Excitement and challenge in Ukraine

Many of you are aware of the challenges the school in Ukraine has faced in the past 2 years. Due to the war and fighting in eastern Ukraine, our building was stolen (literally at gunpoint) and the school was forced to move to the other side of the country. By the time another move was needed, both enrollment and funding support had dwindled. 

However, due to the diligent work of Denis Sopelnik (Director) and the stability of a better location, enrollment has increased from 3 to 17! The sudden growth is both exciting and challenging, as we now find ourselves with a serious monthly shortfall. If you can help in any way, whether by a one-time contribution or with regular support, please contact me by email (kkasarjian@wetrainpreachers.com) or by phone. 334.306.1573

To see the latest report, click HERE and you will see that the future is bright! 

Posted on January 8, 2017 .

Evangelism in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings from BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan. Below is the summary of our end of the year"s report. 


December 22-25 end of the years program in Oro, Kwara state where Bro. Emmanuel Godwin, one of our students, spoke on my behalf during the evening Open Air of December 22-24 and other students were actively involved in morning mass evangelism and were blessed with a convert and two restorations. 
December 26-29 programs in three congregations in Osun State (Asejire, Baleayo and Alapata Ikoyi) was blessed with five converts and three restorations. 
December 29-31 Lectureship at Otunolode near Onikokoro -Ibadan was blessed with a convert. Our last daughter, Victoria Omobolanle Makinde got baptized in the first day of the program. TO GOD BE THE GLORY AND HONOR. 

OTHER ACTIVITIES : I taught on Redeeming Time on December 25 while Bro. Samson Alabi admonished the church at Onikokoro /Gbongudu congregation and on January 1st 2017 admonished the church on The Power of Praises (Acts 16:20-30).We were 54 in attendance with total collection of N12,000=

OUR FIRST OUTREACH IN YEAR 2017: Lord's willing, we shall be working in Olayemi Oyero area of Ogun State with one of the foundation members of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan, Bro. Samuel Ishola and the church of Christ, Meiran -Lagos in evangelizing and planting of the Lord 's Church between January 13-15,2017.

IN CONCLUSION : Brethren, your thoughtfulness, trust and supports in year 2016 are very much appreciated. May you be continually blessed with all the good things of year 2017. May every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family and friends. Happy New Year. 

Yours in His Grace as a servant, 
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies and Chairman of Administrative Council -BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN)

Posted on January 8, 2017 .

The new batch starts in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you and family and our compliments of the season. We do hope this season brought lots of joy and smiles to you and the work you are doing for the Lord. On our part the season met us busy with the things entrusted in our hands .

After the graduation, I thought I will have some time to rest and refresh after the graduation and annual Bible lectureship, but the work cannot allow me to rest as we prepare to welcome 21 freshmen into the college. I am supposed to make sure I prepare the field for weekend and other evangelism and I was also visiting some of ther congregations that we established with the former students who are now preparing to take full time ministry. I was bound to go and keep those congregations alive.

The DELTA btach of students are expected on campus on January 1 and their studies begin on the January 3, 2017.

Thanks very much for your unfailing love and support, because they are the wheels that make this work move ahead. God bless you and keep you strong as we start up another year. We wish you the best of the year 2017 and we pray that 2017 will bring you surprises and making your dreams comes true.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 8, 2017 .

A busy time in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE, Butubutu village, Ibadan and from my CO-WBSFUWin Western states of Nigeria. 

CHURCH PLANTING IN IGBOBINI: The preachers & WBSFUW in Ondo state and our students gathered together for mass evangelism in the morning of Dec.16&17 and open -air Bible lectureship in the evening of December 16 & 17. Bro.Emmanuel Godwin, one of our students, spoke on my behalf on Christ mission in the evening of December 16,2016 during the first Open Air Bible lectureship in Igbobini town -Ondo state. And on December 18,they all gathered together for the first worship. The Lord blessed their joint efforts with three souls.

BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN FIRST WORKSHOP IN IKORODU -LAGOS: We the staff, foundation members and the Ikorodu Lagos campus of the BVBIN AND SWSE gathered together with over 250 brethren from twenty-five congregations in Lagos state for the first Workshop organized by our Lagos campus on December 17,2016 where Bro. Linus Agada spoke on the Bible School and It's Value while I spoke on Preaching Methods in 21st century. 

And on Sunday, I worship with Mile -12 congregation where I taught on What makes a strong church. We are 159 in attendance with total collection of N45,000=.
Lord ''s willing, I shall be speaking on The Home as God planned it on Saturday, December 24 in the marriage ceremony of the last born of Bro. Samuel Ishola in Meiran congregation, Lagos State. 

DECEMBER 22-30,2016: Our students shall be working Lord 's willing in Oro town, Kwara State with Bro. David Akinola from December 22-25. On December 26-28, we shall be working in Felelearea of Ibadan with Bro .Dele Shotola in mass evangelism and Gospel Campaign and on December 29-30,we shall be working in Otunolode area of Lagelu L. G. A of Oyo State with Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation in Gospel Campaign .

MATERIALS USED :Over 1,000 copies of VOTI vol. 90, Mission Printing materials, TFT materials and our local tracts are used and set aside for all this program. 

CLOSING REMARKS : We give praises and thanks to Almighty God for His mercies, love and grace which He bestowed on us through out year 2016.
Our special thanks go to our honourable patron -Bro. Doug Wheeler ,The BVBI West Africa coordinator -Bro. Steven Ashcraft, WBSTC Director -Bro. Joel Coppinger, VP ACSF -bro. Bill Pennell and you all for making year 2016 more meaningful for us in Africa most especially in Nigeria. With God and you in our sides we hope for better year 2017.
Your co-labourer in Christ Jesus, 
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
Director of studies -BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN& Chairman of administrative Council

Posted on December 22, 2016 .

Growth in Cambodia

Dear brothers and sisters, 

Merry Christmas to you and family and to your loved ones from us at Siem Reap church of Christ.

I would like to share with you and include of the things we have done so far of the Siem Reap church of Chrtist for the year of 2016.

We had some big events in the year 2016,

Our regular service

In the year of 2016, I can see we have grown to have love and compassion to people by going to them every week to teach them the gospel of Christ, currently we have 8 different places such as, 1. Takam village, a way from siem reap about 25 kilometers, 2. Kok Khnang 35 kilometers, 3. Sombu 30 kilometers, 4.Tropeang svay 15 kilometers, Somroung 17 kilometers, 5. Kvean 10 kilometers, 6. Leang Dai 14 kilometers and 7. Kompong kleang about 50 kilometers, 8. Bos krolanh about 10 kilometers.

Nutrition Program

The local governor is very pleased with this program, because it has really helped a lot to people in their area, and it really help a lot to especially for children and pregnancy women. We are so blessed to partner with two congregations who faithfully supporting for this program, Lavender COC and Portal Way COC.


We had one funeral of a young lady who killed by motorcycle accident, and we had a great opportunity to share God word to many people who came for the funeral.

Cambodia Church camp

We have cambodia church camp once a year in November, with many churches from all over the country coming to this event. We share experiences being a christian, have lessons, and have fun together.


The number of Baptism we have for the year 2016 from four churches 23

Takam 9, Sumbu1, Leangdai 5, siem reap 8.

Please keep praying for us and the work we are doing .

May God bless you all for a new year that will come soon.

In Him

Chann Lork minister

address Sala komreuk, Siem reap

Posted on December 20, 2016 .

Progress in Fiji

Very soon, both Rocco and Jason Pierce (and their families) will be moving to Fiji to operate the school of preaching there, that will serve the brotherhood in the South Pacific. You can see Jason's exciting report HERE

Posted on December 14, 2016 .

Camps in Tanzania

It has been a great pleasure to write to you about the great things that God has done in His kingdom here in this part of the world. There are many things but just to highlight few, Tanzania Christian Camp started immediately after Future Preacher Training Camp ended. 

