Blossoming Into The Life Of Christ...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great in health and in all that you do. God bless you and keep you strong as you carry on with your work for the Lord.

I am writing this report after a wonderful worship service. After the worship many could not leave the church hall because of a heavy down pour of rain that came. Praise God for the weather to keep the soil rich for farmers to farm it.   

Join us to praise God for brother Steve who came from the USA to teach a short course for one week in the preaching school. He taught with wisdom and authority “The Prison Epistles.” The students gained a lot from it and were exposed to those great books.

The BVBIC-Wotutu spirit to our noble instructors is strong. From the classroom they are out on house to house evangelism reaching out to people, touching lives with the truth. What a calling. Keep them in your prayers as they start moving home on Tuesday.

Our students will use any opportunity to preach and tell someone Jesus cares and loves, mostly to our visitors who worship with us.

Our students are always blessed to have fine sound instructors who are solid with the doctrine of Christ.We are learning from their lifestyles even after classroom studies.

Sister Nancy is our coordinators wife. This was her first time to come over to the school and she decided to teach our ladies, not only in the Wotutu congregation, but all over the country of Cameroon. The ladies day was on the theme of “Blossoming into a Life of Christ” Gal. 2:20. It was great, as sisters from many other congregations were impressed for the one day, staying together in prayers, songs, and studying the word. They pray it can become an annual event in the life of the school and the Wotutu congregation.

Sisters in Cameroon are eager to learn more, to add to their own learning. They came from many congregations and there were 163 ladies. That was a signal to me that our sisters love the Lord and want to know more. Many of them came to me to asking for women’s books and books to teach children. I assured them that the ocean container from Mission Printing will contain books that will help them in their congregations to teach other sisters and children. It was really another page for women’s ministry in Cameroon. Please, please pray for this to stand in Africa. We are aware that if a woman is empowered, then the the entire family and the community is empowered. Please come join us empower our women.

The one day ladies event was characterized with smiles, fellowship, laughter, and meeting others. Wow, it was great how the women were ready to move to a new page in their spiritual lives. Keep the work in Cameroon in your prayers.

Patricia came from another congregation in the village of Bekoko. She came to be part of the ladies day and her studies were fine tuned. She saw the great need of not delaying her salvation and she obeyed the gospel with smiles and satisfaction about the church of Christ, one big family, not only in her small village in Bekoko.

She obeyed the gospel in Wotutu and brother Steve baptized her into Christ after having time to study with her. Keep her in your prayers to grow.

​Our students were suppose to be on their way now for campaign, but we have a delayed because we are expecting our Mission Printing container anytime now. If they leave, it will be difficult for us to off load the truck that will bring the container of tracts. Many are eager and praying for the container to come fast. It is always good as it eases evangelism as you preach and leave something that the prospect can study some more.

God bless you. Thank you for standing by us. Thanks very much. From our hearts we say this because if not of you I doubt how possible and smooth this work would be. God bless you as you share with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

Annual Staff Retreat Encourages Growth...

Sunday concluded our 10th Annual Staff Retreat for the Denver and Extension staff. The three days we were together was filled with reports about the work. We heard information about the development of each school from last year to now, as well as, plans for the year ahead. Additionally, we learned about the development of new schools in the program that will expand the work into new areas around the world. 

Time over the weekend was also given to meeting about specific areas of the work that needed to be addressed. The growth of the program introduces nuances that can raise complexity to the work that needs to “ironed” out. The elders from the Bear Valley congregation attended this event and afforded us the opportunity to gain insight from their wisdom and oversight as we resolved issues that arise in the work.

The time we shared together was rich, encouraging, exciting, and fruitful. As everyone travels home, we would appreciate your prayers on behalf of those who travel and for the continued development of the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International. Moving forward into the months ahead, we look forward with anticipation to see how God will continue to bless our efforts to His glory.

You will find numerous reports below that share news from around the world. These reports are filled with one reason after another as to why this work is so vital in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Training these students to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord is just one step we are privileged to share in as they go into all the world. We hope you are as encouraged by this news as we are in sharing it with you.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

House-to-House And Prison Ministry Is Producing Fruit In Cameroon: The work of students and graduates in campaign efforts yield fruit that is preparing souls for eternity.

The Church Grows, The School Expands, And Prayers Are Needed: The program of study in Paraguay continues to see the development of the church and school. 

CBS Graduation And Nine Baptized In Assahoun Campaign: The recent graduation in Togo, coupled with a campaign, indicates the fruitful fields surrounding Kpalime.

News From India Demonstrates The Power Of Training Preachers: Men who are trained in India continue to show how the power of the gospel preached reaches souls for Christ.

The Resurrected Christ - The Hope Of A Sacrificed Life: This topic was one of the lessons heading up recent sermons for congregations in Nigeria.

Providential Working Of God Adding To The Kingdom: The report from the staff at ACSOP shows the nature of God’s providence in bringing souls to Christ in the work.

Returning To Tanzania And Getting Back To Work: Daniel Gaines returned to Tanzania and after landing went right to work in continuing the development of preacher training.

Final Thoughts
A major thank you to each of the extension and Denver staff for a powerful weekend of reports and meetings. The results continue to encourage and excite all of us in moving into the future of this work. Also, we thank all of you who make this work possible. Your support, prayers, encouragement, and guidance strengthen the cause for which we serve. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

The Church Grows, The School Expands, And Prayers Are Needed...

Developments at the Avenida Sacramento Iglesia de Cristo (Church of Christ)
I can’t even begin to describe what a wonderful blessing it was to have my dad, Dwayne Spradlin, and my brother, Lance Spradlin, come to visit us in Paraguay this past month for the first time. We spent most of our time just visiting and sight seeing. It was fun to watch their reactions to all the different Paraguayan cultural experiences that have become normal daily life for Andrea and me. Lance and my dad also had the opportunity to preach and teach while they were here.

The men of the church have held several meetings lately to make plans for the future. After much prayer and thought, they have decided to partner with Margaret Street church of Christ in planting new congregations in other cities of Paraguay. Over the next couple of years we will be making survey trips out and working towards forming a team (or teams) to go to the new areas.

The church has decided to incorporate several worship hymns translated into their native language of Guarani in their new songbook, which should be published very soon. The Academy students have translated the songs and are teaching them to the congregation!

Sergio Jara was immersed into the precious blood of Christ and added to the church on August 23rd. He is the husband of our sister-in-Christ, Mikaela, who was baptized last September. There have been many brethren who have studied about baptism. We praise God that Sergio finally made the most important decision of his life! (Galatians 3:27)

Cynthia Medina also obeyed the Gospel call on August 30th. She is the girlfriend of our brother in Christ, Fabio Ruiz, who is a member at Ñemby. She has been visiting for almost two years and has studied several times with Eliezer Perez. We are rejoicing with the angels for Cynthia’s new life!

Developments in the Asuncion Bible Academy
This past month we had brother Dan Owens of the Broadway church of Christ in Paducah, KY, teach a class (via the video system) on “Fundamentals”. The students loved the class and are already asking when brother Dan will be teaching again!

Our ABA student, Sebastian Garcia, preached in front of the church for the first time this past month! He preached at Ñemby and also at Avenida Sacramento. For a young, aspiring preacher, he did an outstanding job! How wonderful it is to see young people taking God ́s word seriously to heart.

Contacts / Bible Studies / Activities / Opportunities
Earlier in the month I had the opportunity to attend the weekly Bible study held in the home of Sergio and Mikaela Jara. While I have lead the study before, this time I got to observe ABA student, Sebas Garcia, guiding the study.

Andrea has started weekly studies with Rosa, Belén, Claudia, and Andrés who were formally “Learn English Using the Bible” students of Lisa and Trent Kennedy. Please keep these contacts in your prayers.

We have begun a new series of lessons on Sunday mornings titled, “Biblical Leadership: A Study about Elders, Deacons, and Church Government.” We are praying that this will help the church recognize the importance and necessity of having elders and deacons.

Troy had the opportunity one Sunday to speak at the Margaret Street church of Christ (via Skype) in Milton, Florida for their upcoming Mission Sunday contribution.

Developments at the Ñemby Iglesia de Cristo
The church has decided to stop renting the building where they were meeting because: (a) they want to save money and find a place in downtown Ñemby and (b) they learned that the building they were in has lots of bad memories for the local residents! That was why many potential visitors were not coming. So, the church has started meeting in the home of Vicente Martinez again until they find a better place to meet.

Personal Developments and Activities
Andrea has had quite a difficult time with her teeth here lately. She had to replace a broken bridge, repair a broken tooth, and get a root canal... then, because of some other issues, the bridge fell out! On top of it all, she also struggles with TMJ problems. As we say here in Paraguay, “Pobrecita”!!! We are thankful though for the excellent care she is receiving, and with all the time she’s spending with her dentist, she’s got a Bible study on the horizon.

We had a fun adventure going to Iguazu Falls in Argentina with the Kennedy family this past month. We took a bus over to Ciudad del Este, then a ferry across the river to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina then taxis to the hotel and Falls. We had a wonderful time admiring God’s marvelous handiwork and enjoying some great fellowship with each other.

I earned my Black Belt in TaeKwonDo! After almost three years of training, I was awarded a First Degree Black Belt. My Dad was here for the event, so he got to ceremonially hand my belt to me (BTW, he has also baptized me and handed me my High School diploma). I never dreamed that something I simply did for exercise would result in this achievement. It was an emotional night and I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this quality, athletic organization.

The money we use in Paraguay is quite different than what we use in the United States, mainly because it has a LOT more zeros added to every number. Things cost “in the thousands” or “in the millions” when asking for prices. Add to the confusion,there are also bills from nearby countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia. When traveling, it is not uncommon to have three or four types of bills in your wallet at one time. Here is a breakdown of what each bill is currently worth:

The Brazilian Real (pronounced “hay-ai”) comes in different sizes. 100 Reales = $71.00 USD

The Paraguayan Guarani comes in different colors and some bills are made with plastic!

100,000 Guaranies = $20.00 USD

The Argentine Peso just changed its style with an Eva Perron profile. 100 Pesos = $10.80 USD

Personal Studies: Currently Reading/Have Read:
• “A Biblical Theology of Missions” by George Peters

• “Peace Child” by Don Richardson

• “When Charity Destroys Dignity” by Glen Schwartz

• “The King James Version Debate” by D.A. Carson

• “Elders and Deacons” by JB Myers

• Current Bible reading: Judges, Job, 1 and 2 Corinthians

I also completed another class toward my Masters in Missions.

I have been studying and preparing lessons for classes I will be teaching this quarter: Acts, Judges, and The Life of Christ IV (Luke)

Upcoming Events and Activities
- October 5-9: “Continent Care Connection” in Brazil

- October 7: Andrea and Troy’s 20 Year Wedding Anniversary - October 12-16: Osvaldo Rodriguez will be teaching (via video) in the Asuncion Bible Academy

- October 19-23: Enrique Morales will be teaching (via video) in the Asuncion Bible Academy

- November 16: The Asuncion Bible Academy students will start their 4th Quarter

Would you like to help the Paraguay Mission? You can by becoming one of our Prayer Partners and praying for the work. Below are several specific items for which to pray.

For the growth of the church in Paraguay
The spiritual growth of each member
To appoint elders and deacons soon
More churches planted in other cities

For the Asuncion Bible Academy
The students and their studies
The teachers and their preparations ✓More available teachers and supporters

For missionaries Troy and Andrea

Security and safety while working in Paraguay
Successful Bible studies
More potential study contacts
Good health

“THANK YOU!” to all of our generous supporters!

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To read Troy’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

Returning To Tanzania And Getting Back To Work...

I had a wonderful trip home and I am extremely grateful to those who made it possible. I was able to be there for Levi's birthday, and for Josiah's stay in the hospital. We received wonderful news about Josiah and we praise God for answered prayers. I even got to be present for Josiah's first day of preschool. It's such a blessing to have been able to witness that milestone.

