Growth in Zimbabwe

2017 brings with it expectations of better things in our effort to do our part in Kingdom. BVBIZ looks back and cherishes the lessons learnt in 2016 whilst growing out of the things we did not do well. In the month of January, several things were done in trying to mould our students to be better servants of the Most High. 


Classes resumed on the 9th of January 2017. We were blessed to have our students coming back to proceed with their education this term. This first ever class is composed of 12 students and all of them came back for further molding.


Every student undertakes evangelism during the weekends. This month’s school’s evangelistic efforts were disturbed due to incessant rains the country has been experiencing. Movement for students became difficult. However, despite this challenge, something was done asThere transport challenges for students going to Julena. There is no public transport to the area. As a result, no evangelism was done in this area in January. The three students helped the other teams who went to nearby areas. 


It is the school’s policy that married students bring along their wives for training. However, because of accommodation challenges, we were not able to accommodate ladies. Currently 4 married men are enrolled as students. This is a weakness on the part of the school. But, as an answer to this challenge, we plan that the wives come to school for at least 2 weeks in February. Another session will be held later this year. They shall be having a unique curriculum specifically designed for preachers’ wives. 



The maize crop planted is doing very well. BVBIZ students went to work at the fields soon after resuming school. Due to the never-ending rains that the country is experiencing, access to the area became very difficult. The earlier plan to have students provide labour did not, therefore, materialise. At some point the area was inaccessible. We were therefore forced to hire labour and increase the use of herbicides to control weeds. All fertilizers were applied by students. In the pictures, students battle to move the truck which was temporarily lend to us which had been stuck in the mud. In the other pictures, students do some work on the last maize crop.        


BVBIZ’s plan was to plant one hectare of beans towards the end of January. We are happy to report that this was successfully.  The planting and application of fertilisers were done by the students.


We had planned to start our chicken project mid-January at the area we have our crops. However, we decided to push this effort to early February. The dampness at the area was not going to be good for the birds.  

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Posted on February 4, 2017 .