Wotutu is off to a great start

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We do hope you are doing great. In Cameroon we are doing fine and the church is healthy, even though we have some strike actions that are making some other activities in Cameroon slow.

We still don’t have internet access in all of English speaking Cameroon and that is why I don’t send my reports as I used to do, I am sending this report in Douala which means I have driven 1 hour plus and fuel the car to get this report off. I cannot do it on Sunday because the internet café in Douala are all closed .

Students , staff and members of the congregation are okay , just keep our country in your fervent prayers.

Our delta batch students end up their first month of studies in BVBIC-Wotutu and it is sounding well with them as we get lots of testimonies on their studies, even those who have been preaching for many years before coming to school.

We are keeping the spirit of evangelism fresh, as the delta batch of students can feel it as we join with our graduates to evangelize different communities. This exercise is good for me because it help me stay closer to all our graduates and by so doing I can keep track of all to see when one need encourgaments and advice to stay focus .

 We are planning mass evangelism to younger congregations and to virgin lands in the months ahead .

God bless you and thank you for all that you are doing to make things happen. If not of you and your good heart, I doubt how things would have been. God bless you as you share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family

Director, BVBI-Wotutu

Posted on February 6, 2017 .