We were eagerly anticipating the arrival of John Rice. He conducts Tanzania Christian Camp (TCC). This is a "much-looked-forward-to" yearly event where young folks are saturated with Bible teaching, inspired by spiritual songs and greatly encouraged by the fellowship of other Christians.

This year a total number of 157 boys and girls have attended this camp, leading to an addition of 5 more souls into Christ through baptism. God made it possible, the glory is to Him. Amen. Thanks for making all this possible!

Every child of God is very important in the kingdom but there are some who really need to be appreciated for they have sacrificed their whole life in service to the Lord. One who can be mentioned is brother, Cy Stafford, and his family. Please remember this fellow servant in your daily prayers as he is now undergoing various treatments for the sake of his physical health.        

      We wish you a wonderful holiday season in which to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends.  Time spent with family is worth more than all the gifts money can buy.

With Love From East Africa,

Losotwa Michael’

ACSOP, dean of academics.

Posted on December 14, 2016 .

Graduation in Arusha

I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s my hope that everyone is doing well in the Lord’s work. Now, I would like to share with you a short report concerning graduation this year. It is a good time that God has given us to see another group of students starting a new page in the big task given by our Lord, Jesus Christ – that is to go and preach the Gospel without forgetting the task of teaching all: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.Joshua 1:8 

The School had three different levels of graduates. We had two students from the masters program: Wililiam R. Korio and Duncan Henry. We also had eleven from the bachelors program From Kenya we had: Abraham Tanui, Harrison Kirui, John Nduati, Nathan Oloumu, Philip Kipsang, and Pius Ngetich. From Tanzania we had: Daudi Daniel, Martin Tluway, and Stephano Tluway, and Jeremiah Mahu. We also had one from the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Bahati Rene. The Tanzania 2000 Mission has two sisters schools, which were also involved in this graduation. They are the Arusha Bible School and the Kilimanjaro Bible School. The Arusha Bible School under the administration of brother Desdery Massawe, had four students who graduated with a certificate of completeion, and the Kilimanjaro Bible school also had four graduates by the leadership of brother Josephat Massawe. In this case we witnessed Twenty-one students graduating, ready to serve our Lord. This was great privilege in the kingdom.

It’s my great hope that these men have all the skills needed to reach lost souls. This has been realized by the performance in the class and outside in the field while they were still students. These ACSOP students were involved in the Arusha campaign, which led over sixty people to Christ. God is being glorified to the gentiles through this school.

First we thank God and our Lord Jesus for these wonderful events. Likewise we want to thank our brother Ralph Williams for being with us, for teaching last course for the graduates,  and also for being our keynote speaker in the graduation. Also ACSOP thanks all brothers and sisters who are not sleepingin order to look for ways that they can fund the school so it can operate. Again these all would not be done without your efforts, also ACSOP faculty and the best missionary team we have. God is blessing the church abundantly on this side because of your efforts. Please continue to pray for us as we serve Him together.

In His service,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on December 7, 2016 .

An update from Chimala


Greetings, We thank God for all.  On behalf of CBI team, I’m taking this opportunity to thank you also for your prayer and support for the Lord’s work here at Chimala, Tanzania.

It was one of those Sundays when we arrived at the border with Xavier and other Local preachers. We met with two families who have been attending more than six months in the Church service but they were claiming that they are Christian because they were baptized in their denominations. In fact, one of them was very open that he had never heard the sound doctrine like what the church of Christ teaching.  When we explained to them about the church, salvation, and the work of baptism, three of them obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was born again. That moment was very great and wonderful to the church and to us all.

Secondly, we also had a wonderful trip and good fellowship worship at Sumbawanga. Attendance was twelve. The amazing thing was the joy we witnessed among the Christians! It was greater than at any time we have been there before.  We talked with the church and encouraged them not give up because of the decision of their preacher, who attended CBI Swahili program 2012-2013, to leave the church and try to join with a denomination four times. But at the end, the preacher said, “he doesn’t see any right doctrine except the Church of Christ.” Another good thing there is that one of our CBI graduates is living at Sumbawanga. He is helping them with one Secondary teacher from Forest Church of Christ-Mbeya and they are doing great job.

