Souls Obeying The Gospel And Churches Planted In Kenya...

Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching, we are doing well here. 

The students are headed for a four week break. We had 18 students after 2 left for personal reasons. We expect to have 20 next quarter as we begin the first quarter of the 2nd year in October.

The students did great in evangelism which resulted into 3 baptisms and several Bible studies. 

I had the opportunity to work at a gospel campaign and meeting as a preacher and teacher. We had 9 baptisms. Elias is at a gospel campaign as I write this and we know the word of God will not be in vain. 

We were blessed to have Peter Ray who taught “Foundation of Missions” and Mike Reese who taught the “Gospel according to John.” We are happy they came. 

We are thankful they addressed some immediate needs of the students, Bibles, and song books. We hope we will be able to continue meeting these needs. 

Next quarter I am teaching “Greek” and “Church history.” I love this, while Elias will teach “Romans to Galatians” and “Psalms.” 

We met some graduates who are doing great in the Kingdom. Joseph is riding his bicycle 30km one way every Sunday to preach to a young congregation that he helped to plant. Laban is working with 5 congregations teaching them to be sound. These are just to mention a few. It is wonderful that the first graduates are setting things right in the field and we pray the second class will emulate them. 

We thank you all for your prayers and support of this work. 


Charles Ogutu
Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kenya

Posted on August 23, 2015 .