The timing of the trip made it possible to be present for Polishing the Pulpit. What a wonderful time of renewal and refreshing! This was a great opportunity to reconnect with fellow servants of God and to encourage one another. The challenging lessons presented were motivating and encouraging. Our teammates, Cy and Stephanie Stafford, presented several lessons and helped to highlight the importance of missions. I'm confident that my work will benefit from getting to participate in this event.

When the visit was over, my spirit was refreshed and ready to get back to the field. Unfortunately, with a regularly scheduled furlough coming up in 3 months, it was too expensive to bring the whole family back for such a short time. So, it was necessary to bid them farewell for a season (literally, the season of autumn). 

We did come across a rumor that we were coming home early. I'd like to put that misunderstanding to rest and assure you that we have not altered our original plans regarding the work.

About 8 hours after arriving at my home in Tanzania I was back in the classroom at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching starting the 3rd quarter with our 1st year students. This quarter I'm teaching them the book of Job. One of my favorites! It's a great reminder that God is in control and is always worthy of our trust.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!

I was also pleased to welcome a new student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He will be finishing his education with us after his previous school in Uganda had to shut down. ACSOP continues to be an asset to the Lord's church, not only in Tanzania, but to all of East Africa. 

Would you like a visit during December or early January? Contact me so that I can get you on the schedule.

Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

Providential Working Of God Adding To The Kingdom...

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is nothing, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his won labor.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-8) 

Sometimes it is very hard for us to see how God is working through human beings. We may spend a lot of time teaching and evangelizing and not see the outcome at the same time. This has been true for me and many fellow workers in the Kingdom. Wespend hours with a study and sometimes we end up thinking this class was probably not a fruitful one. Things do not work that way in God’s sight. We need to remember the only thing He sends us to do is to make disciples through the saving message (the Gospel), and He will take care of the rest. This was true for me this past week when I went to visit brother Tobias and his wife, Stella. This study was originally started by our ACSOP students who help in evangelizing the Kwa Mrombo area, as they have been assigned by the school. Tobias and his wife were from a Lutheran background. The students studied with them twice and they handed that class to me when they were going back home for their break. I followed through with the study three times and finally last week, Tobias, Stella, and Adeline (Tobias’ sister) obeyed the gospel. God is so good and He still gives the increase whenever we are working hard. 

This would not have been possible if these two students had not met them in the first place. These students would not have been at the Kwa Mrombo area if they were not sent by the ACSOP. The ACSOP would not have been able to send themwithout your great sacrifice, as you are supporting this school and her students. Thank you so very much for all that you do and mean in His Kingdom. May the Lord bless you beyond measure.

Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga,
Assistant Director
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
P.O. Box 14041,
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

The Resurrected Christ - The Hope Of A Sacrificed Life...

Dear fellow servant of God Almighty,

Greetings from Nigeria. Below is the report from the month of August 2015.

On August 1 the WBSFUW in Oyo and Osun States evangelized the Felele area of Ibadan with brother Dele Shotola and the brethren of the Felele congregation and few students of former Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE), Ibadan.

We divided ourselves into four groups and each group was led by those of us who are already a pulpit preacher. Brother Kayode Eniafe, brother Dele Shotola, brother Joseph Adeniji, and myself served as the group leaders. Though no conversion was recorded, brother Dele Shotola reported the return of two of their erring brothers on August 2, 2015 as the result of August 1 exercise.

On August 2 brother Destiny Sunday Elijah, one of our year-one students taught at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan on “Be Strong in the Lord,” (Eph. 6:10-18) and on August 23, brother Makinde Emmanuel Anuoluwapo, one of our year-two students taught on “The Gift of the Holy Spirit,” while brother Moses Abidemi Bamidele, one of our new students admonished the church at Onikokoro /Gbongudu, Ibadan on “The Fruit of the Holy Spirit,” (Gal.5:21-26).

While in Ghana, I taught at the Sarpenman 2 congregation in Accra on “The Wit’s End” (Psalm 107:27-28), while brother Emmanuel Atanji, another student of Bear Valley Bible Institute School of Graduates, Ghana-Accra admonished the church on “Why Suffering?”

On August 30, brother Tsado Jonathan taught on “The Judgment Day” at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan, while I admonished the church from Dt. 28:1-14.

From August 13-15, 2015, brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji, one of our instructors at BVBIN-Ibadan campus, worked with the Ikeja congregation with some of our students at the Lagos campus to evangelize the Ifako area of Lagos State in a three-day mass evangelism that resulted in the conversion of two souls, the restoration of one, and the planting of the Lord's church at Ifako, Lagos State, and one of the graduates of the former SWSE-Agege satellite campus named brother Emmanuel Odoh was appointed as the minister of that new congregation in Lagos State.

On August 6 and 7, I joined hundreds of brethren at this year’s annual Bible Lectureship organized by the West Nigerian Christian College, Abeokuta, Ogun State, where I taught on “The Resurrected Christ - The Hope of a Sacrificed Life.”

Brethren, we have just returned from our weekend evangelism in Osun State and by this coming Friday we will travel to work with the Ilisan congregation in Ogun State for another mass evangelism with staff and some students of BVBIN-Ibadan.

We deeply appreciate you all and we plead with you not to withdraw your moral and financial support for this great work in Nigeria. Thank you for your great contribution to help save souls from eternal condemnation. Stay blessed.  

I remain yours in His Grace as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
Director of Studies - Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria
Proprietor - Southwest Institute Butubutu, Ibadan
Minister - Church of Christ, Onikokoro / Gbongudu, Ibadan

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

News From India Demonstrates The Power Of Training Preachers...

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Ti. 3:16 -17

Dear Brethren,

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray this email finds you all well. We are thankful to our mighty God always for His great kindness and mercy through which we are dwelling in this world with a hope of eternity to dwell with Him in heaven forever and ever.

Brethren, we are thankful to our God for blessing us in the expansion of our ministry through preachers who are being sent out. ‘Furnished for all good works,’ things they have learned while going to school now they are putting into action.  As part of the schooling, our students go through some practical training program besides preaching and teaching; that is how to organize certain church related programs/activities such a conducting a Thanksgiving meeting, Memorial service, Wedding ceremony etc. Our students have been doing very commendable work in the Lord’s vineyard. We are very much encouraged by attending these programs to see how these equipped men are doing every good work.

