So Short Report", haha! I've just recently returned from spending much of the summer in Tanzania, so let me begin by sharing with you some highlights of that trip.

The major agenda of this trip is what we call the "Good Will Tour". We try to visit the home congregations of each of our students during their two years of training at ACSOP. This helps us to maintain good relationships with those congregations and better understand the circumstances from which our students are coming. It also is a chance to recruit more students as well as identify ways that the mission can be a resource to help these congregations. This trip also provided an opportunity to check on congregations that have received help in the past to see how they are progressing. As a liaison between many of these congregations and their supporters, it is vital that I get around to make personal visits with them.

It is exciting to see how the church is spreading and thriving in all corners of the country! World Video Bible School was generous enough to donate a projector and three hard drives loaded down with biblical materials.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching was very privileged to have the opportunity to host Dr. Jim Gardner of Freed-Hardeman University. Dr. Gardner gave us a preview of his upcoming book, sharing some of the material in a seminar on the foundations of the Christian faith. The seminar was well attended and well reviewed by the Tanzanians who were present. He also stayed over to share more material with the Kisongo congregation during their regular Sunday services.

Speaking of Freed-Hardeman University, they are giving us an exciting opportunity this school year. FHU has invited me to spend time on campus this school year promoting missions among the student body. This will allow me the chance to encourage young people to consider entering the mission field in East Africa or elsewhere. This also grants me time to help train these mission-minded students with lessons that I have learned in service to the Lord's kingdom. The best part is that I'll still be free on weekends to visit with churches in America about what's happening in Tanzania. Reach out to me if you would like to schedule a visit. I would love to make that happen!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on August 6, 2022 .

Vocational training for preaching students in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of July-2022.

We are ever grateful to the elders and deacons of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their love and commitment to establishing this educational project in India under the leadership of Mr.Keith Kasarjian and Mr.Mark Reynolds. We continually work hard and try our level best in educating the young people in India.

Classroom work:- In the month of July we were able to complete Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel, and Life of Jesus Christ in the gospels. We are happy to inform you that all the teachers and students worked hard. All the students were able to receive the subject. They did the work for examinations and completed their assignments on time.

Vocational Training for the previous batch students: We invited the previous batch students and conducted a one-day vocational training class on July 8th. We invited two officers who were able to visit our Bear Valley Bible Institute to give training. They have explained several self-employment plans and also provided awareness of several government plans which are available for the unemployed youth in India.

Campaign:- on July 2nd we conducted a campaign at Vidyanagar. That evening more than 75 people were able to gather for the meeting. We organized the meeting at sister Chittemma’s house. Her husband passed away one month ago. This meeting helped comfort them and other people were able to receive good encouragement.

Thanking you.

Your brother in Christ,


Posted on August 6, 2022 .

Lectureship in Nigeria

Dear fellow soldiers of Christ.

Greeting from BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and co-WBSFUW in the Western States of Nigeria. Below is the summary of our activities for the month of July 2022.


1. Students' five weeks practicum

2. 20th Annual Bible Lectureship & Graduation


The last Students' Practicum, that is, teaching practice for 2021/2022 session commenced on June 25 and will come to an end on August 7 Lord's willing.

Report reaching us at the time of filling this report shows the conversions of twenty souls and restoration of thirty-one erring brethen through the joint efforts of our students and the Lord's Church where they are serving.


The 20th Annual Bible Lectureship and Graduation of forty successful Students from Ibadan and Lagos is slated for August 10 through 13,2022 at the permanent site of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN in Butubutu village via Badeku/ Jago ,Ona-Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State.

This year 20th Annual Bible Lectureship will center on " Marriage and The Home". Seventeen able ministers of God across the country, Nigeria will do justice to the topics assigned to them with two sisters speaking at the Sisters' Class.

This year program will features Football matches, Acapella Songs and Youth rally. We are expecting over 300 brethren and friends of the Lord's Church to witness this great occasion.

Bro. Keith Kasarjian, International Director of BVBID-EXTENSION program will serve Lord's willing as our guest speaker during the graduation ceremony on August 13,2022.


Bro. Idowu Jonathan is one of our year-2-Students. Born on 11th September 2003 at Owode-Titun in Ogun State. He gain admission to the BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN in 2019 after his secondary School education. He was added to the Lord's Church in the year 2017 at Owode-Titun congregation. His mission in life is to become a missionary after his tertiary education.


We deeply appreciate your great commitment to serving the Lord and humanity. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Sincerely His & yours,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

(The Chief servant of BVBIN SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW)

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Reaching out in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We are doing good with all that is entrusted in our hands and we are appreciating God for His help. Things are going good even though we are all faced with the global crisis that is doing all things possible to dismantle our programs. It is more difficult now to meet up with many expenses as the prices of many of our things in the market have risen to very high levels. We are left with no choice but to continue the best we can. We are bound to manage what we have, as there is just no way for us to jump out of the ever-changing world.

