Teachers At IBISR...

After sending Joe back to America we had another brother in Christ from the states, Daniel Hamm, come to teach a short course on the book of Jude. He has taught here before in August of 2011 on the subject of Evangelism and was impressed with the school and work that he decided to come again for two weeks and share his bible knowledge with the staff and students of IBISR. We are always grateful to have volunteers to come and be a part of the work of Christ here. Of course, we don't just allow anybody to come and teach at the school. The Bible teaches us to tests every spirit to see whether they be of God (1 Jn 4:1) and I always encourage the students and staff to be like the brethren in Berea who searches the Scriptures daily to see whether the things being taught are according to word of God (Acts 17:11). We thank Daniel and his wife Kathy for sacrificing their time and money to sow and water God's crops in Cambodia! Please keep the work here in your prayers.


Posted on February 19, 2012 .