Wotutu is off to a great start

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We do hope you are doing great. In Cameroon we are doing fine and the church is healthy, even though we have some strike actions that are making some other activities in Cameroon slow.

We still don’t have internet access in all of English speaking Cameroon and that is why I don’t send my reports as I used to do, I am sending this report in Douala which means I have driven 1 hour plus and fuel the car to get this report off. I cannot do it on Sunday because the internet café in Douala are all closed .

Students , staff and members of the congregation are okay , just keep our country in your fervent prayers.

Our delta batch students end up their first month of studies in BVBIC-Wotutu and it is sounding well with them as we get lots of testimonies on their studies, even those who have been preaching for many years before coming to school.

We are keeping the spirit of evangelism fresh, as the delta batch of students can feel it as we join with our graduates to evangelize different communities. This exercise is good for me because it help me stay closer to all our graduates and by so doing I can keep track of all to see when one need encourgaments and advice to stay focus .

 We are planning mass evangelism to younger congregations and to virgin lands in the months ahead .

God bless you and thank you for all that you are doing to make things happen. If not of you and your good heart, I doubt how things would have been. God bless you as you share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family

Director, BVBI-Wotutu

Posted on February 6, 2017 .

In memory of a faithful friend

On February 1st, my friend and coworker, Cy Stafford left this world to his eternal reward. He leaves behind a loving wife, Stephanie, three sons and their families, and hundreds of others who will also miss him dearly. 

I first met Cy in 2003 when I went to Arusha to teach and to attend the first ever graduation of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. He was the founder and director of that fine school. I, like everyone else, immediately liked Cy and I enjoyed working with him. That would be the beginning of a 13 year friendship that even saw us travel to other places together.

We shared many conversations and laughs and were sometimes able to know what the other was thinking by simply looking each other in the eyes. His always had a particular gleam. Cy was known for his smile, easy going demeanor, and the ability to bring calm to any situation. But most of all, he loved his Lord and wanted as many people as possible to love Him, too. 

Tanzania will forever be his legacy and preacher training in particular. It was his passion all the way to the end and was even the focus of our last visit. Those of us who loved Cy will ensure that it continues. As such, Cy requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to "Tanzania Preacher Training" and sent in care of Bear Valley at:

2707 S. Lamar St.

Denver, CO 80227

The world needs more Cy Staffords!

In loving memory,

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on February 4, 2017 .

Progress in Zambia

The school in Zambia continues to make progress each month and the big news is that one of its teachers, Cephas Mwamba, is going to be married soon! Read all about it HERE. 

Posted on February 4, 2017 .

An outstanding trip to Nepal and India

This trip was my first to each of the schools I visited on my trip. I felt it was important to get into each of the schools I am working with as soon as possible to get to know the directors, students and key components of the schools since starting my work with Bear Valley. 

I visited the Nepal Center for Biblical Study first (January 15-20). I was greeted at the airport in Kathmandu (where the school is currently located) by Jerry Golphenee. Jerry has been working as an instructor for the school since it opened seven years ago. He has been living in Nepal working as a dentist for more than fifteen years. In that time he has helped several young people get an education by raising money for their school fees and other necessities. I stayed in Jerry’s house for the week, and was treated to wonderful hospitality. He was a wonderful host! One of my favorite parts of the trip was the three-mile walk Jerry and I enjoyed to the school each day. It gave us time to talk and get to know each other. He does a marvelous work in Nepal.

The director of the school, Gajendra Deshar, greeted me at the school on Monday morning, and gave me a quick tour. Gajendra is a wise and humble man with wonderful organizational skills and is a natural leader. I taught a personal growth class covering the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount, and the Christian Graces from 2 Peter 1, as well as a special lesson on Church Growth. In addition to the students who attended the class, several graduates of the school and many members of the church participated in the course as well.  Gajendra and his assistant Arun translated for me while I taught.

