Greetings Fellow Workers;
We continue in the Lord, praying all is well and that the Lord is blessing you in such a way that it lead you to greater works to His glory. We never take for granted the many blessings we have from Him, through you. We are a blessed people to be sure, and we know the best is yet to come.
Safari for Souls - what comes to your mind when you read these words; “Safari for Souls”? Andrew Connally shared this idea with me many years ago. Based on what he said, the good seen from such efforts, and knowing this was God’s will, I too believed and have supported such efforts for the past eighteen years.
Safari for Souls - has been a major part of the Tanzania 2000 mission effort from the beginning. We know this is God’s will because He said; “go into all the world” and He has said the purpose of the “Church” was to seek and save the lost. We know it is God’s will because it is through the “preaching of the Gospel” that we are to know God, His will and know of the salvation that comes only through Christ.
Safari for Souls - is but one tool the Lord uses to edify the Saints. Volumes could be written as to the lives that have been changed by those who have had enough faith to “step out” in faith, and often stepping out of their “comfort zone” to do God’s will. We have been privileged to witness first hand many lives changed for the good, because they came and through making a difference in the lives of countless souls here in Tanzania, their lives have been changed.
Safari for Souls - Kisongo ends today with one more soul being added to the Kingdom. The follow-up continues with the other congregations and as of this writing 65 souls have given their lives to Christ through God’s Safari for Souls efforts this year. Say what you might, think as you will, but the results simply speak for themselves.
Safari for Souls - campaigners, congregations and God, we say thank you! Thank you all for the difference you have made, continue making and to God be the glory.
East Africa Gospel Meeting - will be conducted at Busia, Uganda. This effort is a direct result of the example set by the Safari for Souls efforts. Each year they rotate between Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. This is planned, supported and executed by the congregations in East Africa. Yet another example of the true Church growth we have experienced through the TZ2000 mission effort. Jimmy has been invited to speak this year on the subject of; “Marriage and Divorce” and I have been invited to speak on the subject of “The Power of the Cross.” We are both honored and excited about the opportunity and will be traveling to Uganda in three weeks to support this evangelistic effort.
We close with grateful hearts and prayers for each of you. We thank you for joining hands with us in the simple, yet profound goal, seeking and saving the lost by glorifying God by caring out His great commission.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny