Sharing the news about Extension Training with others keeps me excited about the work. I love seeing the encouragement it brings to others and I am encouraged by the willingness of so many great people to get involved in the future of the work.
So far, during July, I have been given opportunity to visit with several congregations about the work we are doing through Extension Training. I cannot put into words how edifying it has been for Sheryl and me to be with those of like mind.
Please consider how you can be involved in making a difference by fulfilling the Great Commission through Extension Training. There are a number of levels where you are needed. First, we need your prayers. I do not want this idea to ever seem trite, or as if it is the “least” we can do. It is the most important step needed in the success of this work. I thank you for your prayers and plead with you to be praying everyday. Pray for the students, instructors, coordinators, and the various needs within each location.
Second, we need teachers. Every year there are numerous classes being taught around the world as “short courses.” These classes go for two weeks, one class each week. We have a number of subjects and 15 locations to choose from. If you are interested in helping out in this way, please send me an e-mail and we can begin discussing the possibilities.
Third, we need promoters. Each of you receiving this letter can forward it to others. Please share the news about the Extension Training program with others you know. I have seen the way God can powerful work through someone else, once they were informed to the need. God works providentially in ways we cannot imagine and sometimes it was by simply forwarding an e-mail.
Fourth, we need financial assistance. It is the most challenging part of this work. There are monthly and one time needs. If you are interested in supporting a student or helping buy any of the various “one-time” needs within a school, again, drop me a line and I will be glad to give you some of the specific items needed.
Thank you for your consideration of the various ways you can help in this program. If you would like to know more about any one of these areas, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you and discussing how you can get involved in making the difference in the lives of others.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Gary and Sarah Fallis recently returned from Cambodia. They were involved in the work of the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap, as well as, working with the local congregations. Gary’s report includes an article from Phanat Ouch (director of the IBISR) and his wife, Sarah, about the work she did with the women.
Extension Reports
Making Your Calling Sure: The work in Cameroon focuses on helping the students have reassurance, but it also involves continually evangelizing others with the message of Jesus.
Plans For Growth In Takoradi: Steps are being taken to help the West Coast School of Preaching with physical needs of the school and the development of the students.
Numerical Growth Through Campaigns: Cesar shares great news about the recent increase God provided in two campaigns.
Visitors In Nepal: July saw a few visitors from Texas working with the school in Nepal and helping in the work.
Successful Program In Togo Graduation: Willie Gley provided us with a report about the recent graduation in Togo.
Developments In Uganda: Several areas continue to develop with the work in Busia, Uganda. Francis Wechesa shares the events from the past week.
Thank You For Making A Difference In Tanzania: The Safari for Souls Campaign in Arusha is yielding fruit for the Lord.
Exciting News In Arusha, Tanzania: The Gee report talks about the growth of the church in Arusha. It is worth reading.
Final Thoughts
Each report this week continues to demonstrate the difference being made around the world through the Extension Program. The reports are exciting and God is being glorified through the work. I am constantly amazed at the growth God is giving to efforts of so many.
I hope you all know how important your role is in the development and growth of this work. Cy Stafford said it best when he wrote; “thank you for making a difference.” You truly are making an eternal difference in the lives of so many folks around the world. Thank you.
God bless