On Thursday afternoon after class we visited the site where the new school building is being built about an hour from Kathmandu. It is located in a rural setting, which makes it much less expensive to operate the school. Gajendra’s parents donated the property on which the school is being built. This is even more remarkable because his parents are still practicing Hindus. We pray this will change soon. The school is nearing completion, and they hope to be in it by early April.

I can’t say enough about the people of Nepal, especially the Christians I worked with for the week. They are some of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met. This school is in fine hands under the leadership of Gajendra. Space will not allow me to write about so many of the things that need to be said about this school. If you would like to hear a more detailed report, please email me at mreynolds@wetrainpreachers.com. I would love to visit the congregation where you are to give a better report.

I left Kathmandu and arrived in Vishakhapatnam, India on January 20. I taught the course Marriage and Family to the students, their wives (those who are married) and several of the members of the church who wanted to attend. As is usual, in most public classes in India, the classes were packed each day. In order to fully appreciate how fun this class was to teach, one must understand the culture in India. They do not publicly display their affection toward their wives like we are sometimes accustomed to here in the United States; nor do they talk about romance and the types of things covered in a marriage class publicly. It was so much fun to watch them talk about and study these things in the class. There was one student, in particular, who has been married for several years who made the class especially enjoyable. All in all, things went well and we learned what God has planned for Christian marriage.

John Dean is the local director, and does an outstanding job leading the school. He and the other instructors make this a top-notch school both academically and in real experience for the role of a preacher. Just like Gejendra in Nepal, John Dean is very organized so nothing slips through the cracks.  Jerry Bates is the coordinator of the school here in the States, and makes multiple trips over there each year.

I can’t say enough good things about both of the schools I visited on this trip. They have a strong foundation, which will keep them on the right path for the future. Please join me in prayer for each of these schools as they will be holding their graduations in the coming months, and the students will leave to begin their new works.

In Him,

Mark Reynolds

Posted on February 4, 2017 .

Growth in Zimbabwe

2017 brings with it expectations of better things in our effort to do our part in Kingdom. BVBIZ looks back and cherishes the lessons learnt in 2016 whilst growing out of the things we did not do well. In the month of January, several things were done in trying to mould our students to be better servants of the Most High. 


Classes resumed on the 9th of January 2017. We were blessed to have our students coming back to proceed with their education this term. This first ever class is composed of 12 students and all of them came back for further molding.


Every student undertakes evangelism during the weekends. This month’s school’s evangelistic efforts were disturbed due to incessant rains the country has been experiencing. Movement for students became difficult. However, despite this challenge, something was done asThere transport challenges for students going to Julena. There is no public transport to the area. As a result, no evangelism was done in this area in January. The three students helped the other teams who went to nearby areas. 


It is the school’s policy that married students bring along their wives for training. However, because of accommodation challenges, we were not able to accommodate ladies. Currently 4 married men are enrolled as students. This is a weakness on the part of the school. But, as an answer to this challenge, we plan that the wives come to school for at least 2 weeks in February. Another session will be held later this year. They shall be having a unique curriculum specifically designed for preachers’ wives. 



The maize crop planted is doing very well. BVBIZ students went to work at the fields soon after resuming school. Due to the never-ending rains that the country is experiencing, access to the area became very difficult. The earlier plan to have students provide labour did not, therefore, materialise. At some point the area was inaccessible. We were therefore forced to hire labour and increase the use of herbicides to control weeds. All fertilizers were applied by students. In the pictures, students battle to move the truck which was temporarily lend to us which had been stuck in the mud. In the other pictures, students do some work on the last maize crop.        


BVBIZ’s plan was to plant one hectare of beans towards the end of January. We are happy to report that this was successfully.  The planting and application of fertilisers were done by the students.


We had planned to start our chicken project mid-January at the area we have our crops. However, we decided to push this effort to early February. The dampness at the area was not going to be good for the birds.  

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Posted on February 4, 2017 .

