A Busy Week In Extension Training...

This has been a very busy week. We have a number of great reports to share with all the activities within the various schools around the world. I love the way the reports come in and the edifying nature of the work being done by so many. The sacrifices continually being made by faithful men and women of God provides such a great example for all of us in our efforts to serve the Lord.

Sheryl and I are returning to Denver and should be home safely by the time you get this report, Lord willing. It has been a fruitful trip and one that allowed us to check on my dad, who recently had a heart procedure; visit with Sheryl’s mother, who recently had hip replacement surgery; and be with my brother, who also had hip replacement surgery. I am glad to report they are all doing well. My brother, whose surgery was Friday, will be recovering for several weeks ahead. I know he would appreciate your prayers.

Our God is truly amazing. The way He has kept us safe in our travels, blessed our family during several trials in their lives, and provided opportunity for us to speak about the work with several congregations, deserves our deepest gratitude.

I was also privileged to learn about a new book I am presently reading. Thus far, the book has provided some wonderful insight to how our efforts need to be evaluated in helping others. Once I have finished the book, I will pass along the title and, perhaps, a little more information. I want to make sure the application is going to measure up to the initial few chapters. I will say it has been worth the time and money to read so far.

Now on to the reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Wes Autrey, coordinator for the work in Cambodia, sent a report with a good summary of events surrounding the development of the church and school in Cambodia. Click here to view it.

Steven Ashcraft, who serves as coordinator for the schools in Ghana and Togo, provided the following report. Click here to view it.

Extension Reports 

Cameroon Celebrates 50 Years Independence: Recent opportunities at a 50 Year Celebration in Cameroon provided fruitful for the work of the Cameroon Bible Institute.

The Church Is Growing Strong: The report from Uganda shows the development of the Lord’s church. The work is growing.

Challenges Of Training In An IT World: The work in Northern India can be challenging, as the IT world influences the cities of India as well.

Teachers At IBISR: Visiting teachers for short courses at the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap are making a great different with students.

Developing Measures At CBS: At times, disciplinary actions must be taken to keep schools developing as needed. In Togo, these actions serve the right purpose.

Off The Map Centres: The Chimala Bible Institute is expanding in great ways to evangelize in southern Tanzania.

Go, And Don’t Come Back: Numerous challenges face those working in other countries. This account is a powerful story in one woman’s journey to Christianity.

The Pilot School At Chapel Hill: Bear Valley is privileged to work with a congregation in Cape Coast, Ghana in an effort to strengthen the church and train men to preach. 

Final Thoughts
Thank you for your prayers while we were traveling, and for your prayers on behalf of our family. We are blessed to have you as part of our lives and family. God has blessed us far beyond what we deserve and we are thankful.

I pray you have a marvelous week. Until next time...

God bless

Posted on February 19, 2012 .