Death and life in Liberia

We bring you greetings from Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you in Jesus name.

We started this new year and our academic year very sad with the death of one of our students. Anthony J. Wesseh died after a short illness, in Ganta Methodist hospital on January 9,2017. Brother Wesseh didn't leave for the break (vacation) because he said he never had money to go, so he stayed on campus and felt seriously sick right about when we were about to reopen. We had to rush him to the hospital where he spent six days under critical conditions and died on the 9th of this month.

When we started trying to get in touch with his family, before and after his death, later did we know that he never had any caring family behind him besides his two children, who later came on the day he was to be buried. So the whole burden was on the school. We did our best and have him buried. The church here also did very very well in standing with us (the school). 

The students also brought great news as they had eight (8) baptism and nineteen (19) person restored.

While on the vacation break also, I started a radio preaching program on January 1. This radio preaching program is also intended to train our student to public speaking. 

Our Third Quarter Lessons:

Old Testament II- By Robert Dahn

Life of Christ II-By Fester Lee

Old Testament III- By Robert Dahn

World Religion – By O.D.K.Zakamah

Prison Epistles- By Roberft Dahn (SC)

I Corinthians Agriculture – By. Meantor Bembo

With all that has happened this month (Bad and Good), we give God the glory- IThess. 5:18 We also want to thank you so much for all your prayers and support.

Your brother,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr. 

Posted on January 31, 2017 .