New classes and a seminar in Tamale


                                                         JANUARY REPORT

The year 2017 began with our seven students reporting on January 9th. For the first time in several years all the students reported on the re-opening day and were ready for the school and the academic work. They started the class made with the last study on Old Testament. Alex the school administrator was the teacher. The school organized a seminar for the students and the past students. The theme was REPENTANCE. The topics and the speakers were:

1. WHAT IS REPENTANCE? Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi.


3. MARS OF REPENTANCE. Brother Steven Ashcraft.

4. CHALLENGES OF REPENTANCE. Brother Jabado Napari Alex.

5. EXAMPLES OF REPENTANCE. Brother Roger Ayillah.


7. REPENTANCE IN MARRIAGE. Brother Niligirni Timothy. 

The attendance was. Past and current students 29, the Board members 8, and others 23 making a total of 60. Everything was fine and we had a sweet fellowship. Both the current and the past students were happy and greatly edified.

A call to work: The Church in Tatale has invited the school to come over and help them establish a Church in a village called Kukpalgu nearer to Zabzugu. The school would need to provide P.A. System and men to preach.

Visitation: The news of one board members of the school came into our attention. He is Fuseini Musa at Yendi. He has been sick for several months and paid much money for his medical bill. The school visited him and gave him GH₵ 500.00 to help put some meal on his table.

The following are the project works that are currently going on. The work and the cost of work are as follow:

1 Tiling the students bath=3500

2 Repairing the gate2=140

3 The doors of the vehicle were locked and the fitter advised that we buy new ones but we repaired them at the cost of 60 Ghana cedis.

4 Also the students ID cards are being worked on and soon they will be ready.

While removing the tiles from the motor king, a box of tiles fell on George’s foot and completely cut off the big toe and it was put back in the Teaching Hospital and the cost is 273 Ghana cedis. However he is still going through the treatment which needs money. He also demanded for the renewal of Health Insurance which is not in the budget. Please let me know if it is the responsibility of the school to do it so that I can do it immediately for him.

Your brother,

Alex Jabado


Posted on February 4, 2017 .

Classes resume in Ghana

accra 1.jpg





Management, teaching staff, other staff, and entire student body acknowledge all the effort of all those who have a hand of sponsoring SIBS. Our prayers are that the Lord continues to bless them with more good health and properties so that they may continue sponsoring this college so long as the Lord Jesus is yet to come. 


For the first time in the history of this institution all regular students were at school before the re-open day. For our records, this year is the final and second year for the regular students. I am proud to say that, the four gallant and selfless instructors once again responded to their duty call to the college. 

Normal teaching and learning for the period under review were very cordial as usual. All lessons, notes, and study materials both for teachers and students were ready before the reopen. Management had decided that the current English Language Instructor to be part of the regular teaching staff. 

Total population of students of SIBS currently stands at thirty-four (34). The break down is as follows: Regular Students are twelve (12) while the Week-end stands at twenty-four (22). 


Due to some challenges beyond management's control, new students were not admitted for this January as previously planned. Instead, admission would be for next January 2018/19 academic year. Very soon plans to that effect would be put on the drawing board. 


As part of the college'sgospel campaign, the entire regular students would travel to the Central Region of the country to spread the Gospel of Christ with the aim of establishing the Lord's churchthere. 

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Compiled by:

Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah 


Posted on February 4, 2017 .

Pray for rain in Arusha

The farming project in Arusha, Tanzania (overseen by Justin Maynard) is not only providing vocational training for the students, but it is also going to eventually reduce the school's budget. Read more about it HERE. 

Posted on February 1, 2017 .

A new class in Arusha

End of January 2017– ACSOP Report.

