The lifting of the COVID19 induced lockdown saw several activities picking up at BVBIZ. The calendar has been adjusted, projects continued, infrastructure development picked up, evangelism began and face to face instruction commenced. These and more are contained in this report.
Face to face instruction for the third intake resumed successfully on the 29th of March.. All the 12 students in this class returned to school. This class is a few months behind in terms of its classes. In order to catch up on lost time, there shall be less of breaks this whole year. Lessons had started in December 2020 but stopped due to the lockdown that had been enacted. The following courses are being taught this term,
Homiletics 1
Hermeneutics 1
Acts of the Apostles
OT History
Life of Christ
1 & 2 Thessalonians
Personal Work II
COVID19 and the subsequent lockdowns have changed the school calendar many times. Many programs have been affected. The school has had to make several adjustments. The following is the tentative calendar for the third intake but based on the hope that no other lockdowns will come into effect.
3.1 Beans
Due to incessant rains, it was difficult to plough the land due to waterlogging in the fields. The planting of beans delayed as a result. When the rains stopped, the land was then tilled and beans planted in the field where we had planted a maize crop that did not do well due to waterlogging. The field has wet soils which could see the bean project through.
3.2 Broilers
The broiler project has been going on well. After selling 288 birds from the 3rd and 4th batches, we realized total of $1600. $1200 from the sale was taken and added to the total of $200 from donations and 10,000 face bricks for the teachers house were bought from Bulawayo. These were, however, dropped 3km away from the school site as the truck could not make it because of a very saturated road. 7 trips were made using a tractor to get the bricks to the site. Farm bricks that had earlier been made available for this project will now be used to construct a bit bigger fowl run once we are able to get funds for cement, roofing materials and labour costs. A total of $2400 is needed to get this fowl run up. The next batch of broilers has 300 broilers. Another batch of 150 is currently on sale. After this batch there is another one which shall be ready around mid-April and has a total of 300 broilers. This is the biggest the school has ever had.
The lifting of the lockdown measures that have been in place have allowed progress have allowed progress in terms of infrastructure development to pick up again. The builders were able to travel from Harare to the school site
Painting of walls and tiling of floors in the hostel was left hanging when the lockdown commenced in early January. Several touch ups were successfully done in terms of painting and tiles in the month of March. Final touch ups on the walls of the classrooms were also done. A solar geyser was also fixed on top of the hostel. Skirting around the hostel is outstanding and shall be done in March.
The coming of builders to the site saw the fixing of the roof, painting of the cottage and fixing of window frames. Plumbing was done successfully also. A septic tank and soak away tank were also dug. Only construction of the septic tank and fixing of doors are outstanding.. The fixing of doors and septic tank construction will be done when funds permit.
The teacher’s house whose construction had stopped at the foundation level, picked up again on the 15th of March. Some of the materials had had remained and were still available. As of the 31st of March, the house had gone beyond the ring beam. All brick work is expected to be finished during the first ten days of April. Great appreciation goes to several individuals and families who sacrificed their resources so that this building reaches this point. $750 labour costs are outstanding including $380 for concrete stones and river sand. Once it is completed, the teacher in charge of student affairs will move to the site.
Developments at this house took place out of faith. There was no promise of funds for its construction. God has been wonderful this far. However, work shall stop once all brick work is completed due to lack of resources.
28 souls were baptised in the month of March. The lockdown had not allowed this to take place. Several were awaiting baptism at the two new congregations, namely Greenvale and Plasworth. The Plasworth congregation is the congregation that meets the school site. BVBIZ students baptized the new souls.
BVBIZ appreciates donations that continue to be made both in cash and kind. These have enabled the school to be where it is now. In the month of March, we received the following, $50 from the Chirenda Family, an equivalent of $50 from Bro. T. Dururu, $20 from the Mazambani Family, $5 from Sister Sande and a door frame from Bro. P Kufa for the cottage. All received funds were used to buy bricks for the teachers house. The school appreciates many, far and wide, who, one way or another, continue to partners in this great effort of training preachers. Those who would want to join this great effort are welcome.
The month of March has seen activities at BVBIZ picking up again. Classes have started, projects have been maintained, construction of the teacher’s has picked up again, construction work at the cottage is almost complete, final touch ups in terms of painting to the hostel were made, evangelism is picking up and souls were added to the church. The coming in of many, far and wide to partner the school, one way or another continues to help the school in its main thrust of training workers for the Lord. Great appreciation also goes to the Woodland Oaks for her unwavering support. We continue to solicit for your prayers towards the work at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. To God be the glory!