Third, it was a great week at Imezu church when eleven soul added to the Lord’s Church. They are doing well and they are still giving thanks for the great help of roofing the building. God bless you all for this great preaching action.

Last Sunday, we had great fellowship at Uyole. All congregations from around Mbeya and Usafwa was there -- about 9 Congregation.  Really, it was a wonderful and encouraging time with great edification.  Brother Peter Kamatula explained very well about the Bible school at Mbeya and how it differs from CBI. Some Christians were confused and had a misunderstanding of the program from some people who do not know well about those programs.  Also, I have received word that one soul was added to the Lord’s church in that program.  This makes the total number of baptisms to 15 souls!  According to what is going on around Mbeya, I have received request of staring Radio program if the funds will allow.

Lastly it was sad day yesterday at Mbozi – Vwawa congregation when an old man named Kamendu past away.  He was one of those who attended school of preaching at Kitekelo and was still worshiping with the church at Vwawa those several years.  I, Joshua Mwakyasima (Chimala Mission Hospital Chaplain/Evangelist) and Peter Kamatula (CBI teacher) went to the burial with preachers from Mbozi. We had an opportunity to preach about death, sin and false teachers.  We are very thankful for brother Chad for his love heart to enable us to be there and his willing desire to go with us although the time was hard for him to get prepared because we received very late the information.  The church at Mbozi were very thankful for us being there.

We still working for yearly report and getting preparing for the new year school in January 2017, by looking from you for those best students whom we interviewed them.

Thank God be with you all.

Joseph Haonga on behalf CBI Team

Posted on December 7, 2016 .

Graduation in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon in the name of Jesus. We are doing great here and God continues His great works in our lives. We do hope you are doing great and God is blessing you.

We are thankful to God that the year was a successful one as we were living witnesses to all of the events that we planned to do as the year was ending. We are thankful to God for His divine protection over all of us and our plans to serve Him.

As I write this report, all the graduated GAMMA batch students have left Wotutu to their different villages and will prepare themselves to start a new work in their new locations by the grace of God come January 2017. Keep them in your prayers as we have done our part to train them, shape them, and make them vessels that is ready for use. They should position themselves for the Lord to use them to accomplish His mission on earth through them.

We pray and wait for 2017 to start, but we are planning to pay attention to more barren and virgin lands to establish new congregations and nurture them as we start a new batch DELTA batch of 20 students who have matriculated and will start their two years journey of Biblical studies on the 2 of Jan 2017,

From my heart, I say thank you Lord for using me to do what is entrusted in my hands. To preach and teach the gospel, train faithful men in the Bible college and other many congregations to preach, nurture and revive dying congregations. I thank you who are reading this report now and for all that you have done to make this assignment easier for me to do it.

God bless you all. God bless the churches of Christ all over the world, Pray for us as we pray for you. I shall take a short break if I have the means to leave my family to hide somewhere for some weeks before we start a new class to really refresh, reflect, and plan for a new work. God bless you for all you have done.

Your brother,


Posted on December 6, 2016 .

A time of transition in Paraguay

Troy and Andrea Spradlin have been serving as missionaries in Asuncion, Paraguay and Troy as the Director of the Bear Valley extension there. This is there latest report, which also includes plans for the school. You can read it HERE. 

Posted on December 5, 2016 .

More baptisms in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 
Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE,Butubutu village, Ibadan and from my fellow WBSFUW in Southern state of Nigeria.

Bro. Lucky Stephen Onya, one of our year two students, took our students to work with the Igbara-Odo congregation in Ekiti state in their 3 day mass evangelism from December 2 through 4 which resulted in conversion of five souls on Saturday evening. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. 

Due to my tight schedule, I travelled on Saturday evening to speak in a day Bible lectureship organized by Iyemaja congregation in Ondo town, Ondo state on December 4 on How to know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. We are 88 in attendance with total collection of N18,000.

On Saturday, December 3rd, Bro. Matthew Adeyemi, minister of Igbesa congregation in Ogun state and fellow WBSFUW worked with our students in Lagos campus under the directive of Bro. Dairo Abiodun Joseph to evangelize Igbesa town and the Lord crowned their efforts with four converts.

