Annual Staff Retreat Encourages Growth...

Sunday concluded our 10th Annual Staff Retreat for the Denver and Extension staff. The three days we were together was filled with reports about the work. We heard information about the development of each school from last year to now, as well as, plans for the year ahead. Additionally, we learned about the development of new schools in the program that will expand the work into new areas around the world. 

Time over the weekend was also given to meeting about specific areas of the work that needed to be addressed. The growth of the program introduces nuances that can raise complexity to the work that needs to “ironed” out. The elders from the Bear Valley congregation attended this event and afforded us the opportunity to gain insight from their wisdom and oversight as we resolved issues that arise in the work.

The time we shared together was rich, encouraging, exciting, and fruitful. As everyone travels home, we would appreciate your prayers on behalf of those who travel and for the continued development of the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International. Moving forward into the months ahead, we look forward with anticipation to see how God will continue to bless our efforts to His glory.

You will find numerous reports below that share news from around the world. These reports are filled with one reason after another as to why this work is so vital in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Training these students to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord is just one step we are privileged to share in as they go into all the world. We hope you are as encouraged by this news as we are in sharing it with you.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

House-to-House And Prison Ministry Is Producing Fruit In Cameroon: The work of students and graduates in campaign efforts yield fruit that is preparing souls for eternity.

The Church Grows, The School Expands, And Prayers Are Needed: The program of study in Paraguay continues to see the development of the church and school. 

CBS Graduation And Nine Baptized In Assahoun Campaign: The recent graduation in Togo, coupled with a campaign, indicates the fruitful fields surrounding Kpalime.

News From India Demonstrates The Power Of Training Preachers: Men who are trained in India continue to show how the power of the gospel preached reaches souls for Christ.

The Resurrected Christ - The Hope Of A Sacrificed Life: This topic was one of the lessons heading up recent sermons for congregations in Nigeria.

Providential Working Of God Adding To The Kingdom: The report from the staff at ACSOP shows the nature of God’s providence in bringing souls to Christ in the work.

Returning To Tanzania And Getting Back To Work: Daniel Gaines returned to Tanzania and after landing went right to work in continuing the development of preacher training.

Final Thoughts
A major thank you to each of the extension and Denver staff for a powerful weekend of reports and meetings. The results continue to encourage and excite all of us in moving into the future of this work. Also, we thank all of you who make this work possible. Your support, prayers, encouragement, and guidance strengthen the cause for which we serve. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on September 6, 2015 .