A Powerful And Fruitful Week...

As we make our way forward in this first quarter in Denver, freshmen students are settling into the routine and working on assignments designed to prepare them for the work of ministry. The week ahead for these students will provide them with a short break over the holiday weekend that allows them an opportunity to do the additional research required for their assignments in all six classes.

The reports from the extension locations this week are powerful. As you read through the reports, our prayer is that you are encouraged with the number of souls who were added and restored to the kingdom. From the reports this week, if the math is correct, there were 129 baptisms and 51 restorations. How can it get any more exciting than to read news of this nature? Awesome! Our God is Great!

Additionally, the school in Nigeria graduated another group of men headed into the harvest to share the good news of Jesus. The results of their outreach while in school indicates a powerful beginning. Graduation at the Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria is coupled with their annual lectureship, which this year focused on “The Mission Of The New Testament Church.”

Also, a new class of students begin their journey in Cambodia. The program at IBI in Siem Reap will implement a new curriculum specifically designed for the work in Cambodia and the challenges they face living in a Buddhist culture. Staff and students alike are excited to see the development of the curriculum, which also includes training in areas that will help in the sustainability of these students when they graduate.

One final piece of exciting news: a new school opens its doors this week in Luanshya, Zambia. Students arrived last week to begin classes and we look forward to sharing reports about the program in Zambia as it develops. The foundation is in place and students are ready to begin. Please pray for these men as this new program starts.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson can be read by clicking here.

The latest report Gary Fallis can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

An Influential Conversion To Be Praying About In Cameroon: One of the teachers at the Brightland Christian Academy obeyed the gospel and is a strong influence in Wotutu.

Second Semester Exams And Evangelizing French Cameroon: After completing their second semester exams, students at Mbanga are reaching out to French Cameroon with the gospel.

Preparing For A New Class In Cambodia: The morale is high and everyone in Cambodia is excited about the beginning of a new class of students and a new curriculum.

The New School In Zambia Is Set To Begin This Week: We are excited to announce the beginning of a new school in Zambia. See pictures and read about the start of this program.

13th Annual Lectureship And 12th Graduation Of SWSE, Nigeria: The moral is high as a recent lectureship and graduation promoted students into the ministry in Nigeria.

Earthquake, Landslides, And Flooding Relief In Nepal, West Bengal, And India: The relief efforts provided by the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies is a strong influence for Christ.

Final Thoughts
Concluding thoughts from such a wonderful week can only be summed up by saying “thank you.” Again, we pray you were encouraged by the information shared in this week’s report and we hope you know how much we appreciate you making it possible for us to work together in this effort. May our God be glorified.

God bless

Posted on August 30, 2015 .