Beloved, we thank you all for your moral and financial supports for the Lord 's work in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Jesus name, Amen.

Sincerely His and yours, 
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
(Director of Studies and Chairman of the Administrative Council )

Posted on December 5, 2016 .

7th quarters completed in Mbanga, Cameroon

Dearest in the Lord,Greetings from Cameroon

Is really great to inform the Bear Valley family again after a successful graduation and annual lectureship that took place in Wotutu, in the presence of a lot of people both Christians and unbelievers from Cameroon, USA, Nigeria, and Gabon. By the grace of God, 5 souls were added into the kingdom of God and many others who had the opportunity to listen to the word of God.  We are happy because all the students from Mbanga were involved in the day to day evangelism which is the primary motive of our existence. "GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES"as you will see that as the motto of our school written in french "ALLEZ FAITES DES DISCIPLES".May His name be glorified.

We just finished our 7th quarter exams last Friday and we are going to conclude the last part of our short course this Thursday. By His grace, and immediately after exams, the students shall be traveling to various fields for an evangelistic campaign in several parts of this country. Two of the students shall be traveling to two separate parts of the Nord of Cameroon. Mamoudou Estephane will be going to Njola and Ngong congregations where he will take full time preaching after his studies in Mbanga, while Datouji Sylvanus will be going to Lagdo and Riao for a 20 day campaign. I wish we put these brethren in our prayers because our roads are really bad and these brothers are to use two days for this journey. The others will be going to our young congregations that we just established with in this period of two years.

The last quarter begins January 2nd and all our courses are already scheduled. The last course will be taught by Todd Crayton of the Frisco Church of Christ and he will be teaching Marriage and Family with all the wives of the married students. In March 2017 you are all invited,to attend this grand graduation that will be the first of its ind in French Cameroon .

The construction work in Mbanga is going on well and about 7000 blocks have already been made and this week will be the last week for the molding of blocks. By mid December, we shall commence with the foundation work. I shall be keeping you in touch as time goes on.

We thank the Bear Valley school in Denver and the Frisco and Pattonville congregations, and many others who are helping us to keep on doing the work of God in this part of the country. May God keep blessing us and give us the wisdom to go about this work.

Your brother,


Posted on December 4, 2016 .

Extremely productive in Zimbabwe


At the end of each month, we look back and thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ.  BVBIZ remains humbled and grateful to our partners and sponsors. Economically, things have not been easy in Zimbabwe. Despite all this, God has seen us through another month. We can only thank Him that despite these negative pressures, BVBIZ continues to advance her agenda, that is, to train men and women for the furtherance of the Gospel in Zimbabwe and beyond.  The following is a capsule of what transpired in the month of November. 


Our second term has come to an end. Teachers are currently grading the final examinations that were written. Continuous assessment of each student was satisfactory, that is, both in theory and practical. As usual, there are others who do better as compared to others. The students are full of potential and every effort is being put towards moulding them to become the foot soldiers for Christ. BVBIZ wishes them a well-deserved but fruitful rest during their break.


In September, we reported that one of our students who was not well went back home. Despite improvements in his health, Gift Mukhuli did not succeed in coming back to school. It appears his situation has been compounded by further family challenges. Unless he comes back, the number of our students has reduced to 12 from 13. 


BVBIZ shall be launching a leadership training program the first weekend of December on campus.  We hope to extend this program to Bulawayo, Harare and other areas in the near future. The program will run on a  block release basis. It will take place one weekend every month for 12 months. It is hoped that this program funds itself.

It is BVBIZ’s understanding that effective leadership is a prerequisite for a growing church. Leaders must be interested in growing dynamic and active churches. Behind every growing church is a dedicated leadership. Growth needs the blessing of a good, effective and efficient leadership. Because of the profound nature of the work involved in having growing congregations, BVBIZ sees good leadership as a catalyst for growth. Every congregation is in its present status because of leadership. In line with this view, some congregations can slow down, others die with others growing because of leadership. 