We are thanking God for whom we put our trust. We are looking up to Him, the maker of the heavens and the earth. God is watching, and we know He will always make a way when there seems to be no way.


Our out-reach efforts to souls in different communities is at the top of our daily and weekly agenda. Our young congregations and newly revived congregations need our weekly presence to keep the young Christians learning and growing. Please help us to keep this out-reach going.


 God bless you, as we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the gestures you are making to keep this work going ahead. God alone will repay each one. Please share our news with others.

God bless you as you make a great day.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director BVBIC -Wotutu

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Great work in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


After sending our May report, we were hopeful that we will meet again to continue to share with you the news of the work that you are supporting here at Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. And at this point, we are grateful to God for keeping us till now so we could continue to work in His vineyard. In the midst of intense and high inflation in the whole world, you continue to support the work here, hence you deserve to be appreciated and commended, our dear brethren.  As we share this June, 2022 report with you, we pray that it finds you doing well. This report will cover the following subheadings: weekend evangelism and conversion of a soul, end of third quarter academic activities, alumni update, student’s sickness, and a graduate’s profile. Below are the details of the report:


As we informed you before, our students (full time), some members of the churches of Christ in Kenema and some staff go for evangelism every weekend and the month of June was not an exception. Now in Sierra Leone it is rainy season therefore sometimes it rains on our students and some staff while on the field, but the Gospel must be shared. The month of June was not so fruitful for us in respect to conversions because we recorded only one (1) baptism. However, we are grateful to the Lord for the soul He added to His Church.


Our full time students successfully ended their first year third quarter academic activities on June 30, 2022. In that quarter, eight (8) courses were covered: Life of Christ 2 (Mark), The Book of Acts, Hermeneutics 2, 1 Corinthians, Prison Epistles, How We Got the Bible, Computer Studies 3, and Basic English Grammar 3. We taught the classes to the best of our abilities and all our 20 students took the courses and ended the quarter. We appreciate Bear Valley continually for the opportunity to serve.  


In our April report, we informed you that we want to closely work with our graduates. Therefore, in this attempt, an alumni meeting was held at the school campus. Based on the conclusions (like the activeness of the graduates on the preaching field, maintaining communication with the administration, challenges that are being faced, what can be done for more evangelistic work to be carried out, etc) arrived at during the meeting, the school administration has been in constant contact with many of the graduates. Many of them are actively working in their respective congregations and are involved in the evangelistic work. One of those actively working is Brother Emmanuel Focko. The profile of Emmanuel will be given under the “Graduate’s Autobiography” section. However, upon his graduation from KBVBI in 2019, he returned to his home town, Koindu. After a while, Emmanuel thought of extending his evangelistic activities to a village called Weima, located around the environs of Koindu Town. He, together with some brethren at his congregation, Kpuya Church of Christ, Koindu, decided to go to Weima and evangelize. Their efforts led to the birth of Weima Church of Christ, which was established in 2019. Weima congregation currently has an attendance of 50-60 members weekly. More information about this congregation will be stated under the profile of Emmanuel. Like Emmanuel, other graduates are also working as stated above. We would have involved some pictorial evidence regarding some of their works but the challenge many of them are facing as they always tell us is that, many of them do not have android phones or cameras to take pictures.


Health challenges are those things one cannot avoid in life, and this is also true of one of our full time students: Godfrey Bawoh. Brother Godfrey is one of our students from the republic of Liberia. He has been suffering from a stomach problem for so long. This sickness however started before he was even admitted at the KBVBI. The administration has done her best to take him to the hospital but he still complains of the same issue. His family members requested that he go home and try local herbs again. Therefore, as the quarter came to an end, he also went for a break. We are trusting God that Godfrey recovers and resumes back with his colleagues. Please remember your brother in your prayers as you have always done.


Emmanuel Fayia Fock is one of our first graduates and one of the current staff. He graduated as the best student during his time. Brother Emmanuel was born to Sullo Fayia and Finda Fayia, Christian parents who were baptized in Guinea by Brother Francis Musa. He was born on the 10th February, 1993. Emmanuel grew with his parents and was later baptized in 2007. Since his baptism, Brother Emmanuel has been actively involved in the church activities at Kpuya Church of Christ, his home congregation then. He had been officiating collections, Lord’s Supper, and reading scriptures at Kpuya congregation. The coming of Bear Valley Bible Institute was a great blessing to Emmanuel. Upon hearing the emergence of this Bible school, Emmanuel expressed the desire to be enrolled so he could learn more and be better equipped in the ministry. He was eventually enrolled and pursued his studies. While at Bear Valley, he stood distinguished among his mates; his behavior and commitment to his studies were noticeable. He served as the student president while here. Finally, Emmanuel graduated as the best student. He was maintained by the school and till now, he is one of our committed staff. What is even more interesting about Emmanuel is that, upon his graduation in 2019, he returned home and established a local congregation at Weima. His convictions about evangelism and his full involvement in it has led to a tremendous growth of the Weima congregation. Currently, 50-60 congregants meet every Sunday. Moreover, Emmanuel did not sit to wait for some outside support to come and build a worship hall for the Weima congregation. He motivated the brethren (all are peasant farmers) to put their attention to raising a worship hall. As we write, they are on the painting and casting the floor. Such effort is worth commending and supporting! He presently preaches at the congregation. Brother Emmanuel’s photograph and the Weima congregation shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.


As we conclude this report, we say a big “Thank you” for reading through to the end.. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Training church leaders in Ghana


Second Quarter Report, 2022

We are always thankful to God for our lives and for seeing us through another quarter of services in His kingdom. We are also grateful to you for the beautiful support that keeps the school going.


The current number of the school here is 13. These students are workers who are taking the courses.


We have had three courses read. Christian Evidence and Galatians were taught by brother Larbi young, while Brother Kwabena Gyan-Mante took them through the Preacher and his work.


The majority of the students are playing some leading role in their various congregations. They teach and preach as well. We have had 10 souls baptized as the result of the output of these students.

Next Campaign Schedule

We have had a meeting with the students and have scheduled our next campaign for the first week of October 4th to 9th. Students have been assigned to prepare to speak during this programme. During this meeting, we planned to advertise the school to these congregations and to look for interested brothers to be enrolled. This will be on July, 31.

We are grateful also to you for a table and chair seat to be used by the instructors.

Student’s Profile

Brother Alex Obu is one of our students at Koforidua extension school. He was born in Koforidua but comes from Somanya in the Eastern Region. He is a Graphics Designer by profession. He is married with two (2) children. He has been very productive in most of the church activities. As part of his services, he helps in teaching and preaching in the local churches planted by the mother church. He is also active in the school activities such as public preaching, and house-to-house evangelism.

We are grateful to God for this quarter and its activities.

It is our prayer that the Lord will protect us to the next quarter.

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Pressing on in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,  

This summer I, as well as many other Ukrainians, will remember for a long time. We are still in the heat of the warfare and Russian missiles still strike our peaceful cities. The state of being stressed out and being in danger is a part of everyday life for millions of people who are in this country. The most difficult situation is in the Eastern part of the country where the military forces of the occupants obliterate cities and villages. Many civilians from those regions try to leave their homes and relocate to the safer parts. At the times like this, the Church is presented with a lot of opportunities to demonstrate God's love and help out the people who lost their houses and their income. There's everything necessary in our church building to house the refugees and make them comfortable. As of this moment, we host a few families in the church building who are looking for a place to rent permanently in the city of Bela Tserkva. We ask for your prayers for peace in Ukraine. 

The students from the Bear Valley Bible Institute are busy with summer practice. They work alongside the congregation in Chernivtsy. These days they have VBS for the children of the refugees and the students are involved daily. They are also presented with the opportunities to have the Bible studies with the refugees. Also the church is very involved in social volunteering, students can visit with the people, cook the meals, etc. Many, of course, come to get some financial and physical aid but there are some who having been helped ask to fulfill their spiritual needs. It's very inspiring when people ask to tell them more about salvation through Jesus Christ. In Chernivtsy and Lviv our graduates, now preachers, baptize people almost every week and the Lord adds the saved ones to the Church.  

It's hard for everybody during the war. Usually we think that the most vulnerable (children, women and elderly) are suffering but, sadly, everyone goes through the trials. I ask for your specific prayers for the ministers and the Church workers. Every day for hours they have to listen to personal stories of loss, suffering, persecution and sorrow. They are the first ones to stretch out the helping hand and support in the time of crisis. It's very hard mentally to be emotionally invested in these stories while finding out the words of comfort and come up with good advice. Hundreds of pounds of food, medications and hygiene products are distributed to the people who leave their impact on the hearts of the ministers. Apostle Paul knew what it's like and only now we understand how it happens in real life - 2Cor. 11:28: "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches ".  

We are grateful to all American congregations, brothers and sisters in Christ who support the ministry to the refugees. The church of Christ in Ukraine provides a lot of help to the needy. It demonstrates how much the Lord loves us. 

May God keep you safe!  

Your brother,  

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Training in northern Togo

Report : Extented Program 

BVBI - Kara, Togo 

Tuesday, 30th June 2022 


Greetings from the Churches of Christ around Kara-Togo. 

