Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni - Malawi
March Report
Hello everyone! Hope this finds you all well. As we are in week number 5 since the reopening of the school after, lots have been already achieved. in this report we would be sharing with you about the courses taught in the 5 weeks period of time, preaching work, short-course teacher's visit and also about school site development.
Teaching and Preaching
We want to thank God for protecting us from Covid -19, and enabled us to reopen. This is week number 5, but 4 courses have already been done. In the first 2 weeks Brother Clergynton was teaching "Pentateuch II", week number 3 Brother Ephron taught "How We Got The Bible" and in the week number 4 we had Brother Blessings Nkhamanga who taught "Synoptic Gospels" We are thankful to God because of this Brother Blessings. Despite being challenged financially, We managed to call him to teach a short-course on Synoptic Gospels. We are praying to God that He keep on Blessing him as he helped us a lot and the students have loved him too. Blessings is a BV graduate and holds a Bachelors Degree in Biblical studies from Chimala - Tanzania. We hope to call him again in the near future the Lord willing. And in this week number 5 and the next 2 weeks Clergynton is teaching "Pentateuch III
We are also thankful to God for a big improvement on our students, they are doing well in class as well as in the preaching work. The local congregations around Ekwendeni have expressed their gratitude for the good work the students are doing. Due to the effort they are showing, within this period of 5 weeks, Six souls have been saved and 1 congregation restored at the village called Chamono in the North of Ekwendeni about 20km away from the school.
The clearing work is ongoing at the school site in order to start building soon. We ask for your prayers that God should widely open the door to let the funds available and committed to this project. Renting has been expensive and this has disadvantaged a great work of winning souls to Christ - as the money which could be used in more campaigns and lectureships is used to pay rentals.
We are always left with no words, than to say "thank you Bear Valley Bible Institute International" for the funds you monthly send to help this work keep going! Without your help we could not be where we are now as BV-Ekwendeni - Malawi. May God keep on blessing you as we still need you to be with us in this course of making good men be faithful and sound preachers of the Gospel. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
Your Fellow Servants,
Ephron and Clergynton