Cameroon Celebrates 50 Years Independence...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept warm greetings from the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation and many brethren in the body of Christ here in Cameroon. God is great as we have started having rains, meaning that we are drifting now toward the rainy season. Many of our members have started preparing their farms for the planting season that will soon start. Keep them in your prayers.

A cross section of our students marched pass the divisional officer of the Southwest region during the celebration ceremony of 50th years of our independence. Our school was the lone Institution of higher learning that was there. We raised our Thompson chain reference Bibles thanks to the donation of Bible Literature Of Africa. Brother Emosby gave other good materials for the students individual development. We spent time after the march past to share the gospel to many in the ceremony. Many were happy to see us, as they only listen to us through the PA system far away in their villages.

I am sorry for the breakdown of internet last week in limbe city which made it impossible for me to share my normal report.

Both weeks were great as we continue the studying, planting and watering of seeds here in CBIW. God is blessing our efforts all to the glory to His name.

Our search for lost souls continues again as the two students, brother Innocent and brother Ngoe Nelson were assigned to go to Bakassi for revival of the congregation there. It was successful but more human resources are needed there. Keep the work in your prayers.

There was a good number present as the Bakassi congregation revived. Bakassi was the disputed area between Cameroon and Nigeria, but now peace has returned on the island and we are happy that we are set to go with the gospel of Christ to help many come over to the Lord and be savesd. The work is a great work. Keep it in your prayers.

Our Mondoni mission is growing well, as we continue to send two CBIW students on weekend evangelism. Brother Eddie Samuel baptized our new sister, Comfort, into to Christ. The brothers continue to appreciate the efforts of CBIW to continue to come and help them till December after graduation when a brother will go and remain permanently. Keep the work in your prayers.

A total of three new precious souls (pictured below right) worshipped today for their first time in the Mondoni congregation after their baptism. More human resources are still needed. Keep the work in your prayers.

The Tole , Nake  and Kwa-kwa villages were equally touched this weekend by our students. The wind of revival is blowing across Cameroon. CBIW has come to stay and will help accomplish God’s will.

The Batoke village mission work is still pending and we plan to make it this March for our next campaign. Many more letters of demands for students to come over are coming into my office daily. Some congregations have started applying for a permanent preacher to their congregations when we shall graduate our alpha batch come December 20th. Please keep our work in your prayers that all goes on well.

Keep all the students in your prayers as they shall commence their first quarter exams the 28th of February.

Keep all our endeavors in your prayers. We shall travel this 23rd to 26th of February to Malende village for another campaign with all the students and some members for the Wotutu congregation.Keep the work in your prayers that God’s will be done.

On behalf of all the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation, I say thank you for all your concern, deep love for the work here, your fervent prayers and your support.God alone will bless you and your entire family and the congregation in which you belong. Do us another favor by sharing this report with many around you who may love to be part of this soul winning team. As we continue to pray for a van to come our way for easy and convenient transportation to and from campaign sites. God bless and watch over you and all that you do.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on February 19, 2012 .