Committed People Working Together Toward A Common Goal...

I hope that you are doing well in the kingdom of our Lord. Our God is so good to us here at ACSOP. On August 10, we started our third quarter for all students. There are 12 students in the first year, 15 in the second year class, and 10 in the masters program. 

Since then, the first year class learned the book of “1 Corinthians” as I taught the short-course in the first week, and “World Religions” in the second week was taught by Adam Evans. The second year students learned the books of the “Minor Prophets” as a short-course in the first week, taught by Desdery Massawe, and I taught the book “Romans” in their second week. The master’s class learned the books of “1 & 2 Timothy” in their first week, taught by Ralph Williams, and in their second week they learned “Advanced Homiletics” taught by Ralph Williams.  

The rotating Spiritual Discipline program went well last Sunday. As a part of it, I went to Kioga to teach in the Bible classes as well as in the worship. The topic was “Journaling for the Purpose of Godliness.” I was really encouraged to see about 35 men and women plus children in worship there listening to me teach that topic.

Two weeks ago I read 2 Co. 8:1-5 before the prayer for the contribution.  As I was reading, it reminded me of you, our supporters. If you don't know it by heart, please look it up and read about saints who sacrificed for the cause of Christ. Please accept our deep gratitude for all you have done to help us in this mission work. When committed people work together toward a common goal, great things happen and success is inevitable. We continue to be thankful for the privilege of working in the kingdom of God, teaching people who really desire to know and obey the Truth.

Your fellow-worker in the Kingdom,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on August 23, 2015 .