The year 2016 existed and ended marvelously. A lot of good things happened at Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Faculty members and teachers from USA taught wonderful classes. Much thanks goes to the staff of ACSOP for their service and made things easy for our students. We have been able to accomplish much for the Lord and His Kingdom. We have been able to graduate 10 students and are now working closely with their local congregations. The school also had a privilege to host two big camps, on TCC – resulted in 36 baptisms, at FPTC – 7 were baptized. During the leadership conference we had one baptism. 

A total of 23 applications have been received for the new students this year. This class will start on February 6, 2017 and a continuing Swahili class which consist 16 students will arrive to start their second year on the program. 

Arusha Church of Christ

We are blessed very much at Arusha this time, a number of people were baptized and added to the church for the past few months.  God is working with His people in many ways, a total number of 65 people were baptized during the gospel campaign. A group from Mount Juliet, Tennessee, together with the local members were in involved in a door to door gospel campaign. They were able to establish 153 Bible classes in which a team of 16 local evangelist and church members meet every week to study with them at their homes. For two months since the campaign, a team has been able to meet all the studies and cover most of the important subject with them. Three people were baptized and added to the church, and that makes a total of 72 baptisms this year, through this effort two families were baptized. God is good since we have 46 of them are faithful attending new convert class each Sunday.  

Radio program

For the past six months, I have been running a radio program, Much success have come out from that ministry. We are able to reach more than 400,000 people with the gospel of Christ through this radio program. A Number of people have been visiting and calling for more studies, hundreds of Bible classes have been established and people are connected with the preachers in the areas for more studies. Although we can only afford to pay for 30 minutes airtime, but with the Lord on our side much will be accomplished. 

It is our wish and prayer that the Lord will continue to use us to accomplish much for the Kingdom here in East Africa and beyond our borders. Please pray for us as we all here remembers you in our daily prayers.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on February 1, 2017 .

Vocational training and campaigns in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan. 

Our WBSFUW team visited Ila-Orangun in Osun State to campaign for students and education. Three hundred introduction lessons were distributed to willing students and teachers of Ila-Orangun grammar school. The preacher of the Lord 's Church in Ila-Orangun will help us to collect the completed lessons from the students and get them posted to our office in Ibadan. 

Brethren, our students are now in vocational weeks learning different trades in Ibadan, Asejire in Osun State and in Lagos. Fifteen students are with me in Ibadan for different trades such as Electrification, Motor mechanic, fashion designer NAPPMEG, Photographer & video recording, and Aluminium works. Ten are with Bro. Kayode Eniafe in Asejire -Osun State and five in Lagos state for vocational training, while the remaining aged four students return to their congregation to continue the service of gospel preacher.

The school will reopen Lord willing on Monday, February 20 for the third semester classes.
JAGO CONGREGATION: The church in Jago recorded two conversions this Lord 's day. Two of our students (Bro.Anana Effiong and Bro. Shotola Segun) are presently serving there as evangelists pending the time we shall get them a full time evangelist. 
ONIKOKORO /GBONGUDU CONGREGATION : We lost a sister on Friday evening after a brief illness. Sister Rebekah Akinloye finally gave up and was buried on Saturday morning beside our husband who died about five years ago. 

Brethren, we shall embark in a journey on Tuesday next week for five days Great Workshop for Nigerian WBSFUW & Evangelists that by God's grace will come up at Warri in Delta state. I shall be leading the WBSFUW team and my co -instructors in BVBIN AND SWSE, Ibadan to this year Great workshop.

Also, we shall be traveling with the remaining 3,000 copies of VOTI volume 90 and remaining 5,000 WBS introduction lesson for free distribution on Friday, February 10,2017. We humbly request for your prayers .

May the Lord of blessings and mercies continue showering His abundant of blessings and mercies on each and every one of us in Jesus Christ name, amen. 
I remain your fellow labourer in Christ Jesus....

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies for Bear Valley Bible Institute of Nigeria and Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan)

Posted on February 1, 2017 .

