Challenges Of Training In An IT World...

Brothers and Sisters, prayer companions and all our well wishers,

We are all ready to host the 6th North India Preachers’ lectureship. With the coming of this week we are so much excited to have the wonderful fellowship of the preachers from almost all over India. Prior to this Lectureship we had no communication with each other and it seemed to many as if there is no congregation of the Lord's Church in the Northern India. Now we have people here from Chandigarh, Punjab, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Delhi, UP, MP, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chennai (10) states, 1 Union Territory and 3 Metros. It shows that taking from the national capital (Delhi), the financial capital (Mumbai), in the Northern parts of India the Church is showing its presence and it cannot be said that these are the neglected states now. Our Lord has died for the people of these states and He has entrusted us the burden to take his commission to the utmost parts of the world. 

From the States this time, we have brother Russell G. Bell, Topeka, KS. He has been with us from the beginning of this ministry. Brother Bobby Peyton, TN, has also been continuing for the several years and this year he is bringing his wife sister Ruth along with him. Brother Jerry Bates, MS and brother Dennis are also joining this time and we are grateful for them. 

We still miss many of our good brothers from various states. People of adjoining states viz., Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir and West Bengal are also in our prayers to join us so that they may also join us with in the mission field.

Last year we started a ladies' meeting in the Park outside the lecture (in Public place) hall, thinking that the Preachers' wives' should also be take benefit in this lectureship, be taught separately. This year we are being blessed to have sister Ruth Peyton to teach the ladies' class. Sister Benu will assist her in telling her experience with the truth and the joy of sharing it. 

This lectureship is a part of our training and helping to grow each other, sharing our experiences and encouraging one another this way. 

This lectureship will go for two days in which Indian and American preachers will be asked to speak. The Theme of this year is the 1 Epistle of John. Brother Earnest Gill, brother. Francis David, brother Vinay David, brother Peter Singh, brother Rajendra Chhappani, brother S. Sharnappa are the Indian speakers this year. American speakers: Brother Russell G. Bell, brother Bobby Peyton, brother Dennis, and brother Jerry Bates.

The more joyous and fruitful part is the graduation Ceremony of the North India Bible College. It gives us joy that we have been able to train these people for long 2 years. But at the same time it saddens us when we see the challenges they face in the field. The past few weeks were very tough as Small Pox had spread in the hostel. Brother Rajesh and brother Rinku were affected. Saturday evening Mahananda (students)'s purse was snatched as they were going from our house to the hostel, late evening. She lost her purse. 

It is a tough job to train a man for the service in this IT world. In the developing country like India (especially North), where the Church has its presence in very few places, the Bible College is doing what it can do in increasing the borders of the kingdom. The task of a preparing a preacher is hard, but the work of the School remains undone if that preacher is not used fully for that particular job. When he goes home, he does not find the Church established, rather faces many challenges from the denominations and sometimes are discouraged. They find it hard to find a job as they have spent 2 years of their time here and know the preaching but not the secular work. As Paul rightly said by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "How will they preach unless they are sent?" I believe that they must be sent. Once they go home and are indulged in the matters of the world, we find it difficult to locate them. I trust that we have trained many good people who are faithful to the Lord, but it becomes difficult for them to stand in the ministerial work because of their financial responsibilities at home. I pray that if they are helped by some congregation or some faithful brother with a small amount of about $50 per month it will be great boost for them as they can do some secular work also. 

This time we are graduating 5 students, viz., brother Rinku (Orissa), brother Baidyanath (Bihar), brother Naresh Marandi (Bihar), brother Kirtan Chhatria (Orissa), and Mahananda (Maharashtra).

At the same time we are also preparing ourselves for the next batch. We will continue from the first week of March the next session. 

Thank you for your prayers and support and we always lift you in our prayers to the throne of grace.

For Christ

Posted on February 19, 2012 .