Wedding Ceremony: We are thankful to God for blessing us to perform and participate in various programs in the northeast region of our state, Andhra Pradesh. A Christian marriage is what one always would like to attend in our society with lot of excitement. While there is nothing other than just idle watching done in other religious weddings, where as in Christian marriages there is a lot taught from the Word of God about the system of marriage, who established it and why it was established, how the wife and husband are to live together etc. Since materialism is overtaking our good traditional Indian culture now a day’s, divorce/separation has become an easy thing. It is very essential that God’s system of marriage needs to be educated more in our society; we take these occasions of Christian marriages as an advantage to proclaim this.

Preachers Fellowship @ Viswasi: We had two Preacher’s Fellowship meetings in two different places. Most of our students in Vijayanagaram district along with some preachers in that area attended these programs. We were very much uplifted by the attendance. Besides the inconvenient weather, we also praised God for blessing their efforts for the growth of the Church in this area. Brother Viswasi who is one of our graduates is working in two different places and helping with two other preachers in this area. We really witnessed a great deal of teamwork in this area. Through these meetings we help them stay united to accomplish some wonderful things for the glory of God.

New Baptisms: It has been a great blessing to witness the baptism of brother Cornelius’s family. He is one of our graduates and has been very influential in drawing people to the Church. His son, who is going to medical school, wanted to be baptized. Brother Cornelius’ wife also wanted to be baptized after several months of hesitation. Now the whole family has become a complete Christian family. John Dean held a Bible study with them before they proceeded for baptizing them. Malleswar Rao: One of our faculty has reported a couple of baptisms recently in their home congregation. Director of the school, brother Samuel Raju, has witnessed several baptisms during these two months.

Public Meetings @ SR Kavitha: Besides the dominance of the predominant religion in our country, Christianity has a ray of hope because of what it teaches. However, it sure does make a difference in the way it is being proclaimed or said. What we mean is….the way of approach makes the difference. Certainly this is what happened in one the suburbs of Visakhapatnam.  Brother S.R Kavitha, who is one of our faculty that recently joined our school, held a gospel meeting in a Hindu community. He has been preaching in this area for several years, held Bible studies, conducted personal counseling, and several charitable services, too. However, drawing several to the Lord is still a challenging task as part of reaching this community with the Good News. Their local congregation held two days of Gospel meetings where our faculty members were given opportunity to preach. The way of approach does make a difference to make these meetings more pleasing to the community here. As a result couple of families began to study the Bible with the preacher, we pray that they would come forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

New Course Material: We thank brother Jerry Bates for sending almost all the material that is required for each student in the Bear Valley International School. We downloaded this material and made them as spiral notebooks to distribute to our students, as required. Definitely this is an enhancement in the teaching material we have provided students so far. We thank brother Bob Turner for enabling us to have this material for the school; it has been a blessing to our school.

Short Course : Since the cancellation of Brother Bruce’s visit to India to teach in the school, we made some modifications to share the job of teaching the subjects Bruce wanted to teach. We are happy that our faculty were willing to share the burden.

Dear brethren, very commendable work is being done by our students. Thank you brethren for being part of this glorious Lord’s work. We thank the brethren at Lake Houston for helping with us to train our men. We do thank the elders at the Strickland Church of Christ for overseeing the school. With all your prayers and encouragement we continue to do the very best in training the men to become effective evangelists at our school.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. May God continue to bless you. We shall be coming to you with more exciting news in our following newsletter.

Greet all your family and the church family you worship with…Glory be to God..…!!

In Christ and His service

Samuel Raju Muppidi, Director
John Dean Muppidi, Dean of the School

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

House-to-House And Prison Ministry Is Producing Fruit In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We do hope you are doing fine and you are also busy with the work of the Lord in your area. Life continues here in Wotutu, Cameroon without much problem. Many are still sick, but our God is faithful. The rainy season is still on and we are still having rains many days in a week.

Last week went well in BVBIC-Wotutu, as our coordinator, minister David Ballard, finished his short-course on the book of Galatians. It was awesome for our students to benefit from such a sound teacher. He is still here and is healthy. Continue to pray for him.

His class was interactive and interesting, as our students can stand up with boldness to read the word of God aloud.

Brother David Ballard’s wife and brother Steve Marx came to Cameroon safe and sound and they are doing fine. Brother Steve came in to teach a short-course on the “Prison Epistles” while sister Nancy will be teaching the preacher’s wives and other ladies for a one day ladies seminar. Keep them and their works in your prayers.

Quarterly, all graduates of our school of preaching continue with the evangelistic spirit tapped from school. Every quarter they converge on a village and spend 4-5 days doing house-to-house evangelism. This quarter was blessed because the coordinator came and was part of the work. He stood and encouraged the evangelists to continue working for the Lord diligently and grow the church of Christ in Cameroon.

September is always the beginning of the new farming season in Wotutu. It is also the reopening of the new school year. This year we decided to take off a day to pray and fast, to arm ourselves for God’s absolute control over all that His children are doing. These prayers and fasting involved all of our congregation, as children were part of it. It was time to appreciate God, seek God’s face, along with refreshing and uplifting our spirit towards God.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. Every one that passes through us is contaminated or adopted to our spirit of evangelism. You can see our coordinator not only pointing the way, but he was on the field also  doing house-to-house reaching out to souls.

Sister Nancy was part of the Wotutu sisters class today. She will teach a ladies day and we are expecting more than 100 ladies to be part of her class. Keep the work in your prayers.

The Wotutu congregation tore down walls a few months ago to enlarge the building and to get more people inside the hall in as we worship, but it seems we have not done anything as the growth is filling up and we don’t have space again, which means the option will be tearing down additional walls. God is great and we are thankful to Him for all that He is doing here in our different ministries.

The Wotutu congregation is the seat of BVBIC-Wotutu is a place where love is shown to others and smiles are being provoked in the faces of people, what a family, the church of Christ.

