Greetings Fellow Workers:
What a week the Lord has blessed us with. We pray all is well in your life of service to the Lord and in His Kingdom. Our prayers of thanksgiving are offered up on your behalf daily. We realize it is through you the Lord is allowing such grand efforts and success here in Tanzania and throughout all East Africa to be what is has been.
We are about to engage in our fifth Safari for souls campaigns of the year. The Kisongo campaign will begin tomorrow (Tuesday). This is one of many congregations the Arusha Church has planted. The Andrew Connally School of Preaching students attend and support this congregation when they are in session.
This year we went the extra mile with our supporting short term campaigners from OK, TN, AL, MS, GA and LA in making sure the pre-campaign efforts and follow-up efforts were in place and as affective as possible. The results are coming in and the numbers are reflecting a marvelous increase from our Lord. The support of our local congregations has been all we could have hoped for and even more.
To illustrate; this past week two souls were added to the Kingdom as a result of the follow up efforts at Manyire. Six souls were baptized into Christ at Kwa Mrombo. Three souls obeyed the Gospel at Kisongo as a result of the pre-campaign efforts. Tom Watkins and Terry Hall from LA worked with a new Church plant at Longido, working among the Massia people and one souls gave his life to the Lord yesterday (Sunday). On Saturday alone seven souls obeyed the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
To see all the Lord is doing through the ACSOP graduates, new Church plants, our dedicated co-laborers from the U.S. and the faithful commitment to the cause of Christ from the local Christians is all inspiring. The wonderful cooperation from Jimmy and his family as genuine team players has made all the difference in the world.
When one considers all the above, this has been truly the best of the best when is comes to summer (winter here) campaign efforts. With one campaign yet to complete, we glorify our God for the 56 souls who have already been added to the Kingdom of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Stephanie and I consider it a joy, a blessing, and a privilege to be serving here in TZ. We thank you and we thank our God for this blessing. To all our short term workers who have come, are here and are yet to arrive, we say thank you! Thanks for making a difference in the lives of countless souls and for the positive impact you have had on the Lord Church and work in Tanzania. May our God bless you beyond measure.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny