53 souls saved in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni


School reopens! We are thankful to God that the numbers of the covid-19 cases are decreasing daily, and this has made the government to allow all schools reopened. We are in the second week since the reopening was announced.

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni has the students from all the 4 regions of Malawi. We have one student who is coming from a district bordering Mozambique. The process of picking students from all-over Malawi has helped the school to be recognized the whole Malawi and the neighboring countries.

Holiday Reports from students!

We have always been telling our students to be active in preaching the sound (Health) Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite the pandemic threat, the students have been very busy evangelizing during the holiday. Here are the result of their work from the areas they are coming from (congregations). After we read their reports, it has been noted that 53 souls were saved in areas the students comes from, and also 13 souls restored. This is amazing! We thank God that our students are using their holiday time wisely. We always advise our students to protect our "Brand" Preaching and Training preachers - 2 Timothy 2:2

Teaching and preaching

We are thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to teach the word! The classes are in session and we thank God that the students have come with great zeal - willing to study. BV - Ekwendeni is sorrounded with many local congregations but we thank the Chinungu Church of Christ for using our students in the preaching and teaching work and serving in acts of worship. Because of the good performance of our students, the leaders of the church decided to pick one student to be their preacher the time students are at school. Brother Mateyo Ching'oma is the one chosen. This has encouraged us as teachers that the work we are doing is not in vain. Brethren are recognizing the good teaching of BV - Ekwendeni.


We are now planning to start developing the land we have bought for the school. Bids and plans of the buildings are ready and approved by architectures, (Government building planners). We hope God will open the doors of opportunities to allow funds allocated to us to start the construction work. God is always good!

We always are thankful to Bear Valley Bible Institute - International for the help of support that helps us keep going. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, that God should keep on blessing your families as this work still needs your involvement. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Ephron and Clergynton!

Posted on March 15, 2021 .