Respected brothers in Christ...
Holy greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the grace of God, love and peace always be with you.
We have good brothers visit us from Texas in the month of July (3rd to 15th, 2011). We had Don Prather, sister Janie Prather, and Art Gibson. Brother Don took five days for special classes on the first week for our students on “Work of Evangelism” and “Personal Work of an Evangelist.” We have invited thirty guest preachers from out of Kathmandu Valley to participate on Don’s classes for the second week. His topic was “How To Study The Bible.” He used a general method of study by reading scriptures, then talking with others and again reading with a loud voice and making a list of the statements and derive main points for practical lessons. Our guest preachers were amazed with his new method of Bible Study. All participants were nourished and encouraged by his teaching. His lessons were very much useful and practical. We would like to see him next year.
Servant of Christ... Gajendra Deshar
Nepal Center for Biblical Studies