Brother Steve Marx taught a class in Wotutu this morning and had a great lesson in the Buea central prison church of Christ. One of our graduates, who is resident in Wotutu, is doing the prison ministry. His preaching led to the acceptance of 6 souls who were ready to be baptized, but unfortunately water has not been running for the past 4 days, so the pool we use to do baptisms had no water to help these souls start a new life in Christ. There is power to the gospel because you need to be part of this worship. You will reflect on Paul and Silas as they sang with joy forgetting that they were in chains. This is his very first time to come to Africa here in Cameroon.

Brother David baptized sister Florentine in Muyuka, where the alumni were doing house-to-house evangelism. The work ended with 6 precious souls being added to the Lord, which means that if we had water to baptize the 6 souls in Buea prison, this week would have witnessed 12 souls obeying our Lord through His word.

After this short course, our students will travel to 21 villages to work with congregations and also to plant new ones if the Lord wills. Keep praying because your prayers as doing a lot.

Sisters in Cameroon will enjoy a one day of studying, reflecting and fellowship with sister Nancy, we shall share news and pictures about that next week Sunday.

God bless you for your love and kindness to us. If it was not for your good heart we doubt if the growth of this work would have been possible. God bless you and replenish both your physical, spiritual, and financial efforts to make things happen here in BVBIC-Wotutu. Do your best to share this report with others. God bless you and watch over you.

Elangwe and family
​By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

CBS Graduation And Nine Baptized In Assahoun Campaign...

Evangelistic activities took us to Assahoun in the Ave region of Togo. Fifteen brethren left Kpalime with the Chariot and motor bikes to join members of the Assahoun Church of Christ in a three day outreach program. Activities included: Public preaching at night, a film show, personal work in homes, along with tract distribution on the street and in the market places. At the end of the three days of activities, nine souls were added to the Assahoun Church of Christ.

Visit to Nyiveme Church
In July, I had the opportunity to preach at the Nyiveme congregation on the topic “Your 40 Days is Here” using 1 Samuel 17:4-11-16 as a text. 

The Nyiveme congregation started in 2004 and it housed the school of preaching for a couple of years. As the first congregation in Kpalime city, it has experienced significant growth, but as more congregations were planted, the Nyivemecongregation has to feed the newly plantedones with members. We had to allow members who were willing to transfer their membership to the newly established congregation in order to also create space. The leadership of the congregation is initiating steps to raise funds to construct a shed above the present auditorium.

Tsame Church of Christ Returns to Original Site
A couple of months ago when the Church of Christ wanted to purchase this very land to construct a meeting place, we couldn’t afford the price. We had to find a cheaper place on a mountain in Kpodzi. But all along we wished we had the place in Tsame on level ground. God realizing our plight, sent someone who was interested in purchasing several plots on the mountain for an industry. Since our structure was in the middle of the property the company intended to purchase, they met with the church and proposed that if the church decides to relocate, the company will not only purchase the new land but will also construct new structure for the Church. At this point, the brethren quickly went back to the Tsame land, which was still available. This was how the Tsame church came back to their original place. This is God at work. The brethren have since started worshiping in their new place and their faith has increased.

Motor Bike for CBS
A brother recently sent some funds for Togo mission in response to our call for funds to purchase a motor bike for the center. This bike will facilitate students’ visits to congregations on Sunday, visit prospects for Bible studies, and run errands on behalf of school and church. Like Oliver Twist, we are asking for more. One of such bike costs $900.00 i.e. bike and registration.

Planning 2015 Graduation Program
I am always grateful for the men around me who help in making the decision. In one picture we were in a meeting to plan the graduation program. All the men are preachers and staff members of CBS.

Visit To Beme Church
On my recent visit to Togo, I had the opportunity to travel to Beme, a 20 minute drive from Kpalime. The purpose of the visit, in the first place, was to meet the family head in Beme who donated one plot of land for the church to construct a meeting place and to pay for the documents covering the land.

Beme Church of Christ Meets Here
While there, we met some ladies who were in a Bible study with the preacher that morning. Later we heard the good news that the ladies were ready to put on Christ in baptism.

World Radio Sponsored Program
For the past few weeks, the brethren in Kpalime have been discussing the Ten Commandments. The speaker is Atah, one of the instructors at CBS. One young man responded to the gospel invitation and was baptized as a result of the radio program. The program is on air each Sunday evening from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. We wish to thank our sponsors for this great opportunity to be on air with the saving message. 

We Need Help To Develop The 25 Plots of Land for CBS
About twelve years ago, the eldership of the West Dyersburg Church of Christ helped to purchase land for CBS. For several years, all attempts to utilize this property for the intended purpose has proven futile. We have decided to organize a local fund raising initiative by inviting all the congregations in and around Kpalime for a ground breaking ceremony.

Report by
H.Willie Gley

To see Willie's report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 6, 2015 .

A Powerful And Fruitful Week...

As we make our way forward in this first quarter in Denver, freshmen students are settling into the routine and working on assignments designed to prepare them for the work of ministry. The week ahead for these students will provide them with a short break over the holiday weekend that allows them an opportunity to do the additional research required for their assignments in all six classes.

The reports from the extension locations this week are powerful. As you read through the reports, our prayer is that you are encouraged with the number of souls who were added and restored to the kingdom. From the reports this week, if the math is correct, there were 129 baptisms and 51 restorations. How can it get any more exciting than to read news of this nature? Awesome! Our God is Great!

Additionally, the school in Nigeria graduated another group of men headed into the harvest to share the good news of Jesus. The results of their outreach while in school indicates a powerful beginning. Graduation at the Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria is coupled with their annual lectureship, which this year focused on “The Mission Of The New Testament Church.”

Also, a new class of students begin their journey in Cambodia. The program at IBI in Siem Reap will implement a new curriculum specifically designed for the work in Cambodia and the challenges they face living in a Buddhist culture. Staff and students alike are excited to see the development of the curriculum, which also includes training in areas that will help in the sustainability of these students when they graduate.

One final piece of exciting news: a new school opens its doors this week in Luanshya, Zambia. Students arrived last week to begin classes and we look forward to sharing reports about the program in Zambia as it develops. The foundation is in place and students are ready to begin. Please pray for these men as this new program starts.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

The latest report Gary Fallis can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

An Influential Conversion To Be Praying About In Cameroon: One of the teachers at the Brightland Christian Academy obeyed the gospel and is a strong influence in Wotutu.