Few things are achieved without good leadership. For growth to take place there is need for an effective, efficient, qualified and capable leadership. Norman Hogan is convinced that, “An ineffective leadership is a scourge to the church” (2). Leadership ought to be a blessing for growth and to the church and not to be a curse. As Eddie Miller observed, the ultimate goal of every leadership should be to lead the church in growth (41). Growth therefore needs the blessing of a good leadership. This program will complement BVBIZ’s core business of training ministers of the Gospel. Our current students shall also be benefitting from this program as they are sent to attend some of the sessions. Through the production of good quality and well equipped preachers and leaders, the stage for winning souls would have been set

The following is the proposed curriculum which is divided into four quarters with each quarter running for 3 months. At the end of each quarter, final examinations will be written. There shall be continuous assessment based on tests, assignments and practicum. 


Denominational Doctrines

New Testament Studies I 

Evangelism and Church Planting

The New Testament Church


Christian Spiritual Formation

Church Growth


Christian Ethics and Moral Development

Conflict Management and Resolution

Project Management and Administration 

Marriage and Family Development

Old Testament Studies I

New Testament Studies II


Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

Leadership in the Local Church

Communication in Organisations

Introduction to Homiletics

Leadership Practicum and Fieldwork

Introduction to Financial Management & Accountability for Churches


Old Testament Studies II

Pastoral Care and Counselling

Religion, Society, and Developmental Issues

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Skills Development

Education Ministry in the Local Church


BVBIZ students only had only 2 weekends to do evangelism in November. From the 16th-20th we had a funeral. The preacher at Kwekwe, Brother Maxwell Chitukutuku had passed on. Two students have been working with the congregation at Kwekwe for the past 3 months. These students had to be part of those preaching during the funeral. Other students went to support their fellow mates. Whilst these are sorrowful moments, they provide our students with opportunities to excessive what they are learning at BVBIZ on how to handle funerals. The last weekend was also disturbed as students were writing some of their final examinations. The following are the statistics for the work done in November. 

Students had many opportunities of preach and teach in congregations during the month of November. 

Broiler Project

Our broiler project has been a success so far. We started with 100 birds. 94 of these survived. The mortality rate was 6%. The broilers were 5 weeks old as of the 30th of November 2016. They will be ready for sale from the 3rd of December. 2016. Real success will be realised when we are able to sale all these, which in turn will enable us to start another cycle. We kept the first cycle at campus. The second cycle will be at Julena, 20km away from Gweru. The fowl run is almost complete.                                 

Farming Project

Our faming project delayed a bit in starting because of rains which came later than expected. Planting of maize was done on the 25th of November.  Sweet beans shall be planted in early January as per the recommendation made. We have 2 hectares under maize while we expect to have 1 hectare of beans. The pictures show some of the planted fields.             

Garden Project

We started our garden project with the sole purpose of lowering our food budget and provide students with the necessary knowledge in vegetable production. Each student has 2 beds to take care of. We are no longer buying vegetables for students. The garden is providing all these. The month of November saw BVBIZ having excess vegetables than our kitchen requirements. The excess vegetables were sold and we are hoping to do more as we progress. 

BVBIZ does not currently have her own means of transport. Julena (the area we are temporarily using for our projects)  is not accessible without a vehicle. There is no public transport to the area either. It became necessary that we have a vehicle temporarily for use whilst meeting its running costs. We now have it and things have become a bit easy. However, the challenge of trasportation for the school remains. 


As has been noted above, the month of November added more value to the work at BVBIZ. We continue anticipating greater things to come even as we look towards the future. We continue to fine tune ourselves towards this noble task. We remain grateful to every one of you for your spiritual, moral and material support. To God be the glory.

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on December 2, 2016 .

18 baptisms in northern Ghana


We did the campaign in the three communities in Bakpaba, Duuni, and Bincharatanga. All these towns are in Bimbilla district in the Northern Region.   

We campaigned and restored the Church in Bincharatanga. Bincharatanga is the third largest community in the Nanumba North. The Church has been in this community for over ten years and because there was no preacher or anyone taking care of it, it died. The Church needs serious attention, in other words; there is the need for a preacher to be located there or a regular visit.