Both challenge and opportunity in Cameroon

Dear Cameroon Support Team,

Elangwe traveled to Douala to send out a report. All is well with our preaching training. The new students are settling in and the graduates are busy nurturing congregations. The Gamma Batch of 21 graduates are preaching in 32 different congregations each Sunday as many of the students are peaching in two congregations. 

There is some conflict between English Cameroon and French Cameroon. There is some talk of succession, as Elangwe has made mention of. There is no present threat to our schools, our brethren, or our travels. Both sides are talking.

Thank you for your continued support. The dormitory construction in Mbanga is going on well. We are preparing for graduation there in March. 

Continue to pray for the work and pray for the county of Cameroon and for America as well. May the word of God prevail in the hearts of men.

Have a blessed day in Him,

David Ballard, Cameroon Coordinator 

Posted on January 31, 2017 .

Graduation in Paraguay

January 28, 2017 was a special day at the Asuncion Bible Academy, in Asuncion, Paraguay, as another graduation was observed and I was blessed to be there for it. These students have dedicated themselves for the better part of two years and have learned so much bible in that time. As with all of the Bear Valley extensions, the purpose is to train people, in their own language, to reach their own people, in their own country. We are confident this goal has been achieved there.

It was also a bit of a sad day, as it also marked the official closing of the school. Missionary Troy Spradlin has served as the Director of the school for it's entire four year history, but when he moves back to the States in February, it will live the school without a Director and one it's primary teachers. For now, the best decision is to close the school with the possibility of it reopening at another time. 

To God be the glory!

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on January 31, 2017 .

Death and life in Liberia

We bring you greetings from Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you in Jesus name.

We started this new year and our academic year very sad with the death of one of our students. Anthony J. Wesseh died after a short illness, in Ganta Methodist hospital on January 9,2017. Brother Wesseh didn't leave for the break (vacation) because he said he never had money to go, so he stayed on campus and felt seriously sick right about when we were about to reopen. We had to rush him to the hospital where he spent six days under critical conditions and died on the 9th of this month.

When we started trying to get in touch with his family, before and after his death, later did we know that he never had any caring family behind him besides his two children, who later came on the day he was to be buried. So the whole burden was on the school. We did our best and have him buried. The church here also did very very well in standing with us (the school). 

The students also brought great news as they had eight (8) baptism and nineteen (19) person restored.

While on the vacation break also, I started a radio preaching program on January 1. This radio preaching program is also intended to train our student to public speaking. 

Our Third Quarter Lessons:

Old Testament II- By Robert Dahn

Life of Christ II-By Fester Lee

Old Testament III- By Robert Dahn

World Religion – By O.D.K.Zakamah

Prison Epistles- By Roberft Dahn (SC)

I Corinthians Agriculture – By. Meantor Bembo

With all that has happened this month (Bad and Good), we give God the glory- IThess. 5:18 We also want to thank you so much for all your prayers and support.

Your brother,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr. 

Posted on January 31, 2017 .

Evangelism in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 
Greetings from your fellow labourers in Christ ' vineyard. As the Lord would have it, more souls were added to the Lord 's Church as the results of our end of the year"s program in Ogun and Ekiti State. 

Bro. Abiodun Lawrence of Owode Yewa reports the additional 4 souls and Bro. Emmanuel Godwin, who is now assisting the Lord 's Church in Igbara -Odo in Ekiti state with Bro. Mbenga Ilori, reports the conversion of another soul. Also, Bro. Matthew Adeyemi reports the conversion of additional 2 souls in his station at Igbesa in this month of January 2017.
Man proposed but God disposed. We plan to plant a Lord 's Church this month of January, but God made it 2!

One of our graduates, with the help of Bro. Dario Joseph, and some of our students in Lagos campus evangelized Alapoti village near Ado -Odo last week. As the Lord would have it, they started worshiping today in a brother's house at Alapoti village with 15 people.