Second Semester Exams And Evangelizing French Cameroon: After completing their second semester exams, students at Mbanga are reaching out to French Cameroon with the gospel.

Preparing For A New Class In Cambodia: The morale is high and everyone in Cambodia is excited about the beginning of a new class of students and a new curriculum.

The New School In Zambia Is Set To Begin This Week: We are excited to announce the beginning of a new school in Zambia. See pictures and read about the start of this program.

13th Annual Lectureship And 12th Graduation Of SWSE, Nigeria: The moral is high as a recent lectureship and graduation promoted students into the ministry in Nigeria.

Earthquake, Landslides, And Flooding Relief In Nepal, West Bengal, And India: The relief efforts provided by the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies is a strong influence for Christ.

Final Thoughts
Concluding thoughts from such a wonderful week can only be summed up by saying “thank you.” Again, we pray you were encouraged by the information shared in this week’s report and we hope you know how much we appreciate you making it possible for us to work together in this effort. May our God be glorified.

God bless

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

Second Semester Exams And Evangelizing French Cameroon...

We are grateful to read about the graduation ceremony from BVBIN-Ibadan. We thank God for taking good care of you in your trip from the US to Ibadan and now to Wotutu. Without sufficient rest you are going to start preaching over the Radio at 5:30, then start teaching at 8:00 the book of Galatians. I wish you the best, by His grace.

We are thankful for the support team and their sacrifices, traveling thousands of miles for this mission work and back is something we really need to thank God for that big work done by His Hands.

Students went through their second semester exams successfully and are spending their third day with different congregations right now for their second field trip. They went as far as Bangante in the western region and Abang in Mboe Bakossi, the brethren with whom we discoursed with when we went like that in Tombel.

A few students went to six different congregations and from feet back they are doing great. I went with one of the students on Friday just to see how they are doing.

Brother Galis will be coming for the short-courses and we are ready for the interpretation just as it works out with brother Ballard. We are sure it will work out the same this time around.

The work of the Lord is growing rapidly and we believe even the most difficult zone in French Cameroon will become as soft as the softest part in English Cameroon were the church has some grounds. Souls are being torched with the gospel every day in our lives most especially as we go around and answer some difficult questions from the minds of the lost.

By His grace we shall keep on changing the hearts of sinful men with a sinless word of the Lord Almighty.

Remain blessed,

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

Earthquake, Landslides, And Flooding Relief In Nepal, West Bengal, And India...

Dear respected one,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

Nepal Center for Biblical Study including all our Christian brothers and sisters at Kathmandu Valley are doing well in the school, in the local congregations, and ministries.

I visited six different congregations in East Nepal, West Bengal, and Darjeeling district of India. Many houses were destroyed and people died due to heavy rain fall and mudslides in West Bengal and Darjeeling district. Nepal is suffering from the earthquake and India is having problems with landslides and flooding. Because of this reason I made immediate plans to visit those congregations and encourage our brethren spiritually and physically. I left Kathmandu on the 1st of August and returned back of the 14th of August. I took Bibles, song books, and children Bibles for classes. I used some of our earthquake fund to help immediate needs of the congregations. I shared classes in those congregations in their convenient time. People were encouraged. We built one Church hall at West Bengal and provided metal roofing sheets, blankets, and stones for a wall, and food materials in other places. Nobody died from flood and landslide. 

I had time to talk with one of the Christian family members regarding my marriage. I am going to get married to Reajina Thapa from Mirik village of Darjeeling district of West Bengal. If the Lord wills we will be married in the month of December 2015. She is faithful and dedicated Christian. Please kindly pray for me and my future marriage plans.

Thank you all of your regular prayer and support for our work in Nepal.

Brother in Christ,
Gajendra Deshar

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

An Influential Conversion To Be Praying About In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

It is always amazing for me to stay back every Sunday to make what makes news here to you who live thousands of kilometers away. Our greetings go to you and we do hope you are doing fine.

The work here continues to make progress as we go out to do what the Lord has commanded us to do. We train preachers and at the same time nurture those the Lord has put under our care, to show them and encourage them to stay on the track that leads to heaven.

Moving around weekly and sharing the bread of life to many on our way free of charge is our business. The free bread is always available, but unfortunately many don’t know it. This is why rain or sun, we must reach out with this word to hearts that are searching for it.

Last week was examination week in BVBIC-Wotutu. The students went through their exams without any major problem, except for brother Oponde Daniel who lost his father and could not make it for weekend evangelism. He was home as the eldest son to make preparations towards the funeral. The father is laid in the mortuary, as he must go through the short course first, what a faith we have here. Keep him in your prayers and his entire family.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. The four Gs are gaining ground in BVBIC-Wotutu, as we make sure the work is just as God intended it to be. You can see our students feeling free, happy, and blessed as they share the truth going house to house.

Our students continue to gain ground, as one of them, Njikeng Cyprine, officiated on the Lord’s table. Keep praying for them as they gain knowledge to serve in the near future.

Praise God our coordinator is here. He came in safe and sound to teach the book of Galatians. Wow, what a great book that our students will benefit from a good instructor. They start the short course tomorrow. Pray for their health and for knowledge to understand the work and their business here in Wotutu will be accomplished.

I was at the Bova congregation last week and two little kids saw me giving out Bibles to new converts. They moved up to me and said, “We are not up to the age to be baptized, but we really need a Bible.” I was so impressed to see their desire not just to hear the word, but to see the word of truth with their own eyes. It was amazing to me and I gave them a New Testament Bible in my bag. I will give them a complete Bible when next I visit that area.

This is what baptism can do. She smiles in the water pool after her long study with the church of Christ. She is called Franca Endoh. She has been a teacher with Brightland Christian Academy for the past 3 years. She has been studying with us being part of the devotionals and like that, she met me privately to ask some questions about the New Testament church. We show her and you would think she is getting it, but she just says, “thank you.” I just added some more knowledge to my learning. But join us to praise God that she obeyed the gospel within last week. Keep her in your prayers that her faith and devotion to God and the school will create an impact to the church here. She is very influential.