The second community was Duuni where one of our past student, called Waaja Francis works. We campaigned here and baptized six souls into the Church. Francis is doing a good work there.

 The third campaigned was in Bakpaba where we lodged for two days and by His grace twelve souls were baptized into the Church.

The two congregations Bakpaba and Duuni gave us their support and took part of this great work. They contributed some food stuffs to help feed us. Also some of the past students came there to help us in this evangelical campaign. Their women volunteered and cooked for us.

Both the Churches and the past students contributed to our success in getting eighteen souls for the Lord in His Church.    


We now have our equipment fixed and ready to work. They are; projector, amplifier with two box speakers and two horns, DVD deck, one self, standing screen, two wireless mics, and two other mics.


The school is in section and we are vacating for voting and Christmas holidays on second December. All the teachers were punctual and responded to their call to teach.


In our effort to recruit students for the next batch, we have made a trip to Garunkuka in the Northern Region to pay a visit to one of our past students called Samuel Akom. We met the whole congregation and taught them how to support the preacher so that he can do the work for Lord.

We had a brother called Daniel Baloln who filled a form to be enrolled next year. Daniel is a very good church leader helping the Mulipido congregation and now wants to be trained as a preacher. So far we have five who have returned their forms. We have also given out eighteen forms to brethren who have expressed their willingness to come.

Posted on December 2, 2016 .

Good news in Zambia

Hearty greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work in His kingdom. We are but mortal vessels who should strive to draw closer to God and imbibe on His eternal Word even as He uses us for His purpose.  

The men’s Conference in Lusaka

It was on Thursday, 29th September 2016 that together with other 13 men, we arrived in Lusaka. The reason for this trip was to attend the annual conference for men. The three days was indeed jam-packed with good lessons and wonderful fellowship. The theme of the conference was “Man That Leads.” All the Provinces of Zambia were represented with exception of North-Western, Western, and Muchinga Provinces.  There were 254 men in attendance, and at the end of the conference there were four (4) baptisms and three (3) restorations recorded. The Men’s National Organizing Committee ended its five (5) year mandate and another committee was chosen during the conference that will stay in office for the next five (5) years. The next conference for men will take place in August, 2017 in Western Province.  We were very glad to be given a slot also during the conference to talk and advertise Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia.

Ordination of Elders

On 30th October, 2016, the School was invited and asked by Chiwempela Church Christ in Chingola, to perform the ordination of their elders and deacons. This congregation has never had any elders and deacons since its inception almost twelve (12) years ago. The town of Chingola is about 40km south of DRC. We have many nationals from DRC living both in Chingola and other towns of Copper Belt Province. There are only few known churches of Christ in the entire DRC. The political instability there has made the establishment of both churches and mission points almost impossible. 

We have two known congregations near the DRC border. These are not big congregations, but they can serve as stepping stones for aggressive evangelism inside the DRC. Our purpose and determination is to work with these existing churches and raise men who can eventually work in Congo.

 The advantage that we have is that these people living near the border of DRC know and speak the language of DRC fluently. So it won’t be any problem when it comes to communication.  

Evangelistic Trips that took place this year

  The institute have had opportunity to strengthen local congregations here in the copper belt and outside the Copper Belt Province. The work has extended as far as Kawabwa in Luapula Province and Lusaka the capital of Zambia.  And as a result of these efforts three souls have been added to the Kingdom and four (4) have been restored back to the kingdom of God. As we enter 2017 we anticipate another good year of teaching and preparing those who want to be in Church leadership. The school have been invited to go to Mumbwa for series of evangelistic campaigns in April, 2017.  This town is in Lusaka Province.  Brethren in this town (Mumbwa) have been pleading to visit them from the time they heard about the school. This calling and pleading seems to be like the “Macedonian call” and we pray that this land is spiritually fertile.  

