Tamale Makes Changes For The New Class...

Activities are going on as schedule at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.

The courses being taught for this quarter are as follows:

Baah  Okyere Joseph          Worship

Daniel Agyei Mensah          New Testament Church      

Jaminja  Ndakar                 Old Testament

Steven Ashcraft                  Bible Geography

Steven Ashcraft                  James

Steven Ashcraft, Coordinator, arrived in Tamale on the 20th January, 2012 to honor his part of the Institute’s schedule and completed on the 9th February, 2012. During his presence in Tamale, he also held a meeting with the local Board of Directors to discuss matters of great importance to the development of the Institute. Prominent among the issues was the continuation of the Institute’s building which is in completion stage. Plans are set for plastering and fixing of window frames.

Another important issue discussed at the meeting was the inability of the Bomso Church of Christ Health Team to continue with the teaching of the Primary Health Care Course. The course was arranged for the students to offer them knowledge and skill in primary health care with which they could offer services to their communities for some financial gains to supplement their support.

This means this present batch of students would not have the privilege of acquiring knowledge in Primary Health Care. In place of the study in health care, management is working out for some other courses which could serve the same purpose of income generation. The courses being sought for include any of the vocational/technical courses or a course in community development. Efforts are being put up to obtain the needed financial and human resources for the implementation of the plan. It is our prayer and hope that Donors and Sponsors of Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies will consider this very important.

Hopefully in July, 2012 Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies will be blessed with the presence of brother Tony Johnson and other brethren from the States. Their presence in the Institute will definitely boost the morale of staff and also provide students with yet other seasoned teachers of the scripture to enhance their knowledge. Management and Staff of Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies therefore pray that Almighty God will protect and bless their efforts and wishes.

The Lord God was with two of the students, namely, Kwame Lot and Moses Anapak in their evangelistic campaign during the quarter. These student travelled to Kpatinga near Bimbilla  to preach the gospel. Through their effort twelve people offered themselves for baptism into the Lord’s Kingdom.

Those who baptized on that day are as follows:

  1. Paul Seidu
  2. Moses Bilur
  3. Jacob Bilur
  4. David Fugmanyu
  5. Alex Lamandi
  6. Julie N- Jiche
  7. Comfort Jagri
  8. Lydia Jagri
  9. Sarah Monan
  10. Esther Jobal
  11. Elijah Bilur
  12. Timothy Bilur

The Institute is making plans to send the entire student body to Kpatin.

Baah Okyere Joseph

Posted on February 26, 2012 .