Keep our students in your prayers as they start short-courses this week. And after the short courses they will move for their third campaign of this year.

God is faithful and He can see our hearts how we are not only thankful to Him, but we are thankful to you for all that you are doing to make this work smooth. God will bless you and keep you strong. Thank you for loving the Lord and the old rugged cross. Without you and your prayers and support I personally doubt what would have happen to this work. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

13th Annual Lectureship And 12th Graduation Of SWSE, Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ,

Greetings from Nigeria. We deeply appreciate all the Lord has been doing to us here at Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan, Nigeria.

One Month Student’s Teaching Practice: 
The one month teaching practice of all the students of SWSE from July 10 through August 11, 2015 resulted in the conversion of twenty-five souls and the restoration of forty brethren.

Ghana Trip
I was privileged from August 9 through 20 to meet with a thousand of faithful and zealous brethren in Ghana. Brother Seth Larbi, delegated brother Nicholas to pick us (myself and brother Isaac Olaniyan) at Tudu motor park by 1:30 am on August 9. We left Nigeria in the early morning of August 8 (Saturday), but due to the current security challenges the whole world is experiencing, the journey of twelve hours from Nigeria took us over sixteen hours. All six checking points were mounted by heavy armed security men from Nigeria to Ghana  and from Ghana back to Nigeria.

Brethren, nothing relieves a traveler better than being received by dedicated brethren at the point of his / her arrival in a strange land. We thank God for the leadership skills of brother Seth Larbi, which resulted in our safety at Tudu Park, even though we arrived late on August 9, 2015.

From August 10 through 20, our guest speaker, brother Jerry Bates, was busy rightly dividing the Word to the students of Bear Valley Bible Institute Ghana Graduates School, Accra. The instructors of the master’s program organized by BVBI for West Africa evangelists are so powerful because their teaching is very clear, informative, inspiring, and instructive. We are now looking forward for next class in early 2016.

Southwest School of Evangelism Updated: 
In answer to our long time prayer, the SWSE is now upgraded to Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria-Ibadan as of August 27, 2015 to enable us to operate as an international school of preaching hence forth. We thank brother Doug Wheeler, brother David Ballard, brother Steven Ashcraft, brother Keith Kasarjian, and brother Bob Turner for all their efforts, which finally make these upgrades.

Annual Lectureship and Graduation: 
We just concluded our 13th Annual Bible Lectureship & 12th Graduation ceremony, which was attended by about three hundred brethren and families of graduates. The theme of this year Bible Lectureship centered on “The Mission of the New Testament Church.” I introduced the subjects followed by brother Steven Ashcraft, brother David Ballard, brother Isaac Olaniyan, brother Augustine Odoh, brother Abiodun Owolabi (President of WNCC), and lastly brother Ayobami Akanji (an elder of the Isheri-Oshun congregation, Lagos and SWSE Board members). Three thousand VOTI vol. 84 were freely distributed to all the participants from the six geographical states of Nigeria. A carton of preaching books from Mission Printing was distributed as working tools to all our BVBI certificate graduates, while the ten students here for the Diploma in Theology also went home with a package of books by deceased brother John Waddey and books from World Evangelism.

We commend brother Joel Coppinger and associates, brother Doug Wheeler and associates, the BVBI family and you all for your unflinching support and contribution toward the development of this school over the years and we promise you our best to the glory of God. May the Lord of blessing continue to bless our work together in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Yours fellow soldier of Christ,

Brother Makinde Ebens Olufemi (Director of Studies)
Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria-Ibadan

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

The New School In Zambia Is Set To Begin This Week...

Greetings from Zambia,

For the first quarter, the course list is as follows: Old Testament 1, How we got the Bible, Christian Evidences, and English as an elective.

Brother Cephas Mwamba is teaching Old Testament 1 and English.  Fred Kanangu is teaching Christian Evidences and How we got the Bible. Then brother Kennedy Mukuka will teach short-courses.

Two students did not report to begin classes, but even if they decide not to report, there is a great possibility that two other men might take their place. And we will still maintain the budget for ten students.

We have noticed that most of the prices of essential commodities have slightly gone up. For instance, the price of Mealie Meal was ZMK 70.00 and now is ZMK 78.00. Beef has gone up by ZMK 2. Cooking oil has gone up by ZMK 12. Kapenta has gone up by ZMK 5. Sugar has gone up by ZMK 3, etc.

We wrote Noel and Pearl. We really poured our humble hearts in thankfulness to them. We are very grateful and thank you!

We have so far seen a much cheaper copier going at ZMK 10,000. This can really be ideal for the work that it is suppose to do.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

Preparing For A New Class In Cambodia...

As we approach our new school year there is much preparation that's needed. From renovating the school compound to rearranging the curriculum to best meet the needs of the local Christians here. We owe a debt of gratitude to Bob Turner for helping out with our new 3 year curriculum that we are extremely excited about. We can't wait to see the result of the success of this program. 

By going to the website link below, please click on the school button to the left of the web page to see what our new program looks like! We have also revamped our school grounds with a new bridge, complete with color! The students will also each have their own desks as opposed to sharing. This year we have 9 total students confirmed, seven men and two ladies. We ask that you keep them in your prayers as we journey through God's word for the next three years together! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

This is the building that will be responsible for housing and training 9 new souls to serve God! 


To see the report with pictures of the new look of the building and bridge, please click here.

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

A Week Of Encouragement And Edification...

About 3,500 Christians from all over the United States are gathered this week in Tennessee for one of the largest lectureships in the country, Polishing the Pulpit, or as it has come to be known, PTP. Several from Denver traveled to share in this lectureship, both as lecturer and listener. Brethren will be encouraged and built up in the faith as they spend time each day digging more deeply into God’s word.

During this time, students continue their studies in Denver. The past week was a busy one for students, as they participated in a “Rapid Recharge” seminar on Tuesday and then the “His Shoes, Her Shoes” marriage seminar over the weekend. While students spend each day studying how to prepare themselves for ministry, these seminars benefit the development of each student involved. It is all part of the training process.