 Some happenings during holidays

The school is on break, and we took the rare opportunity to travel to Chimala Bible Institute in Tanzania for short courses of master’s program. Having previously taken the introductory work to graduate program last year, it was indeed a very intense two weeks of hard work. We covered the book of John and Advanced Hermeneutics. Brother Jerry Bates took us in both courses. He really did a terrific job! These two weeks flew just like two days because of the velocity of the program.

The students at Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia are also on break and we have heard good things coming directly from all of them. They have reported that they have been quite active and very busy in several evangelistic preaching in their areas.

Boniface Sianjina went back to Kafubu Farming Block area within Luanshya district. As the name suggests, many residents of this area are primarily farmers. And Boniface has been doing a little bit of farming to sustain himself and his family while he is not at school. He is also active in spreading the gospel whenever he is not farming.

Albert Phiri is back at his home congregation in Mpongwe district some 50km from Luanshya town.  Joseph Musonda went back to Baluba where he is also preaching and he is helping his mother with a little bit of farming. He is also a bricklayer and sometimes he is hired to build in his area. Stephen Ngosa is also from Baluba and the report we have is that he is also very active with the church work especially on Sundays when he preaches, leads songs and serves on the Lord’s Table. Josephat Kantu is trying to support himself by working at one of the construction companies here in Luanshya. He comes regularly at Luanshya Central Church of Christ on Sundays.

Another interesting report comes from Andrew Mwila in Luapula Province of Zambia. This Province also has borders with DRC. He (Andrew) reports that he is very busy preaching and converting some people to Christ. When we read of another Andrew who brought his brother to Christ in the Bible, we are encouraged that our Andrew here is just doing the same, i.e. bringing people to Christ!!! Yes, Andrew is a little known man who brought a prominent man to Christ. He is overshadowed by his brother in every way, but yet he brought that brother to Christ. He did this because he had love for the lost. Equally Brother Andrew Mwila has the love for the lost.

Andrew is one of our best students here. We are so amazed to see his spiritual devotion and the depth of his maturity. He is a very serious student and he is highly respected by all his fellow students. Since he is also a bricklayer, he has started building a church building of one of the congregations he helped to start in his area. 

There is no question or doubt that lives have and will eternally be changed spiritually and enriched physically because of the efforts of these young men.  

We continue to be very grateful to the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for the continued support of the work here. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated.  

God bless you all. 

Your Partners in Christ, 

The Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia Team

Posted on December 1, 2016 .

Post-campaign work in Arusha

More good news from Arusha Church of Christ.

Today, I would like to write a few words for you so that you can continue to see how great our God is. For the past few weeks, evangelists from various congregations have been involved in reaching out to many souls with the gospel. This has led to a busy and blessed month which has resulted in a bountiful harvest. More souls are added day by day as we continue with the follow up studies. It is very encouraging to see people who have obeyed the gospel to attend various classes during the week. Our Wednesday Bible class is now back to its original size, and we expect more to attend in order to study together and worship our God. The Church here has introduced a prayer session in which everyone in the neighborhood are invited to attend and present their prayer requests for the men of the congregation are to pray about. 

As a preacher with help of the men, I now focus on training more men to take leadership positions, thanks to brother Marcel who is now developing a desire to serve in the Leadership position. These new people in the church need to be visited and encouraged because their denominational Pastors are not happy at all. This is why we fervently need your prayers. One thing that I have learned during this campaign is that new people are the ones inviting their new friends to come and seek the truth. This is wonderful for evangelism, but it also incurs ill behavior from some denominational leaders who are unhappy about this. 

Please continue to pray for the new 65 souls who have obeyed the gospel during our November campaign. We have been able to reach out to those who are not coming and keep teaching them the basic principles and the number of attendance now is 40. We have two from the list who are worshiping in the nearby congregation. 

 Radio program:

Just a brief word on the radio program! We have more people calling to ask for more studies, and we invite them to come to Bible classes at the church. Regardless of a few challenges the true gospel is being preached and according to the statistics from the radio station more then 400,000 people are listening to us. Keep this program in your prayer list.

Thank you again for your love, support, and prayer for this work as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Christian Love,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students - Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on December 1, 2016 .