Exciting News In Arusha, Tanzania...

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

We rejoice this week because so many were baptized into Christ…and we don’t think we know about everyone! However, we will tell you what we know. First of all, a lady named Dorisi visited the Ladies’ Wednesday night Bible class. She was not a friend or relative of any members but attended out of curiosity (she had noticed many neighbors coming to services). After studying with Brian Horner on Thursday, she became a New Testament Christian. You should have seen her big smile this morning when she joined the ladies class. Jane’s (new Christian from last week) neighbor, Miriam, also became a Christian. Among the visitors in class was the niece of new sister Helen (too weak to attend). “Thankfulness’ was our topic of study this morning.

We are super-excited that Lembris’ brother (Isaac) and sister-in-law (next-door neighbors) were taught and baptized! To appreciate their conversion more, some background information is necessary. Shortly after Lembris and wife, Rosemary, became Christians, Rosemary spent time in jail due to an argument between her and the sister-in-law concerning the ownership of a cow. Out of anger, Rosemary had struck her sister-in-law and injured her. Since then, Rosemary would tell the Bible class of the problems continuing between them. We would then pray for peace between them. Once, when Ahimidiwe went to Rosemary’s house for a follow-up study, the sister-in-law said that we were bad people because they studied with Rosemary but not with her and her family. So now you know “the rest of the story.” Lembris asked for prayers that his family could have peace and not quarrel.

Last week 3 ladies volunteered to continue studying with some ladies Trina had begun teaching but was unable to finish (due to not having a translator). We received a report back from Ludevica (Ahimidiwe’s wife) who studied with Joyce (Janet’s sister). Joyce (married with a one-month old) says she is ready to be baptized but, when she asked her father, he said he would not allow it due to her baby’s young age. Joyce says she will be baptized in about 9 months. We know this makes no sense to you (and not to us either). We do know that for some reason, even after a woman is married, that her father still seems to have undue power and influence over her. It is possible that she is using this as an excuse but we hear similar reasons quite often. We suggested that Ludevica continue to teach her about heaven, hell and the uncertainty of life.

This week begins the campaign at Kisongo (also sister congregations are coming to help). The women will be cooking three meals a day for all the workers (setting up/conducting Bible studies and spreading the news about the evening services each night). A Children’s Seminar (similar to VBS) will be conducted on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings by Kisongo ladies, Jessica Smith (visitor), Trina and Abigail.

Tom Watkins and Terry Wall arrived this past week to work in the Longido area. We are very happy to have these two men from Zachary, LA where we spent 2 years with the church there and formed close friendships with many. PLEASE remember the people listed in this report in prayer. We truly believe that the conversion of Lembris’ brother and sister-in-law was the direct result of so many prayers. Thank you for everything! 

Until All Have Heard,  
Jimmy, Trina and family

Posted on July 17, 2011 .