Students around the world also make their journey through the extension training program. The excitement witnessed in their progress is evidenced by the numerous souls added to the kingdom. This week is no exception. Reports continue to emphasize the ways God provides the increase to the planting and watering of the seed. Each report below indicates the evangelistic effort of the staff and students in changing many lives. We believe you will be encouraged as you read about the progress made. 

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

God Is Doing Something Great In Wotutu, Cameroon: This truth is seen in all the schools and this week a husband and wife obey the gospel adding to this truth in Cameroon.

Souls Obeying The Gospel And Churches Planted In Kenya: The effort put forth by staff and students at the Kenya School of Preaching is making a difference.

Committed People Working Together Toward A Common Goal: While announcing the progress of the work in Arusha, ACSOP staff express gratitude in our working together.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for another week of standing behind the work of training preachers. We can never express the depth of our appreciation enough. You make this work possible. Thank you for being the tool in God’s hands you continue to be for this work. We need you and we pray God’s greatest blessings on you for all you do in the kingdom.

God bless

Posted on August 23, 2015 .

Souls Obeying The Gospel And Churches Planted In Kenya...

Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching, we are doing well here. 

The students are headed for a four week break. We had 18 students after 2 left for personal reasons. We expect to have 20 next quarter as we begin the first quarter of the 2nd year in October.

The students did great in evangelism which resulted into 3 baptisms and several Bible studies. 

I had the opportunity to work at a gospel campaign and meeting as a preacher and teacher. We had 9 baptisms. Elias is at a gospel campaign as I write this and we know the word of God will not be in vain. 

We were blessed to have Peter Ray who taught “Foundation of Missions” and Mike Reese who taught the “Gospel according to John.” We are happy they came. 

We are thankful they addressed some immediate needs of the students, Bibles, and song books. We hope we will be able to continue meeting these needs. 

Next quarter I am teaching “Greek” and “Church history.” I love this, while Elias will teach “Romans to Galatians” and “Psalms.” 

We met some graduates who are doing great in the Kingdom. Joseph is riding his bicycle 30km one way every Sunday to preach to a young congregation that he helped to plant. Laban is working with 5 congregations teaching them to be sound. These are just to mention a few. It is wonderful that the first graduates are setting things right in the field and we pray the second class will emulate them. 

We thank you all for your prayers and support of this work. 


Charles Ogutu
Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kenya

Posted on August 23, 2015 .

Committed People Working Together Toward A Common Goal...

I hope that you are doing well in the kingdom of our Lord. Our God is so good to us here at ACSOP. On August 10, we started our third quarter for all students. There are 12 students in the first year, 15 in the second year class, and 10 in the masters program. 

Since then, the first year class learned the book of “1 Corinthians” as I taught the short-course in the first week, and “World Religions” in the second week was taught by Adam Evans. The second year students learned the books of the “Minor Prophets” as a short-course in the first week, taught by Desdery Massawe, and I taught the book “Romans” in their second week. The master’s class learned the books of “1 & 2 Timothy” in their first week, taught by Ralph Williams, and in their second week they learned “Advanced Homiletics” taught by Ralph Williams.  

The rotating Spiritual Discipline program went well last Sunday. As a part of it, I went to Kioga to teach in the Bible classes as well as in the worship. The topic was “Journaling for the Purpose of Godliness.” I was really encouraged to see about 35 men and women plus children in worship there listening to me teach that topic.

Two weeks ago I read 2 Co. 8:1-5 before the prayer for the contribution.  As I was reading, it reminded me of you, our supporters. If you don't know it by heart, please look it up and read about saints who sacrificed for the cause of Christ. Please accept our deep gratitude for all you have done to help us in this mission work. When committed people work together toward a common goal, great things happen and success is inevitable. We continue to be thankful for the privilege of working in the kingdom of God, teaching people who really desire to know and obey the Truth.

Your fellow-worker in the Kingdom,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on August 23, 2015 .

God Is Doing Something Great In Wotutu, Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope you are doing great. We keep you in our prayers and we will wish you all well. We are doing our best here and our health are better.

The rainy season is on, but for a few days now we had a weather that was not rainy. As I type this email, however, rain is up the sky in Wotutu.

The past week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. Even though some are sick, it is not severe enough that we need to send them to see the doctor. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to recover. I am in need of some medication that will continue to help me through. Students were busy doing revisions as they prepare for examinations this week.

I went on a mission trip this weekend with some students. It takes a great deal to make mission possible. We must be prepared to walk on foot long distances because of bad roads. The bad road is making mission work extremely expensive, but because we know and recognize our calling, we must go. Many are perishing in sin and need the light of the gospel to shine in their dark world. Because of this, we cannot afford to relent our efforts no matter the weather conditions or bad roads.

In Wotutu the Lord is doing something great. Last week, a couple obeyed the gospel at the same time and this week, brother Amaboh and his wife both accepted the gospel. Our students pointed out the truth to them using an umbrella to protect their Bibles.

Brother Mendel baptized brother Amaboh into Christ. Today was his first time to worship God in the New Testament pattern. He was very happy to be part and pleaded with the church to hold his hands so that he will be strong and help many come in.

Sister Florence obeyed the gospel as well. They are married for just three months. They are eager to know more about Christ. We need a copy of the Bible in their hands, which will be the tool for them to use and fight the devil, as the devil will come many times to derail them. Keep them in your prayers as their family will see their growth and love of the church and that they may come to be part of this great family.

The husband and wife obeyed the gospel and it was awesome to see both of them having the same mind to follow the Lord.

Idenau mission was postponed because of the very bad weather to take students a virgin land like that.

Keep our students in your prayers as they start exams tomorrow. Next week, they will start short-courses on “Galatians” and the “Prison Epistles.” Keep praying for the instructors who will come and teach these books in your prayers.

Keep Brightland Christian Academy in your prayers as they start a new school year on the 7th of September. Brightland Christian is doing well.

Many thanks from our hearts for your love and deep concern over the work here. God bless you and replenish what you took to make sure this work is smooth. We continue to use our words because when we look around we do not have anything to pay you back. We know our God will reward you as He rewarded other faithful servants in times past and the time to come.

Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 23, 2015 .