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, for your desire to continue to help us for the Great Commission we all doing here in north of Togo true your help. 


1- Actual number of Students : 07

2- Number of the Instructors : 03 

3- The courses that are being taught:

     a- Genesis  by KAGNON Luc 

     b- Matthew  by Rodrigue 

     c- John ( Gospel according to John)  by Fidele 

 4Congregational Activities 

     a- Worship and edification 

We thank God for the Bible college school here in Kara. With the students, the worshipping and edification of churches becomes easier. We are making groups for studies for each congregation. All this helps us to establish a follow-up program for churches to build strong and mature congregations in the future and these mature congregations will have the ability to plant other congregations. Thus, twice in the month each congregation is organizing itself for door to door evangelism in their locality to help the church to grow in number.

Currently, another challenge for us in and around Kara is the church doctrine called “One Cup” which wants to destroy our efforts by deceiving our members with their “false teaching.” Faced with this problem, we have prepared a series of lessons that we are teaching to all congregations to prepare our members to be strong against this “One Cup” doctrine. So, the Bible said in Acts 20:30 – “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves”. This situation needs your prayers seriously. 

We thank God with the arrival of our zealous Missionary Steven on June 7th to 14th, 2022 in Kara here. We had not seen him in two years due to the closure of the Togo borders as a result of COVID. He solved many problems wisely and gave to the Bible school Instructors many advices and teachings to help them to be able to help our students. We spent a week of joy with him. We ate together with him. He is very simple. We hope to share again these good times with him. We are blessed by his arrival here in Kara. 

     b- Campaigns 

As COVID19 is gone, we began once again with our evangelistic campaigns. This program is well needed to help congregations to grow in number with the help of other preachers in various localities. This program is also helping us to plant other new congregations. Since January we organized three (3) Campaigns in Lassa (a new congregation), in Tchitchao, and in the city of Kara. During these campaigns we had some people baptized. We need your prayers for these new Christians to continue to be the faithful.

5- Up Coming programs 

We are currently planning on having “a denominational program”. This program is going to help us to discuss and teach the truth to denominational leaders and pastors in the area and be able to bring them into the church. Some of them could become students in the Bear Valley Bible College. This program is also another good way to help the church to grow. This program is going to be directed by Rodrigue. We pray for the success of this program. 

We are planning on having recruitment campaigns in Dapaong, Korbongou and Kara. We plan to have more students in our Bible school. 

We are also planning on having a Preachers Seminar in Kara on July 5th to 7th, 2022 on the topic : The Preacher and his work.

We are planning on having other seminars concerning Men and Women and Congregations Leaders before the end of the year. All those programs need your prayers.

 6- Radio Program 

We continue to preach the gospel on “Missionary Radio”. This radio station is a denominational one. Now, the owners of this station are not allowing us to take questions during our preaching as they did in the beginning. They also remark that the denominational pastors are not allowing their members to continue to listen to our radio time because our preaching is different. This brings confusions among their members. Our desire is to go and preach on the public radio. So, everyone is going to hear the truth. And God willing, we are going to have people to discuss and study with them personally. Additional funds will need to be raised to move to the other radio station since it is more expensive.


In Christ,


Posted on August 3, 2022 .

18 baptized in Dar es Salaam

We are continuing well with academic activities here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Dar es Salaam.

At Temeke, the Book of "Revelation of John" is being taken this month. At Mbagala "Christian evidences" and the Monday class is "Church planting"

The number of students now remains 23. This is due to 13 student yet completed courses from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. The number of Teachers is 4 as well. Who facilitated 3 classes, 2 classes in Saturdays and one Mondays

School evangelistic campaign produced good at Vikindu, Mwanambaya na Tabata where churches are already planted. Mwanambaya is latest work with 28 are gathered every Sunday. Thank you for support from Brother Chad in Tabata. Mwanambaya also need some support of Chairs, building and washing equipment related to Lord's supper utensils bibles etc.

According to teachers and students evangelism work, January to June 18 people were baptized. One seminar was conducted related to "How Missionary works cooperate with Churches" another seminar will be at Aug 8th on "How Bible Colleges cooperate with Churches on evangelism"

We have 13 students completed diploma course and we expect to have their graduation Nov 2022 from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. We will discuss more about how we can make their Graduation ceremony.

30th April 2022 we had meeting with all students at Temeke, it was normal meeting. Students are thankful a lot on how they enjoy studies at school.

To the moments we work more on finding new students to fill the gap of those who are leaving school by graduation. Last week I met with 15 students who stopped studies, and 10 promised to come back in August. And we are conducting campaign to all congregations in Dar to send us student from August

God Bless you,lets pray God each other for his work before us

Posted on August 3, 2022 .