Also, we evangelized Oyero town, Ogun State with Bro. Samuel Ishola and the Meiran brethren and some of our students on Friday and Saturday and then start the first worship on a brother's nursery school today. We are 19 in attendance with total collection of N6,000 . I taught on Individual responsibility to the Church while Bro. Chuk admonished the young Congregation on Commitment. The church Oyero consist of three families. 

Brethren, we appreciate you all for your partnership and contribution to the spread of the Lord 's Church in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord continue to bless our work together in Jesus name, amen. 

I remain yours in His Grace as a servant....

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

(Director of Studies and Chairman of Administrative Council -BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN)

Posted on January 24, 2017 .

Fantastic news from Chimala!

We started our new school year yesterday (January 16) here at Chimala, Tanzania.  We have 33 students – 22 returning second year Swahili students, 5 first year English students in the Bear Valley program, and 6 first year Swahili students. Three of the returning second year students are women. 

Today in chapel we were excited to hear about what some of the second year students have done during the break.  We heard from about a third of the men and they already reported over 40 baptisms, a number of restorations, and 3 new congregations started.  By the end of the week we should have a full report and I will try to include it in our next update. 

One of the things we are doing this year is starting two farming projects to both provide food for the students and also to teach them how they can support themselves and their families once they graduate.  The two projects are raising meat chickens and a garden. 

Our hearts will be saddened as Chad Wagner and his family are leaving this weekend to move back to the States to begin a new work in Tennessee.

Your brother,

Richard Rogers

Posted on January 23, 2017 .

A great start in Kenya

Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching, we pray you all are doing well in the Lord. We are off to a good start of the year at the school with 19 students coming back safely and are in class.

One student requested to quit the training to attend to pressing family matters and apply a fresh during the next intake God willing. It is very unfortunate to lose Lameck, he was a great student in class and we trust he will overcome the challenge and keep the faith.

During the December holiday the faculty and the students were actively involved in the Lord's service and great things were accomplished. We are compiling the reports from the students and will send it separately.

Elias and I joined a gospel meeting in Ndhiwa as speakers where 7 souls obeyed the gospel. During the meeting, we had 8 former graduates of KSOP also participating actively in door to door evangelism. We were happy to be reunited with the former KSOP graduates and above all to see them rightly dividing the word of truth. David and I joined youths from Kisii region teaching the foundation of the church, In Kisii we also joined one former KSOP graduate and current student.

This quarter, Elias is teaching Pentateuch II and Homiletics II , David Wasonga takes the book of Job while I Gospel according to Mark and Hermeneutics. Millicent the school secretary is training them on basic computer knowledge. All the classes are going on smoothly and the zeal from the students to know the truth is exciting. 

Thanks to all who make this work possible, God bless you more.

His servant,

Charles Ogutu.

Posted on January 23, 2017 .

Starting the new year off right!

Happy new year 2017. We are grateful to be counted among the living this 2017. Special greetings from Mary who is right beside me as Iam writing to you this Sunday on my first report for this year.

Our worship today was grandiose with the presence of some backsliders who decided to begin their year in the presence of God. Our small worship house today could not accommodate all our members and we had an overflow along the door. Everything went on smoothly with some very powerful lessons on sermons and bible study.

We also appreciate the hand work of God upon our lives for God added to us one precious soul this first week of the year 2017. What a nice start. We pray for many more souls to be added into His vineyard, for evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. We preach the gospel to every creature on this planet.

Students of the school of preaching safely returned home in a calm atmosphere. The two who went to North finally came back on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively and we allowed them to rest for these few days and that we begin classes tomorrow Monday.

We also had our staff meeting last Friday and we were blessed to have all our staff members in the meeting, which ended with the visit to our site so as to see how the work is advancing. We had some pertinent points to discuss, such as the future of the school, preparation for our next intake and the upcoming graduation on March 29-30th.

We are also happy to inform you of the development of the construction of the dormitory. work is going on well and the workers are doing their best to see that on or before graduation.


Your brother, 


Posted on January 8, 2017 .